B&B INF'C3Rmikriom & ImAmE M^m^=EMENT 300 @oftoz MmotOL"m nou ^no U Pboolept MAPtLimosto, MAMY"040 Z077Z 0 USA 0 tac 1) 249-01 1 0 WESTERN PENNISYL%IANIA P,3-1 00@)41 The Western Pennsylvania July 1 application requests $739,078 to support 14 new projects. Support for program staff through 6/30/75 was included in the Region's May 1 application. Quality of Care Assurance appears to remain a top priority for this!program. Letters from CHP agencies were generally favorable, however, concern was expressed in several instances over possible duplication of effort land the lack of endorsement of proposed activities by keyTparticipants,,,the Medical Society or others. The application contains the minutes of the June 20, 1974, RAG meeting which gave final approval for activities included in this July i applications From these minutes it is evident that the CHP comment.s were considered by the RAG in its actions. EO/7/15/74 JU-T,Y Co"-,TT'-,-- Criticue: RMP Western Pennsylvania RM 00041 MAY/JUNE 1974 REVIEW Request: $1,985,273 Ohio Project: $170,285 Committee recommendation: $1,370,285 includes Ohio Project: @170,285 Overall assessment bv individual reviewers: Average Critique: This application includes continuation funding for staff and 16 ongoing projects in Western Pennsylvania area and one ongoing project in Ohio which had been-developed under the former Northeast Ohio Two-year funding is requested.for two of the Western Pennsylvania projects. The objectives of the program appear well throughout and the projects.well designed. The community involvement throughout the areas was noteworthy but the review process with area committees appeared somewhat cumbersome. ee issues concerned the Co @ ttee: the fact that the coordinator is still the University Vice-President for Health Affairs, the kidney project and the request for two years support for the kidney project, and a nursing education project. Staff was asked to clarify several- questions about the kidney projects. The C@ttee was informed that the coordirlator-diyector issue would probably be resolved this summer with the retirement of the coordinator. The RMP has always had a full-time director-and the coordinator has not received support from the grant. The Committee did not believe the two-year funding was warranted. The Committee recommends that this application be approved at a reduced level of $1,200,000 pending clarification of the kidney project issues. In addition, the Committee recommends continuation funding at the requested level of the D(lahoning-Shenango Area Health Education Center in Ohio. The latter project will be monitored by Western Pennsylvania staff. JULY/AUGUST REVIEW Estimated request as of May 1974: $65OpOOO EO/5/27/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL,- June 13-14, 1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation DRMP FUNDING DECISION - $1,302,003 (includes 170,285 for Mahoning-Shenango Area Health Educ. Center in Ohio) EO/7/2/74