B&B INFORm^,riom & ImAj3c M^M^GEMENT 300 @oftoc M=Itmz-n UOULXVAKD Upsomen Z077Z 0 USA 0 tMC'I) 39,4@1'10 ROCHESTER pNi 000 25 JUR,YJAUGUST 3.971.-. REVIEW Reference is made in this application to the modest amount ($361,437) requested and awarded in the May 1 application. This application requests support of 42 projects in the amount of $1,319,724. The 42 projects are divided into three funding levels and when added to the $361,437 awarded, would produce the following effects. First level funding would approximate present annualized amount. Second level funding would approximate 140% of preseift annualized amount. Third level funding would exceed 140% of present annualized amount. Proposals were submitted to and responses received from six CHP agencies. Review responses ran the gamut from approval, thru approval with advice and/or stipulations, to disapproval. In general, they seemed to reflect meaningful exchange between the respective agencies. A note of particular interest is that the city of Rochester has recently adopted city review of all in'coming grants and has recognized RRMP as its review agent for RMP grants. EO/7/15/74 JULY CO@,@IITTEE RECO'..2-iErDATION Critique: 0 E-4 0 z @ C-4 .4 1-4 U " 0 = 0 cri z P4 Cl) 3: :D 0 . CY) C-) fZ4 IA tn 03 N C4 0 C)r 0 co LU cn tn C4 la cn C4 m LU LLJ gq ui a co W% NO LA LLJ UJ cn cc L'Z ui cq 4'4 ui -i -i ce a C3 U. C) LL1 t- tq CD uj z L) ui LL, ac ui cn 3c ui LU t' LLJ LLJ Cc C3 ,< LL u C3 Cn 1-4 10 2: 0. a < -j tx -1 O- ce >. ui tD 0- a. u u od ui ui ul 0. u lot 0 0 O.Z@ ROCHESTER Re,qLics t: $361.431 Committcc, IILc,.Ommciiclation: Overall assessment-I)y indivdtial reviewers: Cri-tiquc: The reviewers were very impressed with this application which requests continued support for staff and two on-going projects. (Two year funding is requested for one project.) The display of goals, activities, priorities and funding was especially noted as reflecting a well-ordered The staff, Regional Advisory. program based on identified areas of need. Group and review procik@s appear outstanding. The CHP(B) is supportive. In recommending approval as requested of this application, the Committee expressed anticipation at-seeing the new proposals in the July ap lication. JULY/AUGUST REVIE14 Estimated request as of ilay 1974: $1.080.000 BO/5/27/74. NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL June 13-14, 1974 Council concurred with@Committee recommendation I)RMP FUNDIN ISION $361,437 EO/7/2774