I= I I I I I I m A 9 v B&B lmpormikriom & ImAmF- MAkmAkommEmT 300 PRINOC @st=L"n nou AWD Upoomen MARLmostot Maw %to ZD'77Z 11 USA 11 C30,11 24walso Michigan Regional medical Program PM 00053 JULY/AUGUST 19i-4 REVIEW Application: This application requests $1,232,329 for sL,pport of 21 now proposals, which the region states are a part of a coherent program which meshes with the overall program of the re ,gion and are an integral part of the overall program of the .1-tate of Michigan. CHP comments are not included in this application, and i-ere not available at the time the application was processed through the RAG. Prior to the issuance-of project contracts, MARMP Staff and 'lb" agency staff will meet with the appropriate project staff in ai, attempt to accommodate the 'lb" agency rec ndations. DEW/IOD/7-15-74 JULY CXMITM-, RECCI, FION Critique: MICIIIGAN RE-GIONAL @IEDICAL PRDGRAM RM 000,53 MAY/JLJNE 1974 REVILIV Reque.st: $3,777,341 Committee Recommendation: $2,500,000 Overall Assessment by Individual Revieivers: Average/Below Average Critique: The reviewers had great difficulty assessing the proposal submitted by the Michigan Association for Re-ional Medical Programs. Concerns were expressed regarding the change in program leadership and whether or not the current leadership is adequate. Althou,,Th the'RAG has continued to meet on,a reoular basis and at full strength, the reviewers questioned whether or not they have participated with the same degree of enthusiasm and the same critical attitude as it has in the past. The reviewers questioned the relevancy to D-@T of some of the project activities, and questioned whether the region could realistically undertake and complete the amount of activity proposed in a year's time. Of particular concern to the reviewers was the reaion's request for Z> $750,000 in DIS. T,iey felt this was a program designed to develop a comprehensive state-wide program and thus possibly in conflict with new F24S legislation. Another concern was the feasibility of funding an.' Automated Peritoneal Dialysis' Program. Concern was expressed about tEe- number of new activities and the region's ability to implement and monitor them in the time-frame left. JULY/AU(-jUST REVIEIV Estimated Request as of May 1974: $800,000 SCOB/DRW 6/6/74 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL: June 13-14, 1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation. DRW FUNDING DECISION: $2,375,425 SCOB/DRMP 7/2/74