Security Assistance

Click on the color-coded State Department regional bureaus for country-by-country information on Political-Military-administered security assistance funds. Map shows the world divided into State Department regional bureaus by colors and the Department of Defense Combatant Commands' area of responsibility delineated by line.  For print-friendly map, download PDF version.

The Western Hemisphere The Western Hemisphere Europe and Eurasia Europe and Eurasia The Near East Africa South and Central Asia East Asia and PacificClickable map shows the world divided into State Dept. regional bureas by colors and  Defense Dept. Combatant Commands area of responsibility delineated by line.

Department of Defense Unified Combatant Commands: Operational Control of the U.S. combat forces is assigned to the nation's Unified Combat Commands. A Unified Combatant Command is composed of forces from two or more services, has a broad and continuing mission, and is normally organized on a geographical basis. The number of unified combatant commands is not fixed by law or regulation and may vary from time to time. Combat commands are currently divided between six regional commands (AFRICOM, NORTHCOM, SOUTHCOM, PACOM, EUCOM, CENTCOM) and four functional commands (SOCOM, STRATCOM, TRANSCOM, JFCOM) The regional commands' areas of responsibility are shown on the map above. For more information on the Unified Combatant Commands and links to their respective websites click here.