DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY FOR APPROVAL AND FUNDING OF COMMUNITY BASED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES FEASIBILITY STUDIES June 5-6, 1972 The Council, recognizing the need for expeditious action and .flexibility in funding feasibility studies that would permit RMP6 and local areas to assess the potential and feasibility of developing community based educational activities, delegates to the Director of RMPS authority to award supplemental grants to individual Regional Medical Programs for such purposes. it is understood that (1) no local area shall receive funds for such feasibility study in excess of $50,000 (total costs), and the duration shall not exceed 12 months; (2) no single RMP shall receive funds in excess of $250,000 for such feasibility studies in any 12 month period; and (3) approval and funding of such feasibility studies by the Regions will be within such general guidelines as RMPS may establish. It is further understood that Regions will first utilize "free" Developmental Component funds, where available, and that the general policies and procedures of the individual Regional Medical Programs with respect to review, approval, and funding, including RAG concurrence, will apply.