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Asbestos Electronic Docket

We are providing PDF versions of public comments involved in the rule making process for Underground Coal Mine Ventilation — Safety Standards for the Use of a Belt Entry as an Intake Air Course To Ventilate Working Sections and Areas Where Mechanized Mining Equipment Is Being Installed or RemovedM 03-1307). Below, you will also find a list commenters. There are links to each of the files as well. Once you have opened a document, you may text search that particular document using the tools provided by Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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Underground Coal Mine Ventilation — Safety Standards for the Use of a Belt Entry as an Intake Air Course To Ventilate Working Sections and Areas Where Mechanized Mining Equipment Is Being Installed or Removed
(RIN 1219-AA76)

File Commenter Date Received
AA76-COMM-1 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 03/12/2003

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 03/27/2003
AA76-COMM-3 RAG American Coal Holding, Inc. 03/27/2003
AA76-COMM-Late-1 United Mine Workers of America 04/10/2003

Hearing Submissions
AA76-Hear-1 Washington, PA Hearing
AA76-Hear-2 Grand Junction, CO Hearing
AA76-Hear-3 Birmingham, AL Hearing
AA76-Hear-4 Birmingham, AL Hearing

Underground Coal Mine Ventilation — Safety Standards for the Use of a Belt Entry as an Intake Air Course To Ventilate Working Sections and Areas Where Mechanized Mining Equipment Is Being Installed or Removed
(RIN 1219-AA76)

File Commenter Date Received
AA76-PHC-100 Jim Walter Resources, Inc. 05/06/2003
AA76-PHC-101 A. Bill Olsen, Mountain Coal 05/16/2003
AA76-PHC-102 Kevin Tuttle,
Manager of Health, Safety and Training
Deer Creek Mine 42-00121
AA76-PHC-103 Joseph A. Lamonica
Bituminous Coal Operators’ Association
Bruce Watzman
National Mining Association
AA76-PHC-104 Dwight Cagle et al 06/30/2003
AA76-PHC-105 Kenneth E. May
Canyon Fuel Company, LLC
AA76-PHC-106 Joseph A. Main, UMWA,
Administrator, Occupational Health and Safety

For a listing of Transcripts of Public Hearings for this rule use this link.

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