Asbestos Electronic Docket

We are providing PDF versions of public comments involved in the rule making process for 30 CFR Part 57 Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure of Underground Metal and Nonmetal Miners FedReg Doc. 03-20190 published August 14, 2003.

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Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure of Underground
Metal and Nonmetal Miners
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(RIN 1219-AB29)

File Commenter Date Received
AB29-Comm-19 Thomas O. McGarity
Center for Progressive Regulation
AB29-Comm-20 Stillwater Mining Company 10/09/2003
AB29-Comm-21 McCarthy-Bush Corporation on behalf of
Linwood Mining & Minerals
AB29-Comm-22 Hinkle Contracting Corporation 10/10/2003
AB29-Comm-23 Franklin Industrial Minerals 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-24 SPCS 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-25 Kerford Limestone Co. 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-26 Jonathan Borak & Co., Inc. 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-27 Peter Galvin 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-28 NSSGA 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-29 Hanson Aggregates 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-30 Rentar Environmental Solutions, Inc. 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-31 United Mine Workers of America 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-32 Morton International 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-33 Springfield Underground 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-34 Queenstake Resources, USA, Inc. 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-35 National Mining Association 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-36 Getchell Gold Corp./Placer Dome America 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-37 Public Citizen 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-38 Kennecott 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-39 Eula Bingham, Ph.D., et al. 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-40 Methane Awareness Resource Group (MARG) 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-41 MARG/NMA/NSSGA 10/14/2003
AB29-Comm-55 Michael J. Wright
Director of Health, Safety and Environment
United Steelworkers of America AFL-CIO.CLC
October 7, 2003
(posted April 7, 2004)
AB29-COMM-LATE-1 Peter Infante, DDS, DrPH 10/16/2003
AB29-COMM-LATE-2 Sierra Minerals Corporation 10/23/2003

Limited Re-opening of Record
February 20, 2004 to April 5, 2004

AB29-Comm-42 Peter Galvin 03/15/2004
AB29-Comm-43 Bruce Watzman
The National Mining Association (NMA)
AB29-Comm-44 Fred Fox
on behalf of the Green Creek Mine
Juneau, AK
AB29-Comm-45 Wes Leavitt, CIH
Newmont Mining Company
AB29-Comm-46 Stillwater Mining Company 04/05/2004
AB29-Comm-47 FMC Corporation 04/05/2004
AB29-Comm-48 Henry Chajet, MARG Counsel 04/05/2004
AB29-Comm-48A(Corrected Copy) Henry Chajet, MARG Counsel 04/13/2004
AB29-Comm-49 James Sharpe, M.Ed., M.S., CIH
Vice President, Safety & Health Services
Brandon L. Viars, M.S.
Director, Environment, Safety & Health Services
The National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association
AB29-Comm-50 H. John Head, P.E.
Senior Principal Engineer
MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
AB29-Comm-51 Laura E. Beverage
Anne T. Nichting
Counsel for Placer Turquoise Ridge, Inc.
AB29-Comm-52 Jonathan M. Brown, Director, Environmental & Regulatory Affairs
on behalf of the Nevada Mining Association
AB29-Comm-53 Michael Sprinker, CIH, Director
on behalf of the International Chemical Worker Union Council of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union
AB29-Comm-54 Michael J. Wright
Director of Health, Safety and Environment
United Steelworkers of America
AB29-Comm-56 Gene Davis
Pennsylvania, Technical Advisory Committee
on Diesel Powered Equipment

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