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Sealing of Abandoned Areas - Final Rule  Electronic Docket

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Mine Rescue Teams; Proposed rule; notice of public hearings; close of comment period.
30 CFR Parts 49 and 75

FedReg Doc. 07-4317 - Published September 6, 2007

The comment period for this proposed rule closes November 16, 2007

File Commenter Date Received
AB53-COMM-01 Riki Tahau, Principle Consultant, Australian Institute of Mine Rescue 09/25/2007
AB53-COMM-02 Randy G. Duncan, Patriot Coal 10/29/2007
AB53-COMM-03 Harry Lovely, Mine Rescue Coordinator, and Bill York-Feirn, Program Manager, Mine Safety & Training Program, Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety 11/09/2007
AB53-COMM-04 Susan C. Bush, Commissioner, Kentucky Office of Mine Safety and Licensing 11/09/2007
AB53-COMM-05 Gary Isaac, Mine Manager, and Rodney Head, Safety Director, McClane Canyon Mining 11/02/2007
AB53-COMM-06 James R. Jones 10/18/2007
AB53-COMM-07 Oscar Frederick, Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development 10/18/2007
AB53-COMM-08 Don McCorkle, Deputy Commissioner, Indiana Bureau of Mines, and Greg Xanders, Trainer for Black Beauty's Mine Rescue Teams, and Training instructor at Peabody's Midwest Training Center 11/09/2007
AB53-COMM-09 Paris L. Charles, Safety Manager, Enterprise Mining 11/09/2007
AB53-COMM-10 David Litvin, President, Utah Mining Association 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-11 Art Rice, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Mines and Minerals 10/09/2007
AB53-COMM-12 Doug Pauley, Board Member, Pocahontas Mine Rescue Association 11/13/2007
AB53-COMM-13 Elizabeth S. Chamberlin, Vice-President, Safety and Training, Massey Coal Services 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-14 Timothy J. Baker, Deputy Administrator, Department of Occupational Health and Safety, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-15 Richard Waddell, Vice President and General Manager, Dominion Coal 11/14/2007
AB53-COMM-16 Joseph Sbaffoni, Director, Pennsylvania Bureau of Mine Safety 11/15/2007
AB53-COMM-17 Bruce Watzman, Vice President, Safety, Heath and Human Resources, National Mining Association (NMA) 11/15/2007
AB53-COMM-18 Burge L. Speilman, President, Mountaineer Mine Rescue Association 11/15/2007
AB53-COMM-19 Greg Franklin, Shelby Mining 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-20 Jerry M. Taylor, Corporate Safety Director, Murray Energy 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-21 Kevin Tuttle, Manager of Safety, Energy West Mining 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-22 John M. Gallick, Vice President Safety and Health, Foundation Coal 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-23 Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-24 Timothy J. Baker, Deputy Administrator, Department of Occupational Health and Safety, UMWA 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-25 Harry D. Childress, Government Affairs Agent, Cumberland Resources 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-26 Nathan Fetty, Staff Attorney, Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-27 Michael R. Skates, Director, Alabama Department of Industrial Relations, Mining and Reclamation Division 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-28 David A. Gooch, President, Coal Operators and Associates 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-29 Stuart Sanderson, President, Colorado Mining Association 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-30 Richard A. Marlowe, Safety Director - Safety Services, CONSOL Energy 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-31 Bill K. Caylor, Kentucky Coal Association 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-32 Vaughn R. Groves, Vice President and General Counsel, Alpha Natural Resources 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-33 Brian Keaton, Manager of Safety, Jupiter Coal and Frank Foster, Corporate Director of Safety, Magnum Coal, Magnum Coal Corporation 11/16/2007
AB53-COMM-34 Gerald Kendrick, Manager of Health and Safety, Jewell Smokeless Coal 11/16/2007

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