09.01.13 Singapore Medical Journal reports on need for greater awareness of macular disease. more...
09.01.08 Canadian reports regarding Avastin. more...
08.10.09 Pope Benedict XVI receives the Macular Disease Patient Charter. more...
08.10.02 AMD Alliance International announces 2009 internship opportunities. more...
08.08.12 Online videos: Learn more about macular disease from the convenience of your own home. more...
08.08.07 THE FACE OF AMD: AMD patients from around the world share their stories. more...
08.06.24 AMDAI garners Global endorsement for Macular Disease Patient Charter, a bill of rights for people with macular disease. more....
08.04.04 The Canadian Common Drug Review publishes positive recommendation for sight-saving treatment. more...
08.08.27 NICE turnaround completed! more...
What's new in AMD research, an answer from AMDAI. more...
AMDAI releases first-ever European qualitative and quantitative data on wet AMD. more...


The AMD Alliance International strives to bring knowledge, help and hope to individuals and families around the world affected by AMD. Our mission is accomplished through:

Information on early detection, timely treatment, comprehensive rehabilitation and support services, as well as new prevention suggestions have been provided on this website to help you. Do not hesitate to contact the AMD Alliance International with any additional questions or concerns.


AMD Alliance International has produced a new radio public service announcement to create awareness about macular degeneration and to encourage regular eye exams for those at risk for the disease.

Click here to listen >


You Have Rights!

AMD Alliance International developed the Macular Disease Patient Charter, a road map for those affected to pursue the right to self-determination and to have an active, informed voice in their life journey with macular disease.

The Charter, written for patients, by patients, outlines the rights of people with macular disease in four essential areas: awareness, prevention and cure; diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up supports such as low vision rehabilitation.

Download and print the Patient Charter >


We want to hear from you!

Now you can publish your story and share with other people whose lives are affected by AMD. Our international patient ambassador MacDonald (Don) Curran says "I learned about putting a red stripe on my golf club from one of my peer supporters. We hope that tips and tricks like this, for coping with low vision, will help everybody." Share your story now, and help make a difference.

Submit your story >
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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss for people over the age of 50 in the Western world, affecting approximately 25-30 million people.

However, vision loss should not be an inevitable consequence of aging. The AMD Alliance International is a global coalition of vision and seniors' organizations dedicated to raising awareness of AMD and the options available for prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation and support services.