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Split By Attribute Tool

The Split By Attribute Tool is a customization of ArcMap. The tool takes a single shapefile and splits it into many shapefiles based on the unique values of a chosen field.


To install:

  1. You will need administrative privileges on your computer to register the DLL file (FoxSplitByAttribute.dll)
  2. Save the DLL file to your hard drive
  3. Start ArcMap
  4. Select then Tools menu
  5. Select the Customize… menu item
  6. Click the Add from file … button on bottom of the Customize dialog
  7. Navigate to where you saved the DLL file, select the file, and click the Open button
  8. Click the Commands tab of the Customize dialog
  9. In the Categories listbox select the Fox Tools item
  10. Drag the SplitByAttribute command onto an ArcMap toolbar
  11. Click the Close button on the Customize dialog



Figure 1. The Split By Attribute dialog.
Figure 1. The Split By Attribute dialog.

To use:

  1. Click the SplitByAttribute button to open the Split By Attribute dialog (Figure 1)
  2. Choose a Shapefile to split into component layers
  3. Choose a Split Field whose unique values will be used as the basis of the split
  4. Optional: enter a Base Name, this value will added as a prefix to all of the output layers
  5. Click the Browse button and identify the output directory. The tool will create a folder name with the following structure: User identified directory + Layer Name + “_Split_“ + Iterative Number
  6. Check the Only export selected features checkbox if you want to restrict the export operation to selected features
  7. Click OK button
  8. Program execution:
    1. The folder specified in the Output Directory textbox is created
    2. Unique values from the chosen field are retrieved from the feature class
    3. The program iteratively queries the feature class for each unique value in the split field and exports the resulting selection to the output directory.  Each layer will named with the following structure:  Base Name + Split Value (Figure 2)

Figure 2. An example of an input layer split on the State_Name field and the resulting output layers.
Figure 2. An example of an input layer split on the State_Name field and the resulting output layers.

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Page Last Modified: April 9, 2008