Studies, Reports, and Proceedings 

Studies, Reports, and Proceedings

Government Policy
Reports/White papers
Conference Proceedings

The publications listed below, unless otherwise indicated, can be ordered by mail, or Internet.  All orders are filled with a cd copy of the proceeding unless otherwise indicated.

  • To order online please fill out this order form, or print it out and mail it with your payment to Cindy Santelli, NDIA, 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201.
  • Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery

If you have any further questions, please contact Cindy Santelli at (703) 247-2560 or e-mail:

Government Policy

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  • NTSA Training 2000 1996: Nearly 500 Pages of Training & Simulation Requirements, Trends, and Forecasts for the Decade Ahead - NTSA Member 250.00 - NTSA Non-member 995.00

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  • 1st International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) Orlando, FL, November 1974, $150.00
  • 2nd International Ballistics - Daytona Beach, FL, May 1976, $150.00
  • 3rd International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) Karlsruhe, Germany, March 1977, $150.00
  • 4th International Ballistics - Monterey, CA, October 1978, $150.00
  • 6th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM)Orlando, FL, October 1981, $150.00
  • 7th International Ballistics - The Hague, The Netherlands, April 1983, $150.00
  • 8th International Ballistics - Orlando, FL, October 1984, $150.00
  • 9th International Ballistics - Shrivenham, UK, May 1986, $150.00
  • 10th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) San Diego, CA, October 1987, $150.00
  • 11th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) Brussels, Belgium, May 1989, $150.00
  • 12th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) San Antonio, TX, October 1990, $150.00
  • 13th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) Stockholm, Sweden, June 1992, $150.00
  • 14th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) Quebec, Canada, September 1993, $150.00
  • 15th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) Jerusalem, Israel, May 1995, $150.00
  • 16th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) San Francisco, CA, September 1996, $150.00
  • 17th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) Midrand, South Africa, March 1998, $150.00
  • 18th International Ballistics - (2vols/2books) San Antonio, TX, November 1999, $250.00
  • 19th International Ballistics - (CD-ROM) Interlaken, Switzerland, May 2001 $150.00
  • 20th International Ballistics - (2vols/2books) Orlando, FL, September 2002, (2210) (CD-ROM) $275.00
  • 22th International Ballistics - (2vols/2books) Vancouver BC, Canada, November 2005, (CD-ROM) $275.00

Ballistics Set: 1st through 22th (excludes 5th, 21 and 23 edition), $3,000.00

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A-F | G-K | L-P | Q-V | W-Z


  • "A Study of the Applicability of FAR Clauses to Subcontracts Under Prime Defense and NASA Contracts" (Revised November 2005 )
    • The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) has available for purchase a revision to its publication "A Study of the Applicability of FAR Clauses to Subcontracts under Prime Defense and NASA Contracts."  The new edition, dated November 2005, includes an analysis of the flow down requirements contained in the FAR, DFARS, and NFS as noted below: 
    • Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 2001 edition as amended through Federal Acquisition Circular 2001-24
    • Department of Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS) 1998 edition as amended through Change Notice 20040608, 04 June 2004
    • NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) 1997 edition, version 97.0, as amended by Procurement Notices (PN) 97-1 through 97-49
    • The price (which includes shipping) for NDIA member companies is $50.00 per copy; for non-member companies, $60.00. Prepayment is required. An order form is attached for your use. 
    • For additional information, please contact: Ruth Franklin, phone: (703) 247-2598; FAX: (703) 243-8539; E-mail: or Meredith Kyttle, E-mail:
  • Affordable Software Acquisition Study, November 1996, $25.00
    Undersea Warfare Division looks at software recognizing that it is typically part of an overall systems acquisition or upgrade, and expecting that there are several key drivers of software affordability in that environment
  • Aircraft Shelter Upgrade Program (ASUP) GP Bomb/FAE/QD
    , November 1993, $25.00
    University of New Mexico, New Mexico Engineering Research Institute
    On 6 August 1992, the Phillips Laboratory, Norway memorandum of Understanding Office (PL/WSB), detonated an MK-84 General Purpose Bomb (GPB) centered inside a U.S. third generation Hardened Aircraft Shelter (HAS), located at the Utah Training & Test Range (UTTR) at Hill AFB. The test was conducted to answer two questions: What is the appropriate Q-D for a 1,000 lb-Net Explosive Weight in an HAS Shelter? And, what is the largest general bomb that the HAS can contain should an accidental detonation occur? The test was performed on a previously tested HAS. Results indicate that the HAS can fully contain an MK-83 GPB and limit lethal fragment range from an MK-84 GPB detonation to 170 m.
  • Application of Modeling & Simulation to the Acquisition to Major Weapon Systems (Study on), September 1996, $35.00
    Undersea Warfare Division builds on previous works of potential benefit of applying M&S to the acquisition process and outlines a proposed implementation schema predicted on a shared responsibility and accountability between industry and government operating as collaborative partners
  • Army C3/A Modernization Study, September 1993, $25.00
    C3I Committee evolved from the designation of US Army Signal Center (SIGCEN) as the proponent for C3/A across the global battlefield
  • Assessment of the National Security Impacts of Increased Commercialization and Internationalization of Space on Military Space Operations and Acquisition, September 2002, $25.00
    Space Division
    Industry is increasingly willing to work with government to share information and protect assets; Government space acquisition officials should embed a process to evaluate commercial options for operations and acquisition requirements; Proactive steps are required to ensure commercial options remain available for use by the military.
  • Ballistic Missile Defense-Introduction of Force Elements and Defense Concepts, March 1994, $20.00
    Ballistic Missile Defense Division
  • Business Issues Associated with Participation in the Advanced Processing Build Process, Feb 2000
    Undersea Warfare Division, $30.00
    The context for the study is that the submarine navy plans to bring together the best available technology for sonar and tactical control processing from a variety of sources in an open systems, COTS environment
  • C4ISR Interoperability & Integration Study (Joint), May 1999, $25.00
    C4ISR Committee evaluates C4 interoperability process, identifies its strengths and weaknesses and makes recommendation for improvement
  • CINC Space Study: First Annual Report, June 1989, $25.00
    Space Committee
    An industry perspective on “Evaluation of Emerging Strategies to Assure Mission Capability”
  • CINC Space Study: Augmentation of DoD Space Systems with Civil/Commercial Assets, October 1991, $25.00
    Space Committee
    An industry perspective on the USSPACECOM plan for the Augmentation of DoD Space Systems with Civil/Commercial Assets
  • CINC Space Study: Space Lift Space, Combat, TACSAT & Space Technology, 1992, $25.00
    Space Committee
    An industry perspective on Spacelift, Space Combat, TACSAT & Space Technology
  • CINC Space Study: Responsiveness of Space Systems, 1993-94, $25.00
    Space Committee
    An industry perspective on Responsiveness of Space Systems
  • CINC Space Study: Commercial Industry Partnering with the Military to Achieve US Space Vision, September 1997, $25.00
    Space Committee study on “How can government (military) and commercial best work together to achieve the United States vision (policy) in space matters.”
  • CINC Space Study: Computer Network Defense; An Industry Perspective, 1999, $30.00
    Space Committee study about how industry is dealing with the emerging issues of network security and defense
  • Commercial-Off the Shelf (COTS) Supportability Study (ADPA), August 1994, $35.00
  • Cooperative Engagement Capability Applicability Study, April 1996, $15.00
    C3I Committee in summary, the committee quickly came to view CEC as a highly capable and sophisticated netting system
  • Copernicus Architecture Study, April 1995, $25.00
    C3I Committee study of ways the Copernicus architecture could incorporate best practices in acquisition and standards to satisfy emerging Navy requirements
  • CSIS Conventional Force Structure Study: Mobilization & National Security, 1990s, $15.00
    National Defense University
    The 1979-84 budget momentum for rebuilding our defense capability has all but disappeared. While few oppose the notion of a stronger defense, significant cutbacks in assumed funding levels in the 1986-1990 FYDP are almost certain and the requirements for strategic force modernization will further constrain the size of the conventional force budget.
  • Definition of Joint Surveillance Performance Specifications, December 1995, $25.00
    Undersea Warfare Committee a follow-on to "The US Navy's Transition to Joint Surveillance", March 1994; this study is the manifestation of the last recommendation
  • Feasibility of Reducing the Number of Strike Fighter Aircrew, A Requirements and Technology Study, December 1994, $25.00
    Strike, Surface, Anti-Air Warfare Committee examines strike fighter aircrew requirements and technologies that may allow performance of night and adverse weather missions by a single-seat strike fighter
  • FORCEnet, The Naval Component of the GIG -- Enabling the Joint Warfighter through Network Centric Warfare FINAL REPORT, December 17, 2002 1994,  (CD-ROM) $50.00
    National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), Strike, Land Attack and Air Defense (SLAAD) Division provides independent insights and recommendations, drawn from the Study Groups’ extensive engineering, technical, operational and business experience.

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  • Human Resources Task Force Study, July 1995, $25.00
    C3I Committee provides insight into lessons learned and best practices from industry that have applicability to the government in the areas of managing change, core competencies, rightsizing, and training
  • Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (IEW) Influence of Technology Study, December 1993, $20.00
    C3I Committee evaluates how the relationship between industry, the US Army Intelligence Center (USAIC), CECOM's Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (IEW) Technology Assessment Center (TAC), and other government agencies can be improved to facilitate technology transfer to meet Army needs
  • Industrial Security Clearance Measures Study, September 1998, $30.00
    C4ISR Committee provides metrics regarding the security clearance process in addition to comments regarding process improvement for both government and industry
  • Information Technology Outsourcing: Criteria and Metrics for Succesful DoD Decision-Making, January 1995, $40.00
    Task Force on Outsourcing
    With this report, the Committee has three objectives: to define information technology (IT) outsourcing considerations for DoD; to provide specific suggestions for outsourcing metrics; to provide guidelines to "win-win" relationships in DoD outsourcing.
  • INFOSEC Considerations for Submarine Systems Study, February 1998, $35.00
    Undersea Warfare Division study was formed to address the issue of Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) as it specifically relates to Submarine Combat Systems
  • Integration, Control, and Deconfliction of Joint Fires Study, Vol. 1, Feb 2001, $35.00
    Strike, Land Attack, & Air Defense Committee identifies top-level doctrinal issues and proposes concepts for theater operations involving the use of offensive and defensive weapons in the same airspace.
  • Integration, Control, and Deconfliction of Joint Fires Study, Vol. 1, Phase 2: Architecture & Technology, May 2003, $35.00
    Strike, Land Attack, & Air Defense Committee identifies top-level doctrinal issues and proposes concepts for theater operations involving the use of offensive and defensive weapons in the same airspace.
  • Integration, Control, and Deconfliction of Joint Fires Study, Vol. 2: Definition of Key Terms on Joint Fires, May 2003, $25.00
    Strike, Land Attack, & Air Defense Committee identifies top-level doctrinal issues and proposes concepts for theater operations involving the use of offensive and defensive weapons in the same airspace.

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  • Maritime Information Sources Study, February 1995, $30.00
    C3I Committee identifies additional maritime information sources of interest to the National Maritime Intelligence Center's (NMIC) Mission
  • Maritime Prepositioning Force Replacement Study, January 1996, $20.00
    Expeditionary Warfare Committee identifies the functions and design capabilities of the replacement MPF ship variants in the year 2010 timeframe
  • Military Health System Modeling and Simulation Study, June 2001 $30.00
    Health Affairs Committee purpose of this study was to assess the use of Modeling and Simulation in the Military Health Services
  • Modeling & Simulation Study Report, April 1995, $20.00
    The Expeditionary Warfare Committee focuses on the potential benefits of the shared use of M&S by the government and in the acquisition process
  • Munitions Industrial Base Investment and Policy Strategy, August 1994, $35.00
    This report addresses a range of investment and policy strategies for preserving the MIB in the future and ensuring that it will be capable of fulfilling its mission to meet the ammunition demands for future conflicts.
  • N-85 MCS Study, October 2000, $25.00
    Expeditionary Warfare Committee the tasking was to determine whether there is an ongoing requirement for a Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Support Ship (MCS), and if the finding is in the affirmative, to address the various options that are available, or could be made available to fulfill the requirement

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  • SC-21 Strike Weapons Study Phase II, Sensor-to-Shooter Assessment, July 2000, $40.00
    Strike, Land Attack and Air Defense Committee describes notional sensor-to-shooter functional flows and assesses the resultant timelines against postulated requirements for two land attack missions, land strike and fire support
  • Small Submersible Study, Status Brief for RADM Young (SEA-92A), January 1998, $25.00
    Undersea Warfare Division
  • Spacecast 2020, High-Leverage Space Technologies for National Security in the 21st Century, November 1994, $35.00
    Space Committee represents the first major Air Force future study since Forecast II
  • Space Systems and Operations Cost Reduction and Cost Credibility Workshop Executive Summary, January 1987, $20.00
    Space Committee
    Workshop represents a joint venture between government and industry to investigate the constituents of space system costs and to develop a plan of action applicable to both government and industry to reduce the cost of present and future space systems.
  • Supportability Factors in Design Study Report, Automatic Test Subcommittee, May 2002, $35.00
    Systems Engineering Division, Automatic Testing Committee
    Study is intended to identify the supportability factors that affect design in an attempt to help Systems Engineers to integrate Supportability into the design process.
  • Task Force Mine Avoidance Study, May 1991, $20.00
    Amphibious Warfare Committee study regarding the ability of task force ships to avoid mines
  • Test and Evaluation Public-Private Partnership Study, February 1999, $30.00
    Provides a forum for discussion of options for increasing partnerships between DoD and industry in the area of test and evaluation (T&E) infrastructure.
  • Top Five Systems Engineering Issues in Defense Industry Task Group Report, January 2003, $35.00
    Systems Engineering Division
    Identified Top 5 Issues in Systems Engineering (SE) that exist in our defense industry complex, affecting both the industry participant as well as the government participants.
  • U.S Navy's Transition to Joint Surveillance, March 1994, $20.00
    Undersea Warfare Committee objective of this study is identifying the mission needs, core requirements and capabilities that define the Navy's role in Joint Surveillance


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Reports/White Papers

A-F | G-K | L-P | Q-V | W-Z


  • Barriers and Disincentives to Environmental Contracting (White Paper), December 1991, $15.00
    Environment Committee calls for the US Congress to enact legislation providing long-term indemnification to government environmental cleanup project contractors that are not intentionally causing further pollution damage
  • Copernicus: The Navy C4I Vision and Strategies, April 1995, $25.00
  • Database Standardization Committee, Final Report, June 1998, $20.00
    purpose is to review existing database issues and programs in the Department of Defense modeling and simulation community and recommend improvements to the study process
  • Data Fusion in the Integrated Undersea Surveillance System, April 1992, $25.00
    Undersea Surveillance Committee assesses the applicability of emerging techniques relevant to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Data Fusion in the IUSS
  • Electronic Systems Center (ESC) Process Reform for C3I Technology Acquisition, December 1994, $25.00
    C3I Committee provides an assessment of the technology insertion and development/acquisition processes in place at ESC today and arrive at recommendations to improve those processes
  • Environmental Policy Issues Related to the Withdrawal of US Military Forces from Europe, March 1994, $25.00
    Environment Committee examines the international and domestic public policy issues raised by the closing of US military bases overseas
  • Feasibility of Third World Advanced Ballistic and Cruise Missile Threat, Vol. 1: Long Range Ballistic Missile Threat, October 1998, $30.00
    Strike, Land Attack and Air Defense Committee examines the potential growth in ballistic missile range that could occur as a result of the unprecedented proliferation of ballistic missile technology to Third World countries
  • Feasibility of Third World Advanced Ballistic and Cruise Missile Threat, Vol. 2: Emerging Cruise Missile Threat, August 1999, $30.00
    Strike, Land Attack and Air Defense Committee uses aerospace industry judgments and experience to assess Third World cruise missile acquisition and development that is “emerging” as a real capability now

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  • Handbook on Export Controls and Technology Transfer for US Industry, March 1994, $25.00
    International Committee purpose is to assist in providing US industry with the information necessary to formulate current and effective export control and technology transfer programs
  • Hidden Impediments to Defense Trade, September 1993, $15.00
    International Committee examines why US companies generally do not trade and concludes there are hidden impediments which not only deter but inhibit trade
  • Hidden Killers: "The Global Problem with Uncleared Landmines" a Report on International Demining-U.S. State Department, July 1993, $45.00
  • How to Do Business With Battle Labs: A Guide for Industry Advanced Manufacturing – The Role of Manufacturing, June 1994, $100.00
  • Industry Perspectives on Support to the New DOD Logistics Paradigm (White Paper), November 1997, $30.00
    Logistics Management Committee identifies several of the key challenges DoD faces today in providing logistics support to its operations, and offers suggestions from a commercial perspective on how industry could assist in dealing with these challenges
  • Innovative Technologies and Techniques for Mine Neutralization, July 1994, $35.00

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  • LHD and LHA Ship Classes in a Sea Control Role, June 1994, $25.00
    Expeditionary Warfare Committee identifies the capabilities and limitations of the LHD and LHA ship classes in a sea control role, while maintaining the traditional amphibious warfare mission
  • Manufacturing Technology: The Key to the Defense Indus Base (White Paper), Aug 1992, $15.00
    Manufacturing Technology Section - purpose of this white paper is to review several ManTech program attributes and to offer recommendations which will make an effective program even more responsive to the needs of the U.S. Industrial Base
  • Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Concepts for 2010 and Beyond, August 1994, $20.00
  • Navy FMS Reinvention Lab Report, October 1998, $35.00
    International Committee purpose of this report is to provide results of the current Foreign Military Sales Program and provide recommendations, along with a plan of action with milestones, which will reinvent the Department of the Navy management approach to International Programs

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  • Requirements for an Automatic Test System (ATS) Architecture for the Future, September 1995, $20.00
    Automatic Testing Committee a special project to begin the definition of architectural requirements for an Automatic Test System for the future
  • Roadmap to the Single Integrated Picture (SIP) Study FINAL REPORT, September 2001, (CD-ROM) $50.00
    National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), Strike, Land Attack and Air Defense (SLAAD) Division
  • Ship Self Defense, January 1998, $55.00
    Strike, Land Attack and Air Defense Committee purpose of the task was to identify appropriate Ship Self Defense technologies that would be deployable by the 2015 time frame
  • Streamlining Software Development Documentation for Air Force C3 Systems, Mar 1990, $20.00
    C3I and Software Committees an industry perspective of "Streamlining Software Development Documentation for Air Force C3 Systems"
  • Test and Evaluation of Defense Information Systems Information Warfare Information Assurance, March 1999, $25.00
    Test & Evaluation Division focuses on three critical aspects of operational test and operational evaluation: Test and Evaluation of Defense Information Systems, Information Warfare (IW), and Information Assurance (IA)


  • What Is The Best Acquisition Strategy for the JCC(X) Program?, February 2002, $5.00
    Expeditionary Warfare Committee tasking was to develop a perspective on “the best acquisition strategy for JCC(X)”

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Conference Proceedings

A | B | C | D | E-F-G | H-I-J | L-R | S | T | U-Z


Achieving Breakthrough Improvement -with the support of ADPA
Alexandria, VA, October 1995, $55.00

Advanced Information Systems & Technology
Williamsburg, VA, March 1994, (8445) $45.00

Air Force CEO Conference
Orlando, FL, October 15-17, 2002, (3320) $50.00

Air Targets & UAV's
Lake Tahoe, NV, November 1-3, 1994, (8541) $30.00

Army FCS Industry Day
Crystal City, VA, August 2002, (2150) (CD-ROM) $35.00

Army Information Technology (DISC4) APBI
Washington, DC, April 1997, (8784) $55.00

4th Annual Army Small Business Conference
McLean, VA, November 1999, (0043) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Atlanta XXIV: "Sustainment Reform - Modernization's New Challenge"
Atlanta, GA, April 1998, (8851) $40.00

Atlanta XXVII
Atlanta, GA, April 2001, (1510) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Atlanta XXVIII Executive Summary and Issues-Actions
Atlanta, GA, April 2002, (2510) $25.00

Automatic Testing Committee General Meeting & Workshop
San Diego, CA, December 1997, $25.00

Automatic Testing Committee General Meeting & Workshop
Jacksonville, FL, June 1998, $25.00

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BM/C3 "Critical Path for BMD"
Colorado Springs, CO, March 1994, (8492) $60.00

Bomb and Warhead Technical Meeting (Proceedings)
Albuquerque, NM, May 1993, (8354) $40.00

Bomb and Warhead Technical Meeting (Unclassified Papers) & ADDENDUM
Eglin, AFB, FL, May 1994, (8447) $40.00

Bomb and Warhead Technical Meeting
Redstone Arsenal, AL, May 1995, (8548) $40.00

Bomb and Warhead Technical Meeting
Monterey, CA, May 1996, (8648) $45.00

Bomb and Warhead Technical Symposium
Santa Fe, NM, May 1997, (8748) $45.00

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3rd Annual Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Technology Conference & User Group
Denver, CO, November 2003, (4110) (CD-ROM) $50.00

C4, The Future of: One Vision, One Architecture, One Voice
Tysons Corner, VA, November 1995, (8684) $45.00

Chemical/Biological Defense RoundTable
Arlington, VA, November 1999, (031A) (CD-ROM) $25.00

Chemical/Biological Defense RoundTable
Arlington, VA, October 2002, (230A) (CD-ROM) $25.00

Chemical/Biological Defense RoundTable
Arlington, VA, January 2002, (230B) (CD-ROM) $25.00

Chemical/Biological Defense RoundTable
Arlington, VA, June 2002, (230C) (CD-ROM) $25.00

Chemical/Biological Mission Area APBI
Laurel, MD, April 1998, $40.00

Chemical/Biological Industrial Base Symposium
Pittsburgh, PA, October 2002, (3030) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Chemical/Biological Science & Technology, Independent Research & Development
October 1997, $40.00

Chemical Conference XVI, Worldwide
Ft. McClellan, AL, June 1998, (8830) $60.00

Chemical Conference XVII, Worldwide
Fort Leonard Wood, MO, June 2000, (0030) $60.00

Chemical Conference XIX, Worldwide
Fort Leonard Wood, MO, September 9-13, 2002, (2300) $50.00

Collaboration to Enhance Homeland Security
Washington, DC, August 2002, (2220) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Combat Survivability
October 1998, $40.00

Combat Vehicles
Ft. Knox, KY, September 1995, (8558) $35.00

Combat Vehicles
Ft. Knox, KY, September 1996, (8658) $35.00

Combat Vehicles
Ft. Knox, KY, September 1997, (8760) $40.00

Combat Vehicles
Ft. Knox, KY, September 1999, (9610) $40.00

Combat Vehicles
Ft. Knox, KY, September 2000, (0062) $40.00

Combat Vehicles
Ft. Knox, KY, September 2003, (3620) $40.00

Command & Control: Partnerships & Technology
Sunnyvale, CA, August 1995, $35.00

Countering Biological Terrorism: Strategic Firepower in the Hands of Many?
Arlington, VA, August 1997, $40.00

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Defense Symposium on "Defense Acquisition Reform:
Challenge to Government, Industry and Academia"

Washington, DC, April 1994, $40.00

Defense Systems Acquisition Management (DSAM) Course
Orlando, FL, October 2001, (202A) (CD-ROM) $75.00

Defense Systems Acquisition Management (DSAM) Course
San Diego, CA, June 2002, (202C) (CD-ROM) $75.00

Defense Systems Acquisition Management (DSAM) Course
Tampa, FL, October 2002, (302A) (CD-ROM) $75.00

5th Global Demilitarization Symposium & Exhibition
Sparks, NV, May 5-9, 1997, (CD-ROM) $50.00

6th Global Demilitarization Symposium & Exhibition
Coeur d'Alene, ID, May 11-14, 1998, (CD-ROM) $50.00

7th Global Demilitarization Symposium & Exhibition
Tulsa, OK, May 17-20, 1999, (CD-ROM) $50.00

8th Global Demilitarization Symposium & Exhibition
Coeur d'Alene, ID, May 15-18, 2000, (CD-ROM) $50.00

9th Global Demilitarization Symposium & Exhibition
Reno, NV, May 14-17, 2001, (CD-ROM) $50.00

10th Global Demilitarization Symposium & Exhibition
Lexington, KY, May 20-24, 2002, (CD-ROM) $50.00

11th Global Demilitarization Symposium & Exhibition
Sparks, NV, May 19-22, 2003, (3580) (CD-ROM) $50.00

12th Global Demilitarization Symposium & Exhibition
Dallas, TX , May 17-20, 2004,  (CD-ROM) $50.00

13th Global Demilitarization Symposium & Exhibition
Sparks, NV, May 9-13, 2005, (CD-ROM) $50.00

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East European civil Aviation Training Conference (EECATC)
Prague, Czech Republic, December 1996, $35.00

Environmental Joint Depot Panel Workshop Conf & Exhibition
San Diego, CA, May 1997, (8742) $60.00

Environmental Restoration Opportunities Conference
Munich, Germany, October 1994, $60.00

19th Environmental Symposium & Exhibition
Albuquerque, NM, March 1993, (8342) $70.00

20th Environmental Symposium & Exhibition VOL. 2
San Antonio, TX, March 1994, (8444) $40.00

21st Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition
San Diego, CA, April 1995, (8544) $75.00

22nd Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition
Orlando,FL, March 1996, (8644) $70.00

23rd Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition
New Orleans, LA, April 1997, $65.00

23rd Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition - Attendee Roster
New Orleans, LA, April 1997, (8744) $35.00

24th Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition
Tampa, FL, April 1998, (8844) $70.00

25th Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition
Denver, CO, April 1999, (8994) $70.00

26th Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition
Long Beach, CA, March 2000, (0044) $75.00

27th Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition
Austin, TX, April 2001, (1440) (CD-ROM) $40.00

28th Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition
Austin, TX, March 2002, (2440) (CD ROM) 50.00

29th Environmental & Energy Symposium and Exhibition
Richmond, VA, April 2003, (3440) (CD ROM) 50.00

Expeditionary Warfare Conference
Panama City, FL, November 1997, (8870) $55.00

44th Annual Fuze Conference
Pleasanton, CA, April 2000, (0056) (CD-ROM) $35.00

Ground Vehicle Survivability (TARDEC)
Monterey, CA, June 1998, $50.00

34th Annual Gun & Ammunitions Symposium
Monterey, CA, April 1999, (8963) (CD-ROM) $50.00

36th Annual Gun & Ammunitions Symposium
San Diego, CA, April 2001, (1590) (CD-ROM) $50.00

38th Annual Gun, Ammunition, and Missiles Symposium
Monterey, CA, March 24-27, 2003, (3590) (CD-ROM) $75.00

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Hazardous Materials/Waste Management
Alexandria, VA, January 1996, (8650) $40.00

Hazardous Materials/Waste Management
Portland, OR, January 1997, (8750) $50.00

Industrial Operations Command (IOC) APBI
Moline, IL, October 1994, (8563) $45.00

Industrial Operations Command (IOC) APBI
Moline, IL, October 1995, (8563) $35.00

Industrial Operations Command (IOC) APBI
Moline, IL, April 1996, (8656) $45.00

Information Management for the Warfighter
Tysons Corner, VA, February 1996, (8612) $40.00

Information Technology, 3rd Information Management Symposium
Arlington, VA, September 1997, (8712) $40.00

Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Technical Symposium
Tampa, FL, October 1997, 2 vols/2 books, (8854) $85.00

Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Technical Symposium
San Diego, CA, November 1998, (8956) $85.00

Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Technical Symposium
Tampa, FL, November 1999, (0055) $75.00

Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Technology Symposium
San Antonio, TX, November 2000, (1550) $85.00, (CD-ROM) $50

Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Symposium
Orlando, FL, March 2003, (3550) (CD-ROM) $50.00

3rd Annual Intelligent Vehicle Systems Symposium
Traverse City, MI, June 2003, (3570) (CD-ROM) $50.00

International Cannon Artillery
McAfee, NJ, June 1995, (8553) $45.00

International Cannon Artillery
McAfee, NJ, June 1997, (8753) $55.00

16th Annual International Conference
Washington, DC, April 2000, (0018) (CD-ROM) $50.00

International Gun Propellant Symposium
Parsippany, NJ, November 1994, $60.00

International Infantry and Small Arms (abstracts)
McAfee, NJ, June 1996, (8660) $35.00

International Infantry and Small Arms Symposium
Parsippany, NJ, June 1999, (8962) (CD-ROM) $50.00

International Smart Munitions
Parsippany, NJ, April 1994, $40.00

International Training Equipment Conference (ITEC)
Luxembourg, April 1992, (8227) $50.00

International Training Equipment Conference (ITEC)
London, England, May 1993, (8327) $55.00

International Training Equipment Conference (ITEC)
The Hague, The Netherlands, April 1994, (8427) $70.00

International Training Equipment Conference (ITEC)
The Hague, The Netherlands, April 1995, (8527) $65.00

International Training Equipment Conference (ITEC) Asia & 3rd ACATC
Singapore, August 1995, (8620) $50.00

International Training Equipment Conference (ITEC)
The Hague, The Netherlands, April 1996, (8627) $60.00

International Training Equipment Conference (ITEC)
Singapore, September 1996, (8627 - Asia) $50.00

International Training Equipment Conference (ITEC)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 1997, (8727A) $40.00

International Training Equipment Conference (ITEC)
Lausanne, Switzerland, April 1997, (8272) (CD ROM) $30.00

13th Interservice/Industry Training Systems Conference (I/ITSC)
Orlando, FL, December 1991, (8110) $60.00

14th Interservice/Industry Training Systems Conference (I/ITSC)
San Antonio, TX, November 1992, (8225) $80.00

15th Interservice/Industry Training Systems Conference (I/ITSC)
Orlando, FL, November 1993, (8425) $80.00

16th Interservice/Industry Training Systems Conference (I/ITSC)
November 1994, (8525) $120.00

17th Interservice/Industry Training Systems Equipment Conference (I/ITSEC)
Albuquerque, NM November 1995, (8625) $75.00
(CD ROM) $30.00

18th Interservice/Industry Training Systems Equipment Conference (I/ITSEC)
Orlando, FL November 1996, $70.00
(CD ROM) $30.00

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Logistics Symposium
Alexandria, VA, October 1995, (8638) $50.00

National Logistics Symposium
Tampa, FL, April 1999, (0973) (CD-ROM) $50.00

MEDTEC 1997 "A Forecast for the Future"
Tysons Corner, VA, August 1997, $20.00

Mines, Countermines & Demolition
Asheville, NC, September 1993, (8489) $50.00

Munitions Executive Summit
Tyson's Corner, VA, February 2001, (1650) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Munitions Executive Summit
Washington, D.C., February 11-13, 2003, (3650) $85.00 or CD-ROM $75.00

National Aeronautical Systems & Technology (NASTC) Conference
Dayton, OH, May 2003, (3150) (CD-ROM) $75.00

Night Operations Symposium
Las Vegas, NV, January 1994, (8429) $45.00

Night Operations Symposium
San Francisco, CA, October 1995, (8629) $60.00

Night Operations Symposium
Maui, HI, (8790) $70.00

Non-Lethal Defense II
Tysons Corner, VA, March 1996, (8623) $50.00

Personnel Recovery, DoD
Arlington, VA, January 2001, (1040) $50.00

Pollution Prevention (Worldwide), Air Force
San Antonio,TX, June 1993, (8344) $60.00

Pollution Prevention (Worldwide), Air Force
San Antonio,TX, September 1, 1994, $60.00

Pollution Prevention, Air Force
San Antonio, TX, August 1995, (8640) $60.00

Pollution Prevention, Joint Services "Working Together for a Cleaner Tomorrow"
San Antonio, TX, August 1996, $50.00

Pollution Prevention, Joint Services "Investing in our Future"
San Antonio, TX, August 1997, (8740) $55.00

Pollution Prevention, Joint Services "Achieving Compliance Through Pollution Prevention"
San Antonio, TX, August 1998, (8840) $55.00

Pollution Prevention, Joint Services “Environmental Stewardship in the New Millennium”
San Antonio, TX, December 1999, (8040) $55.00

Pollution Prevention, 6th Annual Joint Service/Hazardous Waste Management
San Antonio, TX, April 2001, 2 disks (1400) (CD-ROM) $75.00

Privatizing Federal Government Operations
Ft McNair, Washington, DC, April 1996, $45.00

Re-Engineering Federal Government Operations "Building on Outsourcing & Privatization"
Arlington, VA, April 1997, $40.00

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Satellite Communications Annual Conference
Reston, VA, September 1997, (8729) $50.00

9th Security Technology
Virginia Beach, VA, June 1993, (8499) $55.00

10th Security Technology
Williamsburg, VA, June 1994, (8499) $50.00

11th Security Technology
Virginia Beach, VA, June 1995, (8549) $55.00

12th Security Technology
Williamsburg, VA, June 1996, (8649) $75.00

13th Security Technology
Virginia Beach, VA, June 1997, (8749) $80.00

16th Security Technology
Williamsburg, VA, June 2000, (0049) $80.00

SLAAD Annual Symposium
Laurel, MD, April 2000, (0010) (CD-ROM) $35.00

SLAAD Fleet Visit
San Diego, CA, November 2002, (310A) (CD-ROM) $25.00

Small Arms Systems Division Annual Meeting, Exhibition, & Firing Demonstration
Tacoma, WA, June 1994, (8470) $50.00

Small Arms Annual Conference, Exhibition, & Firing Demonstration
Columbus, GA, June 1998, (864) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Space Technology Consortium Symposium, 1st Annual
Arlington, VA, May 1996, $40.00

7th Annual Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
December 1995, (8668) $40.00

8th Annual Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
February 1997, (8788) $55.00

9th Annual Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
Arlington, VA, February 1998, (8888) $70.00

10th Annual Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
Arlington, VA, February 1999, (8988) $70.00

11th Annual Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
Arlington, VA, February 2000, (0088) $70.00

12th Annual Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
Arlington, VA, February 2001, $70.00

13th Annual Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
Arlington, VA, February 2002, $70.00

6th Annual Systems Engineering Supportability & Interoperability Conference
San Diego, CA, October 2003, (4870) (CD-ROM) $50.00

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Tactical Vehicles: "The Tactical Truck Role in Maintaining the Edge"
Monterey, CA, January 1993, (8391) $45.00

Tactical Vehicles: "Land Force Projection, Reality of the '90's"
Williamsburg, VA, January 1994, (8487) $45.00

Tactical Vehicles
Monterey, CA, January 1995, (8564) $40.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles
Monterey, CA, January 1996, (8653) $55.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles
Monterey, CA, January 1997, (8752) $60.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles
January 1998, (8853) $55.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles
Monterey, CA, January 2001, (1530) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles
Monterey, CA, January 2002, (2530) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference
Monterey, CA, January 2003, (3530) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference
Monterey, CA, February 2004, (4530) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference
Monterey, CA, February 6-8 2005, (5530) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference
Monterey, CA, February 5-7 2006, (6530) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference
Monterey, CA, February 4-6 2007, (7530) (CD-ROM) $50.00 (Note:  This will not be publicly available until 4/30/07)

Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) APBI
Dearborn, MI, November 1993, (8468) $40.00

Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) APBI
Dearborn, MI, May 1994, $40.00

Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) APBI
Dearborn, MI, October 1995, (8657) $45.00

Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) APBI
Dearborn, MI, October 1996, (8755) $55.00

Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) APBI
Dearborn, MI, October 1997, (8852) $60.00

Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) APBI
Dearborn, MI, October 1999, (8052) $65.00

Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) APBI
Dearborn, MI, November 2001, 2 books, (2520) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) APBI
Dearborn, MI, October 2002, (3520) $65.00

Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) APBI
Dearborn, MI, October 2003, (4520) $65.00

Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) Advanced Planning Briefing for Industry (APBI)
Arlington, VA, February 19, 2003, (3090) $50.00

Total Asset Visibility Conference
Springfield, VA, March 1994, $50.00

Transport Aircraft Survivability
St. Louis, MO, October 1993, (8486) $45.00

- Top of Page -


Orlando, FL, 1996, $30.00

Undersea Warfare Division Spring Conference
San Diego, CA, March 2000, (0026) (CD-ROM) $50.00

Undersea Warfare Division Spring Conference
San Diego, CA, March 2002, (2260) (CD-ROM) $50.00

US Coast Guard Innovative Expo
Baltimore, MD, April 2002, (2230) (CD-ROM) $50.00

US Coast Guard Innovative Expo
Baltimore, MD, May 2003, (3230) (CD-ROM) $50.00

USSOCOM CBRN Conference & Symposium
Tampa, FL, December 2003, (4630) (CD-ROM) $75.00

Vehicle Technologies Conference
Dearborn, MI, March 1993, (8388) $40.00

Vehicle Technologies Conference
Dearborn, MI, May 1994, (8481) $45.00

Vehicle Technologies Conference
Dearborn, MI, May 1995, (8561) $45.00

Vehicle Technologies Conference
Dearborn, MI, May 1997, (8751) $50.00

Vehicle Technologies Conference
Dearborn, MI, May 1998, (8855) $50.00

Vehicle Technologies Conference
Dearborn, MI, May 1999, (8953) $50.00

Weapons of Mass Destruction 2000 Arlington, VA, April 2000, (0017) $75.00  or CD-ROM $50.00

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Affiliate Associations

The Association For Enterprise Integration    National Training and Simulation Association    Precision Strike Association    Women in Defense