National Institute on Aging > About NIA > Budget Requests > FY 2009
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Budget Mechanism Table


FY 2007

FY 2008 Enacted

FY 2009
Research Grants: No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount
Research Projects:                
Noncompeting 1,073 $505,484 1,138 $503,938 1,150 $478,389 12 -$25,549
Administrative supplements (93) 7,751 (100) 8,445 (100) 8,445 (0) 0
Renewal 90 45,578 85 43,505 99 50,518 14 7,013
New 372 109,180 352 104,213 409 121,011 57 16,798
Supplements 10 2,330 9 2,224 10 2,582 1 358

Subtotal, competing

472 157,088 446 149,942 518 174,111 72 24,169

Subtotal, RPGs

1,545 670,323 1,584 662,325 1,668 660,945 84 -1,380
SBIR/STTR 73 25,365 73 25,500 73 25,500 0 0

Subtotal, RPGs

1,618 695,688 1,657 687,825 1,741 686,445 84 -1,380
Research Centers:                
Specialized/comprehensive 74 82,960 74 82,599 74 82,599 0 0
Clinical research 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Biotechnology 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Comparative medicine 0 653 0 670 0 670 0 0
Research Centers in Minority Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal, Centers

74 83,613 74 83,269 74 83,269 0 0
Other Research:                
Research careers 222 27,768 229 28,895 229 28,895 0 0
Cancer education 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cooperative clinical research 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Biomedical research support 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Minority biomedical research support 0 689 0 1,293 0 1,293 0 0
Other 31 4,654 31 4,770 31 4,770 0 0

Subtotal, Other Research

253 33,111 260 34,958 260 34,958 0 0

Total Research Grants

1,945 812,412 1,991 806,052 2,075 804,672 84 -1,380
Research Training: FTTPs   FTTPs   FTTPs      
Individual awards 95 3,747 95 3,747 95 3,777 0 30
Institutional awards 469 20,026 469 20,026 469 20,186 0 160
Total, Training 564 23,773 564 23,773 564 23,963 0 190
Research & development contracts 107 68,800 107 70,198 107 70,198 0 0


(0) (59) (0) (59) (0) (59) (0) (0)
  FTEs FTEs   FTEs   FTEs  
Intramural research 247 102,481 252 107,617 254 109,231 2 1,614
Research management and support 136 39,034 140 39,620 141 40,214 1 594
Total, NIA
383 1,046,500 392 1,047,260 395 1,048,278 3 1,018

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Page last updated Feb 19, 2009