Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office
Fisheries Projects                 Sustainability of salmon

Sustainable Fisheries Management:
Pacific Salmon

E. Eric Knudsen, Cleveland R. Steward, Donald D. MacDonald,
Jack E. Williams, and Dudley W. Reiser, Editors

Table of Contents

Section I. Needs and Values for Sustainable Fisheries

Setting the Stage for a Sustainable Pacific Salmon Fisheries Strategy
        E. Eric Knudsen, Donald D. MacDonald, and Cleveland R. Steward
[PDF File - 3.6 MB]

Needs of Salmon and Steelhead in Balancing Their Conservation and Use
        Carl V. Burger

Science and Management in Sustainable Fisheries: the Ball Is Not in Our Court
        Gordon F. Hartman, Cornelis Groot, and Thomas G. Northcote

The Importance of "Stock" Conservation Definitions to the Concept of Sustainable Fisheries
        Kim D. Hyatt and Brian E. Riddell

The Elements of Alaska's Sustainable Fisheries
        (The Honorable) Fran Ulmer

Review of Salmon Management in British Columbia: What has the Past Taught Us?
        David W. Narver

Aboriginal Fishing Rights and Salmon Management in British Columbia: Matching Historical Justice with the Public Interest
        Parzival Copes

Section II. Stock Status

The Status of Anadromous Salmonids: Lessons in Our Search for Sustainability
        Jack E. Williams

Endangered Species Act Review of the Status of Pink Salmon from Washington, Oregon, and California
        Jeffrey J. Hard, Robert G. Kope, and W.Stewart Grant

Review of the Status of Coho Salmon from Washington, Oregon, and California
        Laurie Weitkamp, Thomas C. Wainright, Gregory J. Bryant, David J. Teel, and Robert G. Kope

Status Review of Steelhead from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California
        Peggy J. Busby, Thomas C. Wainwright, and Gregory .J. Bryant

Status and Distribution of Chinook Salmon and Steelhead in the Interior Columbia River Basin and Portions of the Klamath River Basin
        Russell F. Thurow, Danny C. Lee, and Bruce E. Rieman

Status and Stewardship of Salmon Stocks in Southeast Alaska
        Benjamin W. Van Alen

Kamchatka Steelhead: Population Trends and Life History Variation
        Ksenia A. Savvaitova, Kirill V. Kuzishchin, and Sergei V. Maximov

Section III. Existing Management

International Management of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon
        James C. Woodey

The History and Status of Pacific Northwest Chinook and Coho Salmon Ocean Fisheries and Prospects for Sustainability
        Gary S. Morishima and Kenneth A. Henry

Managing Pacific Salmon Escapements: the Gaps Between Theory and Reality
        E. Eric Knudsen
[PDF Files: (Part 1 - 14.2 MB), (Part 2 - 4.6 MB), (Part 3 - 9.2 MB)]

Research Programs and Stock Status for Salmon in Three Transboundary Rivers: the Stikine, Taku, and Alsek
        Kathleen Jensen

Section IV. Habitat Assessment

The Effects of Forest Harvesting, Fishing, Climate Variation, and Ocean Conditions on Salmonid Populations of Carnation Creek, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
        Peter J. Tschaplinski

Habitat Assessment in Coastal Basins of Oregon: Implications for Coho Salmon Production and Habitat Restoration
        Kim K. Jones and Kelly M.S. Moore

Overview Assessment of Compensation and Mitigation Techniques Used to Assist Fish Habitat Management in British Columbia Estuaries
        Colin D. Levings

Human Population Growth and the Sustainability of Urban Salmonid Streams in the Lower Fraser Valley
        Otto E. Langer, Fern Hietkamp, and Melody Farrell

Section V. Artificial Production

Minimizing Ecological Impacts of Hatchery-reared Juvenile Steelhead on Wild Salmonids in a Yakima Basin Watershed
        Geoffrey A. McMichael, Todd N. Pearsons, and Steven A. Leider

Economic Feasibility of Salmon Enhancement Propagation Programs
        Hans D. Radtke, and Shannon W. Davis

The New Order in Global Salmon Markets and Aquaculture Development: Implications for Watershed-based Management in the Pacific Northwest
        Gilbert Sylvia, James L. Anderson, and Emily Hanson

Alaska Ocean Ranching Contributions to Sustainable Fisheries
        William W. Smoker, Bruce A. Bachen, Gary Freitag, Harold J. Geiger, and Timothy J. Linley

Section VI. Modeling Approaches

The Proportional Migration Selective Fishery Model
        Peter W. Lawson and Richard M. Comstock

A Simulation Model to Assess Management and Allocation Alternatives in Multi-stock Pacific Salmon Fisheries
        Norma Jean Sands and Jeff Hartman

Defining Equivalent Exploitation Rate Reduction Policies for Endangered Salmon Stocks
        James G. Norris

Decadel Climate Cycles and Declining Columbia River Salmon
        James J. Anderson

The Effect of Environmentally Driven Recruitment Variation on Sustainable Yield from Salmon Populations
        Steven P. Cramer

Using Photosynthetic Rates to Estimate the Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Rearing Capacity of British Columbia Lakes
        Ken S. Shortreed, Jeremy M.B. Hume, and John G. Stockner

Section VII. Habitat Protection and Restoration

Protecting and Restoring the Habitats of Anadromous Salmonids in the Lake Washington Watershed, an Urbanizing Ecosystem
        Kurt L. Fresh and Gino Luchetti

Rehabilitating Stream Channels Using Large Woody Debris with Considerations for salmonid Life History and Fluvial Geomorphic Processes
        Larry G. Dominguez and C. Jeff Cederholm

Development of Options for the Reintroduction and Restoration of Chinook Salmon into Panther Creek, Idaho
        Dudley W. Reiser, Michael P. Ramey, and Paul Devries

Effectiveness of Current Anadromous Fish Habitat Protection Procedures for the Tongass National Forest, Alaska
        Calvin H. Casipit, Jeff Kershner, Tamra Faris, Steve Kessler, Steve Paustian, Lana Shea, Max Copenhagen, Mason Bryant, and Richard Aho

Using Watershed Analysis to Plan and Evaluate Habitat Restoration
        Neil B. Armantrout

Watershed Restoration in Deer Creek, Washington - A Ten-year Review
        James E. Doyle, G. Movassaghi, M. Fischer, and R. Nichols

Integrating History into the Restoration of Coho Salmon in Siuslaw River, Oregon
        Matthew Booker

Section VIII. Towards Sustainability

Community Education and Cooperation Determine Success in Watershed Restoration: The Asotin Creek Model Watershed Plan
        Angela Thiessen and Linda Vane

Spring-run Chinook Salmon Work Group: A Cooperative Approach to Watershed Management in California
        Nat Bingham and Allen Harthorne

Creating Incentives Salmon Conservation
        Rodney M. Fujita, and Tira Foran

Long-term Sustainable Monitoring of Pacific Salmon Populations Using Fishwheels to Integrate Harvesting, Management and Research
        Michael R. Link and Karl K. English

Sanctuaries for Pacific Salmon
        James A. Lichatowich, Guido R. Rahr, III, Shauna M. Whidden, and Cleveland R. Steward

One Northwest Community - People, Salmon, Rivers, and the Sea: Towards Sustainable Fisheries
           Donald D. MacDonald, Cleveland R. Steward, and E.Eric Knudsen
[PDF File - 13 MB]

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