U.S. Census Bureau
 Health Insurance

CPS health insurance coverage recoding programming code

Programming Code: Estimates of Health Insurance Coverage


This document shows how we create health insurance estimates for the different types of coverage reported in our tables and reports.  You can use the code to duplicate our published estimates (for any year since the March 1988 CPS), or as a starting point to generate estimates based on a sub-population of your own interest.


Health insurance coverage status 


if  cov_hi = 1 or mcare = 1 or mcaid = 1 or champ = 1  then assign 1

else assign 2


1 = covered/insured

2 = not covered/uninsured


Note: If you are using data from 1994 CPS or earlier years, substitute this variation:

if  cov_hi = 1 or mcare = 1 or mcaid = 1 or champ = 1 or ch_mc = 1 or ch_hi= 1 or ch_hi = 2 then assign 1 else assign 2


Private health insurance  (coverage through an  employment-based or direct-purchase plan)


if cov_hi =1  then  assign 1

else assign 2


1 = covered by private health insurance

2 = not covered by private health insurance


Note: If you are using data from 1994 CPS or earlier years, substitute this variation:

if cov_hi =1 or ch_hi =1 or ch_hi = 2 then  assign 1

else assign 2


 Employment-based health insurance (provided through employer or union)


if cov_gh = 1 or ch_hi = 2 then assign 1

else assign 2


1 = covered by employment-based health insurance

2 = not covered by health insurance


Direct-purchase health insurance (purchased by an individual from a private insurance company)


if priv = 1 or depriv = 1 or othstyp* = (12 or 13) or ahityp* = (12, 13, or 15) then assign 1

else assign 2


1 = covered by direct-purchase health insurance

2 = not covered by direct-purchase health insurance


Note: If you are using data from the 2000 CPS, substitute this variation:

if priv = 1 or depriv = 1 or othstyp* = (11 or 12) or ahityp* = (11, 12, or 14) then assign 1

else assign 2


Note: If you are using data from the 1999 CPS or earlier years, substitute this variation:

if priv = 1 or depriv = 1 or othstyp* = (11 or 12) then assign 1

else assign 2



Government health insurance programs


if mcare = 1 or mcaid =1 or ch_mc = 1 or champ = 1 then assign 1

else assign 2


1 = covered by a government health insurance program

2 = not covered by a government health insurance program





if mcare = 1 then assign 1

else assign 2


1 = covered by Medicare

2 = not covered by Medicare



 Medicaid   (includes coverage by any state-sponsored plan: medicaid, schip, or other state plan)


if mcaid = 1 or ch_mc = 1 then assign 1

else assign 2


1 = covered by Medicaid

2 = not covered by Medicaid



Military health care    (includes coverage by TRICARE, CHAMPVA, VA, or military health care)


if champ = 1 then assign 1

else assign 2


1 = covered by a military health care plan

2 = not covered by a military health care plan



*  interviewers can report up to 6 coverage types per respondent from the question.

Contact the Demographic Call Center Staff at 301-763-2422 or 1-866-758-1060 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information on Health Insurance Data.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division