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CS Manila Led the Path for Nobel Systems, Inc.’s Business in the Philippines

Mr. Michael Samuel, president of Nobel Systems Inc., was one of the trade mission members during the 2006 Environmental Technologies Trade Mission to Southeast Asia. Nobel, long-time client of International Trade Specialist (ITS) Eduard Roytberg of the Inland Empire Export Assistance Center (Ontario, California), specializes in mapping, data viewing and hosting, and Geographical Information System (GIS) consulting. Commercial Service Manila Trade Specialist Bebe Montesines and Commercial Assistant Lolit Rivera arranged seven (7) one-on-one meetings for Mr. Samuel.

The officers of San Pedro Water District (SPWD) were among the executives that Mr. Samuel met during the Philippine stop of the trade mission. After the trade mission, Mr. Samuel and SPWD officers exchanged e-mails and, after several communications, Mr. Samuel was encouraged to visit the Philippines to make presentations on GIS solutions not only to SPWD board and senior staff but to other water districts as well. ITS Roytberg facilitated the discussion between Mr. Samuel, and CommSpec Montesines and ComAsst Rivera on organizing the presentations under the Single Company Promotion program of CS Manila. In September 2006, Nobel held its Single Company Promotion seminar in the conference room of the US Commercial Service in Manila, together with its newly assigned partner in the Philippines, CEST Inc., whom Nobel met during the trade mission. Also as part of the SCP agreement, on the day prior to the seminar, CommSpec Montesines arranged for Nobel and CEST to travel to San Pedro to give a similar, personalized presentation to the water district officials.

After this presentation in September 2006, communications continued between officers of SPWD, Nobel and CEST Inc. CommSpec Montesines counseled the three entities, as needed. The hard work paid off when SPWD general manager and CEST president signed a contract for the supply, installation and service of Nobel's GIS in SPWD on February 15, 2007 at CS Manila's office. The two-year contract is worth $127,171(Pesos6.15 million), with Nobel's portion of the contract amounting to $48,132. The chairman of the Board of Directors of SPWD, an officer of the Water Environment Association of the Philippines, as well as CS Manila Commercial Counselor Judy Reinke and Commercial Attaché Thomas Brennan witnessed the contract signing. Members of the SPWD Board of Directors and SPWD senior staff, CEST executives, a representative of the the Local Water Utilities Administration, ComSpec Montesines and ComAsst Rivera were also present at the auspicious occasion.

In an email to ITS Roytberg dated January 19, 2007, Mr. Samuel wrote "Thanks Eduard for your help too in getting me started on the path to exporting". Mr. Samuel expressed his gratitude to CommSpec Montesines in an e-mail dated February 16, 2007. Mr. Samuel wrote: "Bebe, Thanks for all your help. It would never have happened without your support. You were the person who introduced me to San Pedro, and also to CEST. What a perfect way to start my export business)