Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Waterfowl Identification in the Central Flyway

Snow Goose (Snows)

Sexes Similar

GIF -- Picture of Adult Snow Goose

Body: Medium-sized goose, 27-31 inches long, 4 - 6 1/2 pounds. Adult snow white; immature dusky white. Bill of adult pink with whitish tip. Immature bill, dusky. Bill forms "grin-patch" where upper and lower portions meet. Feet of adult pink; immature feet, dusky. Wings: Adult, snow white with black primaries; immature, dusky with black primaries. Voice: Harsh, high-pitched yelp. In Flight: Adult, snow white body and black wing tips; immature, dusky white body and black wing tips.

GIF -- Picture of Immature Snow Goose

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