NWA logo Environmental Satellite Images
A Comprehensive Resource List

National Weather Association (NWA) Remote Sensing Committee
Maintained by
Gary Ellrod - Last Updated - February 27, 2008

The following list of Internet sites provide original, near-realtime satellite images or derived products.
University/Commercial Sites | Government/Military | Europe
Western Pacific/Asia | Latin America | Glossary

Hurricane symbol = Special Realtime Tropical Storm Coverage

University/Commercial Sites (U.S., Canada, and Bermuda)
Site/LocationType of Imagery Available
Accu-Weather, Inc. State College, PA GOES-East/West Vis, IR, WV in color, with regional and state closeups . Radar/satellite composites.
Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC) , Madison, WI NOAA AVHRR composites over Antarctica
Bermuda Biological Station for Research, St. Georges, Bermuda AVHRR Composite IR/color SST imagery of western Atlantic, Bermuda, plus SeaWiFS ocean color
College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL GOES-East/West regional VIS, IR, WV, and radar (still and animations). High resolution (1 km) VIS sectors. County and major highway overlays.
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) Madison, WI Hurricane symbol GOES-East/West Sounder and Imager Products, "forecast" images, tropical storm sectors
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) Ft. Collins, CO Hurricane symbol Latest GOES-East/West Vis, IR, WV. Regional sectors. 1 year archive. NOAA AVHRR. RAMSDIS Online
Geology.Com Colorized, clear-sky Landsat images of U. S. states, cities, plus most world countries.
University of Hawaii, Honolulu GOES vis, IR and WV sectors for Hawaii, Pacific and Atlantic Basins, plus U. S. mainland. GIF/JAVA movies
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Large scale remapped GOES-East/West Vis, IR, WV, composites, and movies. Six day archive.
Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Lab., Laurel, MD Nice collection of colorized AVHRR images. One month+ archive.
Louisiana State U., Baton Rouge GOES-East current Vis/IR/WV/Color IR. 2 week archive of AVHRR.
NCAR Research Application Project (RAP) , Boulder, CO GOES multispectral (JPEG), derived products, close-up visible (1.5 km res.)
Ohio State University, Columbus GOES-East/West Vis/IR, WV, Color IR, Antarctic composites, 2-week archive
Oregon State University, Corvallis GOES-West Vis/IR/WV, MPEG movies.
Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH Hurricane symbol GOES-East/West Vis/IR/WV, global Mollweide composites, GIF/MPEG movies, Satellite/radar composites for U. S.
UNISYS Weather (Former Purdue U. site) Hurricane symbol GOES-East/West Vis/IR/WV, +composites. 12 hour archive + movies. Radar, model forecast data, hurricane tracks.
University of Utah, Salt Lake City GOES-West Vis, IR, WV for Western U.S., East Pacific. Vis closeups. Four day archive.
University of Virginia, Charlottesville GOES-East/West Vis, color IR and WV, with 24 hr loops. Multiple satellite composites. Zenith-altered WV.
University of Washington, Seattle GOES-West/East Vis/IR/WV for past week. High resolution vis for Pacific NW
Weather Channel, Atlanta, GA Color-enhanced GOES visible, IR and water vapor for U.S.and regional views. Animations.
Weather Network, Mississauga, Ontario GOES IR and color radar composite images for Canada and northern U.S.
University of Wisconsin, Madison Hurricane symbol Current GOES-East/West Vis/IR/WV, global color composites, Google Earth imagery, SST, "Forecast Satellite Imagery."
WSI Corporation (INTELLiCast), Billerica, MA Hurricane symbol Latest national, regional GOES remapped IR (small size)
U. of Wyoming, Laramie GOES Vis, IR of North America, western US, eastern US plus floater, WV MPEG

Federal/State/Military Sites (U.S. and Canada)
Site/LocationType of Imagery Available
Air Force Weather Agency, Omaha, NE Colorized IR and animations from around the world, including a global multi-satellite composite.
Environment Canada, Montreal GOES-8/10 Vis/IR/WV of North and South America, with movie loops
Forecast Systems Laboratory (NOAA), Boulder, CO GOES multi-spectral (Vis/IR/WV/3.9IR) movies, radar/WV composites
Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC), Honolulu, HI Hurricane symbol MTSAT Vis/IR, METEOSAT IR (BIG .gif/.jpeg), updated every 6 hours. T.S. bulletins.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD Hurricane symbol GOES-East/West Multispectral IR + VIS, MTSAT Vis/IR/WV, interesting examples, GOES news updates
NASA Langley Research Center, Langley, VA GOES-East/West, NOAA AVHRR and MODIS image products to support the Atmospher ic Radiation Measurement (ARM) project. Multi-year archive.
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL Hurricane symbol Still or animated GOES-East/West and MTSAT Vis/IR/WV + Global composite IR.
National Climatic Data Center GOES Browser, Asheville, NC GOES-East/West Full Disk Vis/Ir/WV (from 7/92-12/96) and N Hemisphere (from 12/14/96 to present). SSM/I global products since 1992. ISCCP full disk images from 1983 to present.
National Geophysical Data Center (NOAA/NESDIS), Boulder, CO. DMSP OLS, SSM/I microwave
National Weather Service, Anchorage, AK Latest remapped NOAA AVHRR and FY1 (Vis, IR), GOES-10 (IR) and MTSAT (IR) for Alaska region.
National Weather Service Aviation Weather Center, Kansas City, MO Multi-satellite (GOES, MTSAT, METEOSAT) IR composites of North Atlantic, North Pacific, South America, Asia/Europe. CONUS vis, IR and WV.
National Weather Service Western Region, Salt Lake City, UT GOES-West Vis/IR/WV over western U.S./Canada and East Pacific. High resolution products + loops (Vis, fog/reflectivity, time composites, winds, soundings)
Naval Research Lab, Monterey, CA Hurricane symbol GOES-West Vis/IR/color WV (JPEG) for past 24-30 hrs. Tropical mercator images, derived products. MPEG movies. Model data overlain on some images.
"NexSat", Naval Research Lab, Monterey, CA Images and derived products from multiple U. S. satellites (NASA Aqua/Terra, GOES, NOAA, DMSP) to demonstrate the capabilities of future satellite systems such as NPOESS. Color composites, animations, archives.
Navy Fleet Numerical Meteorological & Oceanographic Center, Monterey, CA Hurricane symbol DMSP Vis/IR composites (low res.- 7km) for CONUS, E. Pac., W. Atlc. (Updated every 6 hours)
NESDIS Operational Products Development Branch, Camp Springs, MD Hurricane symbol Current GOES Vis/IR/WV + MPEG movies. Derived GOES products (LI, PW, ASOS, surface temp., winds, fog, aircraft icing,etc.). Polar soundings.
NESDIS Flash Flood Home Page, Camp Springs, MD Current GOES derived hydrological products (rainfall estimates, precipitable water)
NESDIS Information Processing Division Suitland, MD NOAA AVHRR global composites (Polar Stereo and Mercator), Ozone maps, aerosols, SST, soundings, MODIS composites for CONUS, Vegetation Index, regional CoastWatch images from GOES (all 5 channels)
NESDIS Satellite Services Division, Camp Springs, MD Hurricane symbol GOES Vis/IR/WV over tropical East Pacific and Atlantic, precipitation estimates, volcano images, snow cover, experimental fire products
NESDIS GOES Image Browser, Camp Springs, MD Hurricane symbol Current GOES-East/West Vis/IR/WV + composites; remapped sectors; MPEG movies; 7 day archive
NESDIS NOAAsis, Suitland, MD GOES/Polar satellite operational information (eclipse schedules, maneuvers, ephemeris, etc.)
CLASS (formerly Satellite Active Archive (SAA)), NESDIS IPD Suitland, MD Archived data from U.S. polar (NOAA/DMSP) and geostationary (GOES) satellites in several formats.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Austin, TX GOES-East Vis/IR/WV plus AVHRR and MODIS color composites showing closeups of Texas, the south central U.S., and the Gulf of Mexico

European Sites
Site/LocationType of Imagery Available
Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Brussels Current global ozone analyses from ENVISAT
CESI, Milan, Italy METEOSAT Vis/IR of Italy and southern Europe, lightning and radar data, and forecasts (Italian only)
Free University of Berlin, Germany Latest METEOSAT IR, MPEG movies
Dundee University, Scotland NOAA AVHRR/HRPT IR/Vis
EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany Full disk METEOSAT (Vis,IR,WV) at 0W and 63W (INDOEX), Color MPEG movie
Meteo-France, Paris, France Colorized METEOSAT IR/vis of Europe, "Forecast" images (French only)
NEMOC, Rota, Spain METEOSAT Vis/IR/WV of Mediterranean region
Meteorological Institute of Spain, Madrid Colorized METEOSAT IR of Europe, GOES/METEOSAT composites, SST, vegetation index (Spanish only)
Met Office, U. K. New Large scale IR images of most continents, full disk, global composite
Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo Colorized composite polar/geo images of Europe from NOAA and METEOSAT (Norwegian only)
Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Brussels Colorized METEOSAT IR/vis (topo. background)
Space Research Institute Moscow, RU NOAA AVHRR composites over Russia, eastern Europe. Current GOMS not available.
University of Ulm, Germany Colorized METEOSAT WEFAX (Vis, IR, WV) plus selected MTSAT sectors. GIF movies.

Western Pacific/Asian Sites
Site/LocationType of Imagery Available
Australia Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne MTSAT Vis, IR and color-IR of Australia and full Earth disk. Derived products (NDVI, SST, motion vectors, ice cover, etc).
India Meteorological Department, New Delhi INSAT Vis, IR and color-composite. 3-hourly full disk, India and Middle East coverage.
James Cook U., Queensland, Australia MTSAT color IR (GIF,IFF), full disk, Australia sectors.
Kochi University, Japan MTSAT IR (JPEG), full disk, Japan/China sectors, MPEG movies
Landcare Research, New Zealand Colorized, multi-channel composite NOAA AVHRR images of New Zealand

Latin American Sites
Site/LocationType of Imagery Available
Argentine National Meteorological Service, Buenos Aires GOES Vis/IR/WV images of South America and Argentina (Spanish only)
Brazilian Space Institute (INPE) GOES 3-hrly IR of South America, METEOSAT 6-hrly closeups of Brazil, 3.5 month archive. (English and Portuguese)
Colombia IDEAM, Bogota New Hourly GOES IR of northern South America and Caribbean superimposed on colorized terrain map (Spanish only)
Meteorological Service of Mexico GOES-12/10 Vis/IR/WV of Mexico, North America and East Pacific. Latest Mexican radar data and forecasts. (Spanish only)

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