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Please see current site for Global Corruption

Great Seal

Fighting Global Corruption: Business Risk Management

Information for Global Businesses and Organizations on Navigating the International Anticorruption Environment, May 2000

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Corruption: Why It Matters

Developing an Anticorruption Strategy: Detection and Prevention Measures for Businesses

General Elements of An Effective Corporate Compliance Program

Accountability -- Good Governance Is Good for Businesses and Governments

Recognizing and Making Anticorruption Issues Part of the Business-Government Dialogue

Promoting Good Business Practices in Transitional Economies

U.S. Efforts to Combat Global Corruption: Leveling the Playing Field

Key Goals of U.S. International Anticorruption Policy

The Emerging Global Anticorruption Environment

International Financial Institutions (IFIs), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and World Customs Organization (WCO)

The Role of Civil Society

Reporting Corruption


Appendix A: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - Antibribery Provisions (U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Commerce)

Appendix B: Websites Relevant to the FCPA, Anticorruption, Ethics, Transparency, and Corporate Compliance Programs

Appendix C: Bibliography and Recommendations for Further Reading

*   This brochure is intended to provide a general description of corporate compliance programs, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and emerging global anticorruption frameworks. It is not intended to substitute for the advice of legal counsel on specific issues related to the FCPA. Moreover, material in this brochure is not intended to set forth the present enforcement intentions of the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), or any other U.S. government agency with respect to particular fact situations.

[end of document]

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