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Vents Program NOAA
Researching the effects of underwater hydrothermal venting systems
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  Vents Program Staff      

Division Leader

Deputy Division Leader

CDR Mark Pickett (NOAA Corps)

Principal Investigators

Edward T. Baker (NOAA/PMEL)
David A. Butterfield (JISAO)
William W. Chadwick (CIMRS)
Robert P. Dziak (CIMRS)
Robert W. Embley (NOAA/PMEL)
J. William Lavelle (NOAA/PMEL)
John E. Lupton (NOAA/PMEL)

Haru Matsumoto (CIMRS)
Dave Mellinger (CIMRS)
Joseph Resing (JISAO)


Jessica Black (NOAA/PMEL)

Computer Specialist

Jonathan Klay (NOAA/PMEL)

Research Assistants

Andra M. Bobbitt (CIMRS)
Nathan Buck (JISAO)
Leigh Evans (CIMRS)
Matt Fowler (CIMRS)
Ron Greene (CIMRS)
Joe Haxel (CIMRS)
Sara Heimlich (CIMRS)
Holger Klinck (CIMRS)
Karolin Klinck (CIMRS)
Elizabeth Kusel (CIMRS)
Tai-Kwan (Andy) Lau (CIMRS)
Susan Merle (CIMRS)
Sharon Nieukirk (CIMRS)
Kevin Roe (JISAO)
Sharon Walker (NOAA/PMEL)

  CIMRS - Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies, Oregon State University
JISAO - Joint Institute for Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, University of Washington

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DOC / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / Vents Program
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Building 3
Seattle, WA 98115-6349
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Hatfield Marine Science Center
2115 SE Oregon State University Dr.
Newport, OR 97365
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