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NSTA Launches Professional Networking Website for Science Educators

If you ever needed to share a teaching challenge, talk to a colleague in your discipline teaching your grade band, or gather suggestions about resources on assessment from someone who has used the resource and can recommend it, you'll want to join the new NSTA Communities. This website brings together science education professionals to interact, mingle, share activities and resources, form groups, offer advice, and get help from the community members. Visit to create your profile and expand your professional network. You may make a friend, offer your expertise, find a mentor, and help build a community with those sharing a passion for science education.

In the News

  • Lights Out for Dark Matter Claim?

    ScienceNow Daily News
    Recent satellite measurements fail to confirm the presence of dark matter in our galaxy. The observations don't disprove the existence of dark matter, but they put a damper on hopes that physicists had already begun to see it.
    Recent satellite measurements fail to confirm the presence of dark matter in our galaxy. The observations don't disprove the existence of dark matter, but they put a damper on hopes that physicists had already begun to see it.
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  • First Pig Cases of H1N1—and Mixed Views on the Human Outbreak

    The first pigs infected with the H1N1 influenza sweeping the globe have been found—but they're a long way from Mexico, the suspected origin of the virus. There’s also some optimism that the human outbreak of the virus is not as threatening as earlier...  [view full summary]
    The first pigs infected with the H1N1 influenza sweeping the globe have been found—but they're a long way from Mexico, the suspected origin of the virus. There’s also some optimism that the human outbreak of the virus is not as threatening as earlier feared.
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  • Community Colleges Challenge Hierarchy With 4-Year Degrees

    The New York Times (requires free registration)
    Nationwide, 17 states have allowed community colleges to award associate's and bachelor's degrees, and in some, the community colleges have become four-year institutions. Some universities are fighting back, saying the community colleges are involved...  [view full summary]
    Nationwide, 17 states have allowed community colleges to award associate's and bachelor's degrees, and in some, the community colleges have become four-year institutions. Some universities are fighting back, saying the community colleges are involved in "mission creep" that may distract them from their traditional mission and lead to watered-down bachelor's degrees.
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  • Thousands of Caves Closed to Protect Bats from Mysterious "White Nose Syndrome"

    Scientific American
    One month after the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service asked people to voluntarily stay out of caves in the Northeast to hopefully prevent the further spread of the deadly white-nose syndrome that has already killed 500,000 bats, the U.S. Forest Service has...  [view full summary]
    One month after the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service asked people to voluntarily stay out of caves in the Northeast to hopefully prevent the further spread of the deadly white-nose syndrome that has already killed 500,000 bats, the U.S. Forest Service has taken things a step further, closing thousands of caves in 20 states to human activity.
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Science Store

NSTA Press book cover

Earth Science Success

This one-year curriculum contains 50 lesson plans for grades 6–9 covering astronomy, geology, meteorology, and physical oceanography.

Today in Science History

On May 7 in 1952, the concept for the integrated circuit (the microminiature chip so important in today's computers) is first published, by Geoffrey W. A. Dummer in Washington, D.C.

The Illustrated Almanac of Science, Technology, and Invention

NSTA Presents

The NSTA Learning Center

Every teacher wants to grow their understanding of the subjects they teach and the pedagogical implications. To address this challenge, NSTA is proud to make available our professional development website, called The NSTA Learning Center.

Featured Resources and Opportunities:
