National Park Service - National Underground Railroad Network To Freedom (with two background images - forest, and map of United States)
Image of two participants in the Underground Railroad, dressed for cold weather Northwest - Few realize that Alaska was the destination for some slaves as they escaped through Canada.  Click for their stories. (link opens in new window)
United States Map - Underground Railroad activity across the nation
National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program
West - African Americans were denied economic, social and political opportunities even in the expanding West.  Click to read their stories. (link opens in new window)  Midwest - Some of the richest Underground Railroad archeological sites are in the Midwest.  Click for their stories. (link opens in new window) Northeast - Anti-Slavery did not mean pro-Black, even in the North where racism existed parallel to Southern slavery.  Click for Northeast stories. (link opens in new window)
Explore the UGRR Network
 Mid Atlantic - The vast majority of bravery and resilience that make up the Underground Railroad will likely remain secrets of history.  Click for MidAtlantic stories. (link opens in new window)
Learn about the Underground Railroad
 Southwest - Kidnapped slaves continued to be smuggled into North America despite the 1808 ban on international slave trade.  Click for Southwest stories. (link opens in new window)
 South - Many slaves fled to East and West Florida and the Caribbean to escape the South's harsh dependence on slavery.  Click for Southern stories. (link opens in new window)
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 Today's featured story: Elizabeth Keckley was seamstress and friend to Mary Todd Lincoln and founder of the Contraband Relief Society.     more...
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Underground Railroad Network to Freedom logo with face in star (with map of the United States as a background)
Image of two feet on forest ground
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