Archive Site for State Department information prior to January 20, 2001.
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Fighting Terrorism
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01/16/01: Reward Offer: U.S.S. Cole Attack

12/20/00: Observation of the Anniversary of the Bombing of Pan Am 10
12/15/00: Assistant Secretary Karl Inderfurth, On-the-Record Briefing on Afghanistan (Terrorism)
12/14/00: Press Statement: Rewards for Justice Program: Prevention of Terrorism Advertising Campaign
12/13/00: Ambassador Sheehan, Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime, Washington, DC
11/22/00: Secretary Albright, Press Remarks on the Situation in the Middle East, Washington, DC
11/14/00: Investigation into Attack on USS Cole
10/30/00: Secretary Albright, Interview on ABC's "Good Morning America," Washington, DC
10/27/00: Secretary Albright, Statement on Investigation of the USS Cole Bombings
10/18/00: President Clinton, Remarks at USS Cole Memorial Service, Norfolk, VA
10/17/00: Rear Adm. Craig R. Quigley, DoD News Briefing, USS Cole Incident, Washington, DC
10/15/00: Secretary Albright, Interview on ABC's "This Week," Washington, DC
10/14/00: President Clinton, Radio Address on Terrorist Attack Against the USS Cole, Washington, DC
10/14/00: Letter to Congress on Ensuring Security of U.S. Military Forces, Washington, DC
10/13/00: Richard Boucher, Press Briefing on Terrorism and North Korea, Washington, DC
10/13/00: Mr. Kenneth H. Bacon, DoD News Briefing, USS Cole Incident, Washington, DC
10/13/00: Adm. Robert J. Natter, Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, DoD News Briefing, USS Cole Incident, Washington, DC
10/12/00: Letter to Senate on Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, Washington, DC
10/12/00: Statement by the President on Middle East Situation and Incident on USS Cole in Yemen, Washington, DC
10/12/00: Secretary Albright, Press Briefing with Ambassador Wendy Sherman, Washington, DC
10/12/00: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, DoD News Briefing, USS Cole Incident, Washington, DC
10/10/00: Richard Boucher, Press Briefing on Terrorism and North Korea, Washington, DC
10/06/00: Joint U.S.-DPRK Statement on International Terrorism
09/26/00: India-U.S. Statement on Joint Working Group on Counter-terrorism
09/15/00: Press Statement: Intent to Designate as Foreign Terrorist Organization the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
09/15/00: Secretary Albright, Remarks at Stakeout Following 6 + 2 Meeting on Afghanistan, New York, NY
09/15/00: Secretary Albright, Statement on 6 + 2 Meeting on Afghanistan, New York, NY
08/07/00: Secretary Albright, Remarks on Second Anniversary of the East African Bombings, Washington, DC
07/12/00: Ambassador Sheehan, Testimony Before the House International Relations Committee (Counterterrorism efforts)
06/27/00: World Wide Caution: Tourist Season
06/21/00: Press Statement: U.S.-Canada Counterterrorism Bilateral
06/16/00: Press Statement: Central Asia: Counterterrorism Conference
06/15/00: Ambassador Sheehan, Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (National Commission on Terrorism Report)
06/12/00: Department of State To Host Counterterrorism Conference
06/08/00: Ambassador L. Paul Bremer, III, National Commission on Terrorism, Testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI)
06/05/00: National Commission on Terrorism, Executive Summary, National Commission on Terrorism Report
06/05/00: Philip Reeker, Excerpt from Daily Press Briefing (National Commission on Terrorism Report/U.S. Not Considering Sanctions Against Greece and Pakistan/Issue of Tracking International Students in U.S.)
05/17/00: President Clinton, White House Announcment on Counterterrorism Funding Request
05/17/00: President Clinton, Remarks at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 119th Commencement, Cadet Memorial Field U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut (Counterterrorism funding)
05/05/00: Correction: Terrorism Report Error on Alleged Involvement of Jesuits in Founding Colombian Terrorist Group
05/01/00: Secretary Albright and Michael Sheehan, Briefing on the 1999 Annual "Patterns of Global Terrorism" Report, Washington, DC
04/06/00: Reward Offer: Abdelmajid Dahoumane
03/27/00: Joint Statement by the Depositary States on the 25th Anniversary of Entry Into Force of the Biological Weapons Convention
03/21/00: George Tenet, Senate Foreign Relations Committee (The Worldwide Threat in 2000: Global Realities of Our National Security)
02/10/00: President Clinton, White House Statement (Embassy security initiatives)
02/10/00: Michael Sheehan, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC (Post-Millennium Terrorism Review)
02/08/00: Joint U.S.-India Statement on Counterterrorism Working Group
02/03/00: Ambassador Sheehan To Address Brookings Institution
02/00/00:* Focus on the Issues: Building Peace and Security Around the World
Previous: 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996

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