Great Seal The State Department web site below is a permanent electronic archive of information released prior to January 20, 2001.  Please see for material released since President George W. Bush took office on that date.  This site is not updated so external links may no longer function.  Contact us with any questions about finding information.

NOTE: External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.

   Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
Press Statements
Country Information
Regional Topics
Peace Process
Official Texts
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     Country Web Sites
      Algeria | Bahrain | Egypt
      Iran | Iraq | Israel | Jordan
      Kuwait | Lebanon | Libya
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      Saudi Arabia | Syria
      Tunisia | Yemen
2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997   |||   Other Statements

08/24/00: Death of Diplomatic Courier Seth J. Foti
07/06/00: Taken Question: Egypt: Update on Saad Ibrahim Arrest
07/05/00: Maritime Boundary Agreement Between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
07/01/00: Secretary Albright, Statement on Iran Trial
06/27/00: Statement on Secretary Albright's Meeting With Prime Minster Barak, Jerusalem
06/23/00: Vice President Gore Meeting With Iraqi National Congress Officials; Special Background Press Briefing
06/23/00: New Fulbright Scholarship Program Honors the Late King Hassan II of Morocco
06/20/00: Border Agreement Between Saudi Arabia and Yemen
06/19/00: U.S. Children Abducted to Lebanon Are Reunited With Their Mother
06/16/00: Agreements Signed To Preserve Jewish Heritage in Poland
06/10/00: Statement on death of Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad
06/10/00: Secretary Albright To Lead American Delegation to Funeral of President Asad
06/09/00: Renewal of UN Oil-for-Food Program in Iraq
06/05/00: U.S. and Jordan Consult on the Information Economy
06/01/00: Secretary Albright's Travel to the Middle East
05/12/00: U.S. Supports Membership of Megen David Adom in the Red Cross Movement
05/08/00: Queen Noor of Jordan Bestows Unity Award Scholarship on Jordanian Fulbright Grantee
04/24/00: Russia-Iran Missile Issues
04/03/00: Release of Foreign Relations Volume on Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1964-1967
03/28/00: Israeli-Palestinian Talks at Bolling AFB
03/21/00: Consular Visit to Libya
03/17/00: Resumption of the Permanent Status Negotiations
03/16/00: Anniversary of the Halabja Massacre
03/14/00: Algeria's Participation in NATO Mediterranean Dialogue
03/16/00: Secretary Albright To Address the American Iranian Council
03/10/00: Visit of Crown Prince of Qatar
03/05/00: Israel: Withdrawing its Forces From South Lebanon
02/21/00: Iran Elections
02/10/00: Meeting of the Israel Lebanon Monitoring Group
02/04/00: On Behalf of the Chairman of the Lebanon-Israel Monitoring Group
01/27/00: Dr. Hans Blix Appointed UNMOVIC (UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission) Executive Chairman
01/17/00: Rolf Efeus of Sweden Nominated as Executive Chairman of the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission
01/17/00: Israeli-Syrian Talks
01/05/00: On Behalf of the Chairman of the Israel-Lebanon Monitoring Group
Previous: 1999 || 1998 || 1997

Other Statements
All Department of State Press Statements
Department of State Daily Press Briefings
All Remarks on Near Eastern Affairs
All Remarks by the Secretary of State

[end of document]

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