National Park Service black bar with arrowhead logo
History & Culture
History and Culture titlephoto of Glen Echo neon sign with a blue sky back drop

Public Outreach


The Public Outreach Program develops and implements communications strategies to enhance understanding and awareness of the National Park Service's cultural resource mission in parks and in communities. This is achieved with the following publications:

  • Common Ground
    Award-winning quarterly magazine offers in-depth look at heritage preservation. Email.
  • CRM Journal
    Biannual scholarly journal covers cultural resource management issues in the U.S. and abroad. Email.
  • Heritage News
    Monthly e-newsletter for the heritage community. Email.
The Public Outreach office also works with the cultural resources web team to produce the History & Culture section of the National Park Service website - Email.

image of CRM Journal cover
CRM Journal

image of Harry Yount, considered the first park ranger, circa 1873 Did You Know?
The first verse of “The Rangers of the NPS” is (sung to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic):Oh who's the one who minds the park and keeps us safe from harm?
Who spanks the bear and feeds the deer and keeps the geysers warm? Who is it that we call for when we fell the least alarm? The Rangers of the NPS.

History and Culture