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The global declines in many kinds of pollinator species could potentially impact the global food supply, as many plants depend upon specific pollinators to reproduce. The Web site of the NBII Pollinators Project provides access to information about the biology, ecology, conservation status, and threats to native pollinators, pollinator-dependent More...

  • animation of a hummingbird pollinating a flower

Distribution of breeding Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow (ammodramus savannarum ammolegus) in the southwestern United States: Past, present, and future

The Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum ammolegus) breeds in desert grasslands of southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico in the US, and in adjacent parts of northern Sonora and Chihuahua, Mexico. Roads that were surveyed in 1982 and 1987 in Arizona and New Mexico were relocated and roadside survey protocols were repeated More...

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Development of Ecological Indicator Guilds

The whole study, conducted at Fort Benning, Georgia, partially funded through the US Army, involves testing of water and soil quality, physical and biotic indicators of stress at both the population and community level. Anthropogenic stress in the present study comes from disturbance by vehicles, particularly tanks used in army training, and from More...

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Bat Fatalities at Wind Turbines: Investigating the Causes and Consequences

Recent evidence shows that certain species of bats are particularly susceptible to mortality from wind turbines. Bats are beneficial consumers of harmful insect pests, and migratory species of bats cross international and interstate boundaries. Dead bats are turning up beneath wind turbines all over the world. Bat fatalities have now been More...

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