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2002 Interactive Deaggregations

On this page you may select a return time, SA frequency, specify a latitude and longitude and request seismograms. Links to the following information will be returned:

  • A plot of deaggregated distance, magnitude and ground-motion uncertainty for the specified parameters.
  • An ascii text file of the hazard matrices, containing, but not limited to, the frequency selected.
  • A geographic deaggregation plot may also be specified (for designated frequencies only - see below). This is in addition to the plot mentioned above.
  • An ascii text file and graph of the seismograms for the modal or mean event (if requested).

Please read the README file before trying to use this site. The README explains about the input parameters and also describes how the deaggregation is done. Stochastic Seismograms and What is Epsilon? are articles which discuss the theory behind the seismograms.

Choose parameters and click "Generate Output"
