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Interactive Deaggregations

2008 Conterminous US

This is a preliminary version of the 2008 NSHMP PSHA Interactive Deaggregation web site. In this initial release, the 2008–update source and attenuation models of the NSHMP (Petersen and others, 2008) are used with just one exception. For the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ), the deaggregation source model is set up for the “unclustered” event branches only. These unclustered New Madrid sources are given full weight (90% weight to the 500 year mean recurrence models; 10% weight to the 1000–year mean recurrence models) whereas in the 2008 NSHMP PSHA they are only given 50% weight. Clustered–source models receive the other 50% weight in 2008 NSHMP PSHA. This is a temporary difference. The interactive deaggregation will include the NMSZ clustered–source models when a few software checkups are completed.

2003 Puerto Rico

This web page is intended to allow the user to determine the principal sources that contribute to seismic hazard at a specified site, according to the USGS seismic hazard model documented in 2003.

This applilcation supports the 2002 Conterminous US as well.

2002 Conterminous US

This web page is intended to allow the user to determine the principal sources that contribute to seismic hazard at a specified site, according to the USGS seismic hazard model documented in Frankel et al (2002).

This appllication supports the 2003 Puerto Rico region as well.

1998 Alaska & Hawaii

This application computes the deaggregation of the values displayed on the 1998 USGS NSHMP Hazard Maps for Alaska and Hawaii. The published hazard maps consider a range of earthquakes that might occur over a given time frame and aggregates the results into an overall hazard value to display on the map for a particular location. This application considers the component earthquakes that may occur near a given location, contrasts each earthquake with its likelihood of occuring and displays the contribution of each earthquake to the location's overall hazard.

This application supports the 1996 Conterminous US as well.

1996 Conterminous US

This application computes the deaggregation of the values displayed on the 1996 USGS NSHMP Hazard Maps for the conterminous U.S. and the 1998 USGS NSHMP Hazard Maps for Alaska and Hawaii. The published hazard maps consider a range of earthquakes that might occur over a given time frame and aggregates the results into an overall hazard value to display on the map for a particular location. This application considers the component earthquakes that may occur near a given location, contrasts each earthquake with its likelihood of occuring and displays the contribution of each earthquake to the location's overall hazard.

This application supports the 1998 Alaska & Hawaii as well.