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Sounds & Images

The national parks are full of exceptional scenery, from high waterfalls to red cliffs to colorful wildflowers to incredible wildlife. The natural environment is also full of natural sounds, from the sound of falling rain to the sound of the wind blowing through the trees to the sound of coyotes howling, birds singing, and crickets chirping. This web site provides the opportunity to see and hear the nature in parks.

The National Park Service and the Pratt Museum in Homer, Alaska—partners in making the National Geographic WildCam Grizzlies possible—are committed to the conservation of McNeil’s brown bears and their habitat in the McNeil River State Game Sanctuary located between Lake Clark National Park and Preserve and Katmai National Park and Preserve.
National Geographic WildCam Grizzlies »

Natural Sounds

Natural Sound Program
Elk bugling in the cool autumn air of Rocky Mt National Park, birds calling in the Everglades, waterfalls thundering into Yosemite Valley, the quiet reverence at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. These are examples of natural sounds that make a trip to our national parks a unique and unforgettable experience.
Natural Sounds »

Photo Galleries

Photo Galleries
The national parks are full of vivid sights from Old Faithful erupting, to a fawn following her mother, to outstanding wildlflower displays in the spring and the change of colors in the fall, to magnificent mountains. The scenes of nature are varied and endless. It's no wonder we often get asked where to find photos of the national parks and their natural resources.
Access photos from national parks »

Views of the National Parks

Views of the National Parks
Views of the National Parks (Views) presents stories of the natural, historical, and cultural wonders associated with national parks, so all Americans can discover for themselves why national parks are special places.
Views of the National Parks »

Web Cameras in the parks

Web Cameras
The National Park Service operates digital cameras at many parks to help educate the public on air quality issues. These cameras often show the effects of air pollution such as visibility impairment. Because these cameras are typically located near air quality monitoring sites, the camera web pages display other information along with the photo such as current levels of ozone, particulate matter, or sulfur dioxide air pollutants, visual range, and weather conditions. Web Cameras »

update on 08/01/2006  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/soundsimages/index.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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