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Olympic Committee Condemns Chinese Treatment of Journalist

14 August 2008

The International Olympic Committee has objected to the actions of Chinese authorities who detained a British journalist reporting on a pro-Tibet rally in Beijing.

IOC spokeswoman Giselle Davies told reporters Thursday that the committee disapproves of any attempt to hinder a journalist who is working within the rules and regulations.

Davies was responding to an incident Wednesday, when John Ray of London-based ITV News says police forcibly detained him, after accusing him of supporting the pro-Tibet protests he was covering.

Ray was released after showing his press credentials.

At the same rally, police arrested seven U.S. citizens and a Japanese national who are members of the group Students for a Free Tibet.

In Nepal Thursday, police detained at least 760 Tibetan exiles who were protesting outside the Chinese embassy in Kathmandu.

Nepal is home to about 20,000 Tibetans who fled their homeland after a failed uprising against Chinese rule in 1959.

Exiles have been staging near-daily protests since March, when Chinese forces brutally suppressed demonstrations in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa.



Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.

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