Associated Equipment Distributors

Sentry Insurance
Lawson Software

What's New

Cost of Doing Business Survey: Surviving during these unprecedented economic times can be stressful and challenging. Now more than ever, dealers need to know how their businesses compare to the competition in terms of sales, payroll costs and productivity.

2009 CFO Conference: This important seminar on financial issues impacting dealerships has been expanded to a full 2 day power session. Financial experts will help CFOs and CEOs interpret the latest information on tax issues affecting the distribution industry and provide information on using AED’s Cost of Doing Business/Profit Opportunity Report to increase profits.

The Best Kept Secret In The Distribution Industry: There is a secret when it comes to spending wisely in today's economy. The divide that separates "value" and "luxury" has always existed, yet in these uncertain financial times smart money always says that you should get the most bang for your hard-earned buck. And make sure you spend it wisely, too. It makes no sense to overspend on anything, and with the market like it is there's really no justifiable excuse for paying too much.

The NEW 2009 AED & AED University Resource Guide: This PDF resource guide is your source for Business Solutions, Products and Continuing Business Education.

MachineMart®: An extensive inventory of used construction equipment available from the leading dealers in North America - members of the Associated Equipment Distributors.

Legislative Action Center: New grassroots tool for AED members.

Policy Issues: AED's Washington office legislative priorities and resources.

AED Foundation

Strengthening the industry through professional education & workforce development.
Test Drive puts the keys in your hands
It's your dealership and you have important decisions to make. Who will you hire, how will you train? Who is your target customer? Can you stock your inventory to sell, price competitively and still make a profit? Can your service department handle the demand? Will your bottom line stand up to the competition?

2009 - 2010 Seminar Schedule
Your source for continuing business education and industry specific training for your managers.

AED University is an educational service of The AED Foundation
The curriculum includes industry-specific training in management, parts, service, sales, rental and customer service. We are also pleased to introduce technical and safety and compliance training through our online educational partners.

Business Finance for Non-Financial Managers
Looking for professional education that is convenient and affordable? Think AED. Financial Management 101: Introduction to Business Finance for Non-Financial Managers is now available exclusively to AED members through AED University.

2009 Investors
These construction equipment industry leaders are helping ensure a prosperous future by investing in The AED Foundation. Contributions support the foundation's efforts in the areas of workforce development and promotion of a positive image.

AED University Certifications
The AED Foundation offers certifications for branch operations, service, parts and rental management. Certification recognizes industry professionals for completion of required position-related training, their skills and expertise, and job performance at an exemplary level.

AED Launching Thousands into Tech Field
By 2012, the Foundation's grassroots school partnerships will triple the annual number of graduating skilled service technicians.

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