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Viewing KMZ files with Google Earth

In Internet Explorer - you will get a File Download window that asks you "Do you want to open or save this file?" Select Open. You will then get a window that says "Windows cannot open this file", choose "Select the program from a list". Click the Browse button in the bottom right corner. It will bring up the Program Files directory. Select Google/GoogleEarth.exe and click OK.

In Mozilla Firefox - you will get a pop-up window that will tell you to either "Open this file" or "Save to Disk". You need to select "Open with" and use the drop down box and select "Other". This will bring you to a browse feature. Point the browser to the Program Files/Google/GoogleEarth.exe file on your computer. Then say OK. Each time you go to this file (i.e. for updates) chose, Open with Google Earth.

Each animal is represented by a different colored dot and line. Each dot represents a location for a particular animal and lines connect successive locations. The numbers on the dots refer to the accuracy of the locations (see legend). You can zoom in on any part of the image to see the quality and date of each location. Click on a location for information on identification of the animal, time since the previous location, and distance moved from the previous location. Please note that these data have yet to be fully processed and analyzed. This means that many locations and track speeds will be somewhat different in the final analysis. The image was created using the Douglas Argos-Filter Algorithm v7.03

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