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FAS Foreign Buyers List
What is the FAS Foreign Buyers List?
Join the list of importers in your country!

The FAS Foreign Buyers Lists are developed and maintained by FAS offices worldwide. By registering with your local FAS office you can receive many of our services to assist you in finding U.S. products and suppliers. This information is also made available by commodity and country to U.S. firms interested in establishing contacts with foreign firms. In addition, Foreign Buyers Lists are used by our local offices to extend invitations to special promotion events.
How Do I Register?
To register to be on the FAS Foreign Buyer List contact your nearest FAS office. Registration is free of charge.
Some overseas post offer on-line registration/forms (to be sent via fax to the local office).  Click on the country below to be directed to these pages.

Countries that request you to mail, email, or fax your request to be included on the FBL:
Comments? Questions?
Contact the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service | Phone: (202) 690-3576 |
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