BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

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Industry Sector Analysis Reports

Industry Sector Analysis (ISA) Reports are concise (up to 10 pages) market research reports being prepared by our commercial specialists on selected industry sectors.
The reports focus on:

  • Market potential and demand trends
  • Market size and import statistics
  • Competition
  • Market access
  • Regulations and standards
  • Distribution practices
  • Best sales prospects
  • End-users
  • Key industry contacts

You can receive the ISA reports of your interest by filling out and sending us the order form below. The reports in electronic version are free of charge and are available for U.S. companies only.

ISA Reports Order Form

Fields marked with * are required.

Select reports of your interest
Contact Information

Please provide an e-mail address of a person who is responsible for promotion of the featured product/service

Your Product/Service and Market Objectives

Please provide a brief description of your company activities.

Submission of business or personal information is voluntary. Please be aware of our Privacy Policy.