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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Evaluation of AHRQ's Children's Health Activities

Appendix A. Comprehensive Activity List 10-5-06

Project Title Initial Funding Year PI Grant No Study ID
Using an EMR to improve urban child health 2004 Adams, William  K02 HS13655 EXT001
Psychosocial predictors of pregnancy, women at HIV risk 1993 Ahluwalia, Indu R03 HS07958 EXT002
Management of acute asthma in pediatric practice 1992 Alario, Anthony R03 HS07418 EXT003
Quality improvement structures and practices as determinants of hospital quality indicators 2001 Alexander, Jeffrey A.  R01 HS11317 EXT004
Passive smoking and children:  An analysis of NHANES III to determine outcomes associated with childhood exposure to envrionmental tabacco smoke 1998 Aligne, Andrew APA Support EXT005
An Internet intervention to increase chlamydia screening 2000 Allison, Jeroan J.  U18 HS11124 EXT006
Quality of life in children after liver transplantation 2002 Alonso, Estella  R03 HS13270 EXT007
Health research enhancement at Morgan State University 2003 Amin, Ruhul  R24 HS11638 EXT008
Measuring quality of life in children with asthma 1996 Annett, Robert D.  R03 HS09123 EXT009
Piloting tools to improve nutritional health in primary care 2003 Ariza, Adolfo  R03 HS14431 EXT010
Youth Partners in Care: quality improvement in depression 1998 Asarnow, Joan  R01 HS09908 EXT011
Emergency department crowding: causes and consequences 2002 Asplin, Brent  K08 HS13007 EXT012
Increasing chlamydia trachomatis screening of young, sexually active women enrolled in commercial health plans 2005 Athery, Adam Contract EXT378
Boone County Community Care Network 2004 Atkins, Robert P20 HS015286 EXT013
Utilization of immunization SVCS: psychosocial approach 1993 Atta, Hoda R03 HS08039 EXT014
Emotional adjustment of children with a chronic illness 1990 Ayoub, Catherine F32 HS00043 EXT015
Determinants of intrapartum obstetrical quality 2005 Bailit, Jennifer R03 HS14352 EXT016
Medicaid expansion: impact on pregnancy outcome and cost 1994 Valdwin, Laura-Mae R01 HS06846 EXT017
National Congress on Childhood Emergencies 2000 Ball, Jane  R13 HS10084 EXT397
Commercial telephone triage vs. physician on-call advice 1999 Baraff, Larry J.  R01 HS10604 EXT018
Improving obesity care in pediatric offices 2003 Barlow, Sarah  K08 HS13901 EXT019
Improving medication safety across clinical settings 2001 Bates, David W.  P01 HS11534 EXT020A
Trial to reduce antibiotic use in a primary care PBRN 2003 Bates, David W.  R03 HS14420 EXT020B
Inapporpriate oral antibiotic use: a model for understanding clinical decision making 2000 Bauchner, Howard EXT398
Dynamics of family disadvantage and childhood asthma 2001 Baydar, Nazil  R01 HS13110 EXT021
Comprehensive IT solution for quality and patient safety 2004 Beach, Ann  UC1 HS15236 EXT022
Creating a Primary Care Practice-based Research Network 2002 Bell, Louis  R21 HS13492 EXT023
Components of prenatal care and low birthweight 1991 BERESFORD, SHIRLEY R01 HS06785 EXT024
El Dorado County Safety Net Technology Project/ACCESS El Dorado 2005 Bergner, Greg UC1 HS16129 EXT379
Prophylaxis for otitis-prone children 1992 Berman, Stephen R03 HS07283 EXT025B
Outcomes associated with therapy for otitis media 1993 Berman, Stephen R01 HS07816 EXT025A
Tales from the Middle Ear Crypt: three decades of otitis media research 1999 Berman, Steve EXT399
Measuring outcomes and costs in high risk obstetrics 1995 Berman, Susan R03 HS08830 EXT026
Validating the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Projects (HCUP) Patient Safety Quality Indicators 2001 Bernard, Shula  Contract EXT027
Utilizing research to enhance clinical practice 2001 Bienkowski, Robert R13 HS10958 EXT028
NATURAL history of blood lead and effect of intervention 1995 Binns, Helen R03 HS08764 EXT029
Creating an evidence base for vision rehabilitation 2004 Bird, Betty  UC1 HS15052 EXT030
Taconic Health Information Network and Community (THINC) 2004 Blair, John  UC1 HS15316 EXT031
Management of chronic asthma 1999 Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association Technology Evaluation Center, Chicago, IL Evidence-based practice center EXT032
Validation of an innovative approach to error reduction 2003 Blumenthal, David  R01 HS13099 EXT033
Economic impact of breast-feeding promotion intervention 2000 Bonuck, Karen A. R18 HS10900 EXT034
Children's memory of an emergency room visit 1991 Bordeaux, Barbara F32 HS00044 EXT035
Effectiveness of prenatal care:  two approaches 1990 Brach, Betsy R03 HS06605 EXT036
Prenatal care barriers for low & moderate-income women 1994 Braveman, Paula R01 HS07910 EXT037
Provider participation and access in Alabama and Georgia 1999 Bronstein, Janet M. U01 HS10435 EXT038
Linking rural providers to improve patient care and health 2004 Broos, Timothy  P20 HS15023 EXT039
The unmet medical needs: risk factors for their presence and their effect on pediatric emergency department utilization 2003 Brousseau, David  03R000173 EXT040
Addressing preventable medication use variance in Mississippi 2001 Brown, Andrew C.  U18 HS11923 EXT041
Taking action with children and families 1996 Brown, Ardene R13 HS09362 EXT400B
Healthy People 2000: taking action with children and families 1997 Brown, Ardene EXT400A
Impact of publicly funded programs on child safety nets 1999 Budetti, Peter P. U01 HS10423 EXT042
Medicaid managed care and the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) 1997 Buist, Alison R.  R03 HS09606 EXT043
Banner Health/Arizona State University Partnership for Emergency Department (ED) Patient Safety 2005 Burdick, Twila U18 HS15921 EXT380
Asthma Education in the Emergency Department—April 1-3, 2001 2001 Camargo, Carlos  R13 HS10940 EXT401
Physicians' decisions regarding cerebral palsy referral 1990 Campbell, Suzann R01 HS06429 EXT044
Racial differences in physician-patient communication 2003 Campbell, Thomas  R03 HS13223 EXT045
A multidisciplinary program to improve child health outcomes 2000 Campbell, William H. EXT402
Adolescents life change events, hope & self-care agency 1992 Canty, Janie R03 HS07547 EXT046
CPOE implementation in ICU'S 2004 Carayon, pascale R01 HS15274 EXT047
The role of a regular source of care for at-risk youth 2000 Carino, Tanisha V.  F31 HS00150 EXT048
Population-based screening for hypothyroidism in children with Down Syndrome 2005 Carroll, Kecia N. APA Support EXT381
LSU Health Services Research Program 2001 Cerise, Frederick  P20/R24 HS11834 EXT049
Gender as a risk factor for pediatric cardiac surgery 2002 Chang, Reuy-Kang R03 HS13217 EXT050
effects of lactation on lean body mass, growth and subsequent bone mineral density in teen mothers 2000 Chantry, Caroline J.  APA Support EXT051
Developing and validating quality measures for children 2000 Chassin, Mark R01 HS10302 EXT052A
Improving the delivery of effective care to minorities 2000 Chassin, Mark P01 HS10859 EXT052B
The role of technology in health care cost growth 2004 Chernew, Michael  R03 HS13048 EXT053
Automated decision support systems and clinical data collection 2000 Children's Hospital, Boston, MA Contract EXT054
A diagnostic decision aid for pediatric sinusitis 2002 Christakis, Dimitri A.  R03 HS13195 EXT055A
Parent-initiated Prevention Program 2002 Christakis, Dimitri A.  R01 HS13302 EXT055B
PPRG: retooling for the 21st Century 2000 Christoffel, Katherine K.  P20/U01 HS11248 EXT056
Treating teenage depression in managed care practices 1999 Clarke, Gregory N.  R01 HS10535 EXT057
CAHPS II 2002 Cleary, Paul  U18 HS09205 EXT058
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Living Guide 2000 Clinical Tools, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC Contract EXT059
Managed care organization use of a pediatric asthma management program 2000 Cloutier, Michelle M.  U18 HS11147 EXT060
Design of a multi-use diabetes registry 1992 Cohn, Barbara R13 HS07245 EXT061
Child maltreatment reporting and infant mortality 1992 Cole, George R03 HS07243 EXT062
Managed care and quality: children with chronic conditions 1999 Connell, Frederick A. R01 HS09948 EXT063A
Medical management of children with chronic conditions 2002 Connell, Frederick A. R03 HS13230 EXT063B
TennCare Gaps for Children: asthma clinical outcomes 2000 Cooper, William O.  R01 HS10249 EXT064B
Medicaid MCO's and suboptimal pediatric care 2003 Cooper, William O.  K02 HS13076 EXT064A
Shared decision-making and inappropriate antibiotic use 2002 Cox, Elizabeth  K08 HS13183 EXT065
Improving EMS for Children Through Outcomes Research—March 30-April 1, 2001 2001 Crain, Ellen  R13 HS10942 EXT403
Dartmouth Symposium on Pediatric Sedation 2000 Cravero, Joseph P.  R13 HS10110 EXT404
Health care costs and utilization in AIDS home care 1994 Crystal, Stephen R01 HS06339 EXT066
Dental access and costs for children in a SCHIP program 2002 Damiano, Peter  R03 HS13410 EXT067
Fellowship in Health Services Research 2003 Darden, Paul  T32 HS13851 EXT068
Improving patient safety through provider communication strategy enhancements 2005 Daugherty, Kay U18 HS15846 EXT382
Colorado Connecting Communities—Health Information Collaborative (C3-HIC) 2004 Davidson, Arthur J.  290-04-0014 EXT069
Trends in the non-operative management of splenic injury in children 2001 Davis, Daniela H.  APA Support EXT070
Prevalence and strategies for appropriate prescription medication dosing in children 2002 Davis, Robert  290-00-0015 EXT071A
Pediatric EBM-getting evidence used at the point of care 2000 Davis, Robert L. R01 HS10516 EXT071B
Racial differences in APGAR scores and infant morbidity 1990 De Hart, Mary R03 HS06609 EXT072
Medicaid and the health of the poor 1993 Decker, sandra F32 HS00065 EXT073
Enhancement of the technology interface for the Cincinnati Pediatric Research Group 2002 DeWitt, Thomas  R21 HS13506 EXT074
The Center for Improving Patient Safety (CIPS) 2001 Dittus, Robert S.  P20 HS11563 EXT075
Implementing research findings for practice improvement 2002 Dolor, Rowena R21 HS13511 EXT076
Rural Hospital Collaborative for Excellence Using IT 2004 Dorris, Patricia  UC1 HS15431 EXT077
Evaluating computer decision support for preventive care 1996 Downs, Stephen M.  R01 HS09507 EXT078
How public reporting and pay-for-performance policies impact safety net hospitals 2005 Dudley, Adams R. R03 HS16117 EXT383
Post-term pregnancy management 2000 Duke University Evidence-based practice center EXT079
Measuring preferences for childbirth after cesarean 2004 Eden, Karen R03 HS13959 EXT080
Assessing outcomes of dental care with claims data 1997 Eklund, Stephen A.  R03 HS09554 EXT081
Treatment-resistant epilepsy 2001 Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI) Evidence-based practice center EXT082
Measuring quality of care for homeless adolescents 2001 Ensign, B. Josephine  K08 HS11414 EXT083
The emergency department (ED) pharmacist as a safety measure in emergency medicine 2005 Fairbanks, Rollin U18 HS15818 EXT384
Children's health insurance coverage in Massachusetts 1999 Feinberg, Emily  R03 HS10207 EXT084
Distance management of high-risk obstetrical patients 2004 Ferguson, Candice P20 HS15435 EXT085
Improving pediatric safety and quality with health care IT 2004 Ferris, Timothy  R01 HS15002 EXT086
Hospital epidemiology of pediatric complex chronic conditions:  a study of hospital admission secular trends and case mix 1999 Feudtner, Chris APA Support EXT087
Profiling the needs of dying children 2000 Feudtner, John C.  K08 HS00002 EXT088
Better pediatric outcomes through chronic care 2000 Fifield, Judith  U18 HS11068 EXT089
Reducing antimicrobial resistance: an RCT 1999 Finkelstein, Jonathan R01 HS10247 EXT090
Using census data to monitor care to vulnerable groups 1999 Fiscella, Kevin  R01 HS10295 EXT091B
The impact of HMOs on disparities 2002 Fiscella, Kevin  R01 HS10910 EXT091A
Fundamental measurement for health 1999 Fisher, William R01 HS10186 EXT092
Assessing medical need among children in managed care 2001 Fishman, Paul  R01 HS11314 EXT093
Childhood injuries evaluated in the office setting 1998 Flaherty, Emalee  R03 HS09811 EXT094A
CARES: Child Abuse Reporting Experience Study 2001 Flaherty, Emalee G.  R01 HS10746 EXT094B
Patient-centered access to resources for families with health related social problems 2004 Fleegler, Eric  04R000101 EXT095
Insuring uninsured children 2000 Flores, Glenn K08 HS11305 EXT096
Doctor-parent communication and pediatric prevention 1993 Forrest, Christopher F32 HS00070 EXT097A
Alternative healthcare delivery models for children 2000 Forrest, Christopher B. K02 HS00003 EXT097B
Risk adjusters for pediatric populations 1994 Fowler, Elizabeth R03 HS08441 EXT098
Harlem Urban Health Research Institute 1992 Francis, Charles U01 HS07399 EXT099
Surveillance, Analysis, and Interventions to Improve Patient Safety 2001 Fraser, Victoria  U18 HS11898 EXT100
WIC breastfeeding promotion—a randomized trial 1992 Frederickson, Doren R03 HS07523 EXT101
Violence against pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes 1993 Fried, Lise R03 HS08008 EXT102
Impact of a telecommunication system in childhood asthma 1999 Friedman, Robert  R01 HS10630 EXT103
State and regional demonstrations in Health Information Technology 2004 Frisse, Mark E.  290-04-0007 EXT104
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), its subtypes, and co-morbidity in a nationally representative sample: overall prevalence and sociodemographic variation 2005 Froehlich, Tanya APA Support EXT385
Poor outcome following acute otitis media 1993 Froom, Jack R01 HS07035 EXT105

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