APA Ethics Office
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Download APA's Ethics Code

The Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct is available here in 2 formats:
Ethics Code - HTML format (64K)
Ethics Code - PDF format (285K)

Standard 1.02 of the APA Ethics Code (2002):

APA examines a psychologist's obligations when ethics and law conflict.

Background information and call for comments

Materials related to APA's position on interrogations


Winner of the 2009 Graduate Student Writing Prize

Starla Armstrong, MS, Auburn University

“Managing Non-Sexual Multiple Relationships in University Counseling Centers: Recommendations for Graduate Assistants and Practicum Students.”


Additional information on APA’s Ethics Code

The 2003 Ethics Code became effective June 1, 2003 and was published in the December 2002 issue of the American Psychologist. Hard copies of the Code are also available from the APA Order Department, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.

An article discussing major changes between the 2003 Code and the earlier 1992 Code appeared in the January 2003 issue of APA Monitor on Psychology. A comparison chart may be obtained from the Ethics Office upon request.

Questions concerning the new Ethics Code may be submitted to the Director of the Ethics Office at the main office address provided below.

APA's Ethics Code Continuing Education Program Now Available at APA Online Academy! Go to Continuing Education in Psychology for information

APA Ethics Committee Rules and Procedures (119K)

Statement by the Ethics Committee on Services by Telephone, Teleconferencing, and Internet (This policy statement was issued under the 1992 Ethics Code. The 2003 Ethics Code supersedes the 1992 version of the Ethics Code. Therefore, this statement is considered inactive.)

Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals

Research with Animals in Psychology

From the Director

Columns by the Director of APA's Ethics Office, Stephen Behnke, JD, PhD.
Click here.

Ethics in the News

Approaching Ethical Dilemmas
From The Monitor on Psychology


APA Books on Ethics

Animal research and ethics video available to members

Casebook/ Commentary on Psychological Ethics and National Security

Click here to submit a critical incident/vignette

The Ethics Committee seeks critical incidents/vignettes concerning the casebook/commentary on psychological ethics and national security. The goal of the casebook/commentary is to provide ethical guidance to psychologists advising or consulting to national security-related interrogations.

The link above will take you to the website for submitting critical incidents/vignettes.

How to file an ethics complaint
Learn more about filing a complaint

APA calls on U.S. government to prohibit unethical interrogation techniques and bans psychologists' participation in specific techniques

Materials related to New Business Item on ethics and interrogations, “A moratorium on psychologist involvement in interrogations at US detention centers for foreign detainees,” submitted at August 2006 Council

Comment on Universal Declaration of Ethics Principles

The IUPS, IAAP, and IACCP invite your comments on their universal ethical principles for psychologists draft. It focuses on global principles and values for psychologists, and hopes to assist in the development of differing standards as appropriate cultural contexts.

Read and comment on the document.

© 2009 American Psychological Association
Ethics Office
750 First Street, NE • Washington, DC • 20002-4242
Phone: 202-336-5930 • TDD/TTY: 202-336-6123
Fax: 202-336-5997 • Email
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