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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Performance Budget Submission for Congressional Justification

Program Support

Purpose and Method of Operation

This activity supports the overall direction and management of the AHCPR, including the formulation of policies and program objectives and program planning and evaluation.

Five-Year Funding History

Funding and full-time equivalent (FTE) levels for the program support activity over the five years, including FY 1998, has been as follows:

Year FundingFTE
1994 2,431,000 40
1995 2,424,000 41
1996 2,230,000 41
1997 2,230,000 41
1998 2,230,000 41

Rational for the Budget Estimate

This activity supports the overall direction and management of the AHCPR including the formulation of policies and program objectives and program planning and evaluation.

FY 1999 Budget Request

The FY 1999 Budget Request for Program Support provides for current services including mandatory increases for annualization of the FY 1998 pay raise, the FY 1999 pay raise, and inflation.

Current as of February 1998


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care