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US Census Bureau News Release


Public Information Office                                   CB01-CN.193
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Elizabeth Grieco
More Than Half Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders Reside in Hawaii and California

  More than 1-in-2 people who reported in Census 2000 that they were
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander resided in just two states 
-- Hawaii and California, according to a new analysis released today by 
the Commerce Department's Census Bureau.

  The Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population: 2000 [pdf], 
one in a series of Census 2000 briefs, shows that 874,000 people, or 
0.3 percent of the total population, reported they were Native Hawaiian 
and Other Pacific Islander. The number includes 399,000 people, or 
0.1 percent, who reported they were Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander
alone, in addition to 476,000, or 0.2 percent, who reported this race in
combination with one or more other races.

  Census 2000 was the first census in which respondents could identify
themselves as more than one race. Hawaii and California together were the
home states of 58 percent of Pacific Islanders. In this release, the term
"Pacific Islander" refers to those persons who identified themselves as
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander either alone or in combination
with one or more other races. Those two states, plus Washington, Texas,
New York, Florida, Utah, Nevada, Oregon and Arizona, accounted for 
80 percent of the total Pacific Islander population in 2000.

  Other highlights of the brief:


   - In Census 2000, nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of all people who
     reported they were Pacific Islander lived in the West, 14 percent in 
     the South, 7 percent in the Northeast and 6 percent in the Midwest.


   - Hawaii had the largest number of people reporting they were Pacific
     Islander (283,000), followed by California (221,000).
   - Hawaii, with 23 percent, had the highest proportion of people
     identifying themselves as Pacific Islander.

   - The counties with the highest concentrations of Pacific Islanders
     were in Hawaii. More than 25 percent of the population in three of 
     Hawaii's five counties were of this race. Between 20 percent and 
     25 percent of the population in the two remaining counties reported 
     their race as Pacific Islander.

   - Honolulu, with 58,000, had the largest number of people reporting as
     Pacific Islander, followed by New York, Los Angeles and San Diego, each 
     with between 10,000 and 20,000. 

Detailed Pacific Islander Groups

   - More people reported Native Hawaiian (401,000) than any other Pacific
     Islander group, followed by Samoan (133,000) and Guamanian and 
     Chamorro (93,000).
  Census 2000 data on race are not directly comparable with data from the
1990 or earlier censuses because of the change that allowed respondents to
report more than one race. Also, "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific
Islander" was a new race group in 2000; in 1990, Asians, a separate group
in 2000, was joined with Pacific Islanders, including Hawaiians, in
"Asians and Pacific Islanders."

  A listing of released and forthcoming Census 2000 briefs can be found on
the Census Bureau's Web site at , including briefs on
topics such as race, Hispanic origin, gender and housing.

Related Links:

   - Tables 
       -- Census 2000 Demographic Characteristics [pdf]
       -- County Rankings
   - Maps [pdf]
   - Business Characteristics [pdf]
   - Radio Soundbites
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009