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US Census Bureau News Release
                          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                           THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002

Robert Bernstein                                                CB02-120
Public Information Office
(301) 763-3030/457-3670 (fax)
(301) 457-1037 (TDD)

                  ***CENSUS BUREAU MEDIA ADVISORY***
            Census Bureau News Conference on Income and Poverty
  The Commerce Department's Census Bureau will release annual income and
poverty estimates at a news conference at 10 a.m. EDT, on Tuesday, Sept. 24,
at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

  Daniel Weinberg, chief of the Census Bureau's Housing and Household
Economic Statistics Division, will discuss the findings of the two reports
for calendar year 2001: Poverty in the United States: 2001 and Money
Income in the United States: 2001.

  The reports are based on data collected in the Current Population
Survey, 2002 Annual Demographic Supplement.

        What:  Release of 2001 income and poverty data

        When:  10 a.m. EDT
               Tuesday, Sept. 24

        Where: National Press Club
               Murrow Room
               14th and F Streets, N.W.
               Washington, D.C. 
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009