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A wolf runs through deep snow

Yellowstone InDepth

This video series explores some of Yellowstone's most popular questions and important issues.

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Episode 1: Yellowstone's Restless Giant

Episode 2: Troubled Waters

Episode 3: Bears, A Yellowstone Love Story

Episode 4: The Wolf Generation

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Episode 4: Generation W: The Generation of the Wolf

Kids, these days, rule the world. Just as our youngsters are teaching us how to explore the world through technology, Yellowstone's young wolves are teaching us things we never thought possible in the Yellowstone ecosystem. Discover how this new generation of wolves is transforming our understanding of the natural world. 9 minutes - transcript - glossary

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Bonus Features
Video: The New Wolf Hunters  
Wolf stands on a snow-covered park road as a car approaches. Over a decade after a successful reintroduction program brought wolves back to Yellowstone, the dust is beginning to settle. However, a new and problematic issue is emerging: the once hated wolves are now beloved. Thousands of people come to watch and photograph them each year. But can the newfound popularity of wolves be too much of a good thing? Biologist Doug Smith faces a new challenge - keeping people from inadvertently loving wolves to death. 14 minutes - transcript - glossary
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Related Web Site Links
Yellowstone’s main web page for information about wolves, including a map of current wolf territories.
Information on the Yellowstone wolf reintroduction efforts.
Winter 2005 issue of the journal “Yellowstone Science.” This issue is devoted to Yellowstone’s wolves. Please note: This is a pdf file that will automatically download to your computer.
A history of the gray wolf, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Endangered Species Act information about the gray wolf, including press releases and fact sheets, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
News, information and recovery status reports about gray wolf restoration in the Northern Rocky Mountains, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
General information about gray wolves, from the International Wolf Center.
Kid-friendly fact sheet about wolves, from the Defenders of Wildlife.
A field guide to the gray wolf, from the National Wildlife Federation