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US Census Bureau News Release

Decennial Media Relations                                CB00-CN.05
301-457-3691/301-457-3620 (fax)
301-457-1037 (TDD)

Anchorage Local Census Office


           First Enumeration for Census 2000 Announced By 
         Census Bureau Director at News Conference in Anchorage 

   Census Bureau Director Kenneth Prewitt will announce the official
beginning of the Census 2000 enumeration in the remote areas of Alaska at
a news conference in Anchorage, Alaska, on Wednesday, Jan. 19. Alaska Gov.
Tony Knowles is also scheduled to speak at the news conference at the
Alaskan Native Heritage Center.

   Others scheduled to attend the news conference are: Rick Mystrom, mayor
of Anchorage; Nelson Angapak, vice president of the Alaska Federation of
Natives; Vernon Chimegalrea, vice president of the Alaska Native Heritage
Center; and Moises Carrasco, director of the Census Bureau's regional
census center in Seattle.

   Also scheduled to speak is John Hoover, the artist who produced the
sculpture, Raven the Creator, located at the Heritage Center and shown on
the Census 2000 promotional poster for Alaska.

   A webcast of the news conference will be available on the Census
Bureau's Internet homepage  To view the
webcast, you will need to first download RealPlayer 7 Basic at We strongly
recommend that you download this software well in advance of viewing.
Please contact your computer support staff if you have any difficulty with
this procedure.

   The news conference will be held at:

         9:00 a.m., Alaska Standard Time      Alaska Native Heritage Center
                                              8800 Heritage Center Drive
         1:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time     Anchorage, Alaska

   Editor's note: Unalakleet, the Alaskan native village that Prewitt will
enumerate with 20 census workers on Jan. 20, experiences severe cold
weather during January (40 to 50 degrees below zero) and has limited
accommodations. Also, by law the Census Bureau may not violate the
confidentiality of respondents and thus cannot allow reporters or
photographers to accompany the director or other census workers during the
enumeration. The Public Information Office will have B-roll available on
Census 2000 operations in Alaska. To obtain a copy, call 301-457-3691.

   The Census Bureau has arranged with the Associated Press to provide
coverage to its members. The Bureau strongly urges the electronic media to
set up pool coverage as well. Networks should consider contacting their
affiliates in Alaska to arrange local pool coverage.

   The Census Bureau has reserved three seats for radio pool members and
three for TV pool members on the 12:45 p.m. Pen Air flight from Anchorage
to Unalakleet on Jan. 19 and on the return flight. A second Pen Air flight
to Unalakleet via St. Mary's has been scheduled. (See the attached factsheet.)

   Radio and TV pool members designated by their colleagues who wish to
travel to Unalakleet should identify themselves to Census Bureau media
specialist David Olivera at the news conference at the Heritage Center in

   Reporters should be aware that special arrangements for travel,
clothing and accommodations are required and they should consider
contacting a travel agency familiar with the conditions in remote Alaska.
The attached fact sheet provides information pertinent to making 
travel arrangements.


The Census Bureau needs the help of local residents to conduct Census
2000.  Job opportunities include census taker positions in communities and
neighborhoods and office work.  A large number of part-time positions are
available.  For more information on census jobs in your area, call
toll-free 1-888-325-7733.

The Census Bureau guarantees that the answers given on census forms are
kept strictly confidential.  Information collected in Census 2000 will
provide local area data needed for communities to receive federal program
funds and for private sector and community planning.
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009