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US Census Bureau News Release


Extended Measures of Well-Being: Living Conditions in the United States, 2003 — National measures from the Survey of Income and Program Participation covering five broad domains, including possession of appliances and electronic goods, such as cell phones; housing conditions; neighborhoods and community services; ability to pay bills and buy groceries; and expectations of getting help from friends, families and communities. Internet address: Report [PDF] | Detailed tables.

No news release associated with this report. Tip Sheet only.

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[PDF] or PDF denotes a file in Adobe’s Portable Document Format. To view the file, you will need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. available free from Adobe.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009