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Yellowstone National Park
Finding Aid for Pre-National Park Service (Pre-1916) Collection

1881-1928 (Bulk dates: 1886-1918)

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Yellowstone National Park was created by an Act of Congress on March 1, 1872. It has gone through three distinct periods of administration. The first, a civilian superintendency under the Secretary of the Interior, began in 1872 and lasted until 1886. In 1886, for a variety of reasons, the civilians were replaced by the United States Cavalry.  The commanding officer of the troops in Yellowstone also held the title of “Acting Superintendent” of the park, and he kept two sets of records. One set was military: the usual papers generated by an army post. The other was civilian, being those records created by his work in the essentially civilian role of chief administrator of the park. These latter records were the property of the Department of the Interior and were transferred to the care of the National Park Service when it was created in 1916 to provide all national parks with a central agency for management under the Department of the Interior. This third period of administration continues at Yellowstone today.

The historical significance of the Pre-National Park Service records lies not only in the fact that Yellowstone was the first national park and as such was the site of much pioneering in the policy and philosophy, but also that it was the longest-lived example of a unique experiment: the military administration of the national parks. Though several other parks, including Yosemite, experienced military administration, only Yellowstone was the site of a permanent post, Fort Yellowstone, and only Yellowstone was so managed for more than 30 years.

The microfilms contain all of the existing civilian records from the years before 1916. The military records of Fort Yellowstone, such as Orders of the Day, Court Martial proceedings, etc., are preserved in the National Archives, Washington, DC. 

Microfilm Reels 1 – 41 containing 188 item numbers from the pre-National Park Service portion of the Yellowstone Archives were filmed at the Montana State University Library during 1968 – 1970. Microfilm reels 42 – 49 were filmed in the Curator’s Office of the Mammoth Hot Springs Museum in Yellowstone National Park during 1975 and 1976 with the goal of committing to film all other worthwhile material from the Pre-National Park Service period. The copier that was used at both locations was a Recordak Micro File Machine, model #MRD-2. It was purchased with a Hill Family Foundation Grant for the Montana State University Library to enable them to film the Yellowstone records. 

At the time that the second filming started at Yellowstone National Park by the history/curation staff, it was not known as to why some items from the pre-National Park Service archives were left out or why the filming was not done sequentially, either according to the Haines System (which is followed today) or the Army filing system. That this was not done has resulted in there being a few items from a wide distribution throughout the collection left over for the second filming. 

Also included in the second filming are records resulting from the political and budgetary problems which involved both National Park Service personnel and US Cavalry troops operating the park at the same time. Because of the continued presence of the military in Yellowstone, there exist certain records generated after the Park Service had been created which are of special interest to the student of pre-Park Service history. For that reason, care was taken to film those documents from the 1916 – 1918 period that seemed to have significant thematic relevance to earlier material. A detailed explanation of the arrangement of these records is below under the title, “Organization.” It should also be noted that some records (e.g. ledger books) continued to be used after the 1918 transfer of full administrative rights, so later NPS-created documents and records appear throughout the collection alongside the earlier Army records.

As the records were filmed, the films were proof read and when a portion was not legible on the film, the operator provided a typed or Xerox copy of those portions which were inserted at the end of the filming of each item as it was possible. If the operator was unable to read all or portion of a page, this is noted. If only a word or phrase could not be read, this was indicated by a line with a question mark, (i.e.    ?___.). If a word was difficult to read, and the typed word might not be correct, this was indicated by a question mark in parentheses, (?) following the unknown word.

These microfilms were created to ensure that the longevity of the original records may be extended and it is requested that all researchers use these microfilms as their primary resource unless it is essential that the original document be seen and used.

For additional history on this collection on where and how the records were created, please see the finding aid for the original Pre-National Park Service (Pre-1916) documents or contact the Park Archivist.


Collection: Pre-National Park Service (Pre-1916) Records

1881 -1928 (bulk dates: 1886 - 1918)







approx 69 LINEAR FEET



These records cover the time period from the establishment of the park in 1872 to 1918, when the Army left the park and turned over full administration to the newly created National Park Service. The records in this collection (69 linear feet) reflect a period of civilian superintendents (1881 to 1886) and the thirty-two year period (1886 to 1918) of military administration. The majority of the records were created or received during the U.S. Army’s administration of Yellowstone prior to the creation of the National Park Service in 1916. 

Records in this collection include routine correspondence, bound volumes of letters sent and received, several dozen volumes of reports and daily logs from the various duty stations around the park, bound volumes of camping and visitor registers, and additional records dealing with specific subjects of concern to the park administration: wildlife, sanitation, concession operations, and so on.



Having been arranged according to many different filing systems in the past, the Pre-National Park Service records are today arranged chronologically by the "Item” number assigned by Aubrey Haines. Each item represents a distinct set of records arranged by subject or time period. For example, Item 44 concerns Automobiles, 1915. 

As mentioned above in the “History”, the Pre-National Park Service records were microfilmed in two sessions. The first filming generally follows Haines’ items in chronological order; where there were gaps, the second filming has filled those in. 

For organizational and research purposes, the documents filmed on reels 42 – 49 are divided into three lots. The first lot contains item numbers 114 – 135. These boxes contain unbound reports from the various soldier stations during the years 1910 – 1916. The second lot contains item numbers 170 – 188. These are large bound volumes and they are titled “Permanent Station Records.” They cover a variety of years, from the 1890’s to the 1910s, depending on the station. 

The third lot consists of a hodgepodge of ephemera, periphera and miscellanea, all of which escaped filming before the second round. All sorts of topics are represented as little knots of misplaced documents were frequently discovered. In order to facilitate locating particular subjects on the films from the second round of filming, Paul Schullery (seasonal historian at that time) arranged the material by subject using the Army System with Haines’ filing numbers also noted. For example, all items here relating to concessionaires will be found under one Army file number, 190, “Leases and Contracts”, rather than spread out under all the more proper file numbers such as 10, 30, 50, 130, 200, 330, 350, 380, 430, or 440. There simply was not enough of each file number to justify that in depth of an arrangement. To further simplify this particular group of papers, concessionaires are arranged alphabetically.   A detailed explanation and table of contents for this lot is located just before these items on the film.  

Some remarks about the internal structure of the Army document system should be mentioned to aid researchers unfamiliar with Army records. Records were kept in what was actually a very logical way: the latest material was on the top of the stack. That means that when one opens a box of correspondence, the first item one reads is the last (most recently received) item placed in that box. This practice was used throughout the Army portion of the Archives, and in order to be consistent with earlier filming, it was maintained. On some occasions, especially in the material relating to the Engineers office, some letters were found stapled in bundles according to topic. Rather than defeat this convenient subject arrangement, these bundles were placed in chronological sequence according to the date on their cover letter. 

Two non-archive items have been included at the end of film #49. One is an article by Aubrey Haines on the Archives, and the other is Paul Schullery’s Master’s Thesis, which covers the condition of the archives, his work with them and his recommendations for their possible futures. Reference to these two items can explain much about the structure, management and needs of the collection.

Unless otherwise noted, the “File No.” listed in the title of a file is the Army File Number.

Explanatory notes appear on the film as they are deemed necessary.





In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Aubrey Haines was assigned as the park’s first Records Disposal Officer; his duties included collecting unused records (primarily pre-Park Service records) that were stored in unsatisfactory conditions throughout the park. Exact locations of where the documents were found were not kept as the priority was to collect and protect the records. 

As for the provenance of particular records, Haines recalled that most of the boxed incoming army correspondence was found in the first-floor washroom of the old Administration Office (today, the Pagoda) where they were placed by former Superintendent Edmund Rogers after retrieving them from the Mammoth dump where they were to be burned. Some of the boxes and ledgers were in a storage shed used by the naturalists called “the red shed” that used to stand behind the Paint Shop. The roof leaked quite a bit and some of the records from this location do have water damage. Another group of records including the Soldier Station logs, some ranger station logs and other record books came from the former “rock room” storeroom, which held geological specimens the basement of the Museum Building (Albright Visitor’s Center). 

Many plans and numerous individual letters and reports on boundary surveys as well as some of Chittenden’s correspondence came from the engineering department. Army account books covering civilian employees and no-military accounts were held by the fiscal office. As the Records Disposal Officer, Haines was allowed to go through the files held in the ranger stations and other offices to collect older material such as the many files on concession contracts, water rights and boundary adjustments that had been removed from the Army files and interfiled in the current NPS General files. Additionally, the Army correspondence-sent letter books were transferred to Haines from the park Reference Library. 

Records were also turned over to Haines by employees upon leaving the park (Joe Joffe is the only employee Haines has noted). Records, including Judge Meldrum’s files, were turned over to the archives by the US Commissioner’s office. Other records were collected from private individuals, such as several boxes of correspondence on the E.C. Waters case that were given by an unknown source to Jack Ellis Haynes of Bozeman, and have since been returned to the park. 






Yellowstone National Park Archives: Additional records regarding Yellowstone National Park during the pre-National Park Service period can be found in microfilm copies of selected materials from the following record groups: Record Group 48, Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior; Record Group 94, Returns from US Military Posts, 1800 – 1916; Record Group 391, Returns from Regular Army Cavalry Regimes, 1833 – 1916; and Record Group 393, US Continental Commands, 1821 – 1920. Concessionaire records from the turn of the century are available within the Yellowstone Park Company record collection. Please see finding aids for each collection for further information.

Yellowstone National Park Research/Reference Library: Located in the Heritage and Research Center in Gardiner, MT, the park research-reference library has approximately 15,000 bound volumes, 100 feet of vertical files and 10 feet of manuscripts, amounting to approximately 20,000 items. This is a collection of material pertaining to the diverse natural, cultural and administrative topics associated specifically with Yellowstone National Park as well as some material on broader topics in history and natural resources. The YNP Library is open Tuesdays through Fridays, 9:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. For special assistance, call the Librarians at 344-2264.

Yellowstone National Park Historic Photograph Collection: Located in the Heritage and Research Center in Gardiner, MT, this collection includes over 90,000 images dating from the 1880s to the present. This collection is primarily flexible negatives and includes images which reflect the visitor use and administration of the park as well as documentation of the diverse resources within the park. Also available is the park slide collection which includes approximately 60,000 images in 35mm format (these are under the care of park photographer Jim Peaco). Scrapbooks, glass plate negatives and lantern slides are generally found in the museum collection.Appointments to use the historic photograph collection can be made by contacting the park's Museum Technician at 307-344-2565.

Yellowstone National Park Museum Collection: Located in the Heritage and Research Center in Gardiner, MT, the museum collection includes approximately 250,000 catalogued items relative to the natural and cultural history of Yellowstone. This includes natural history specimens ranging from geological to butterflies and cultural objects ranging from projectile points to

1988 firefighting equipment. Appointments to view the collection can be made by contacting the Park Curator's Office at 307-344-2662.

Buffalo Bill Historical Center- Cody, Wyoming ( In the McCracken Research Library, the Yellowstone National Park Collection consists of books, manuscripts, photographs, stereoviews, lantern slides, and pamphlets. In addition, the Historical Center has an extensive art and Native American museum collection, both of which contain items relative to Yellowstone National Park and regional history.   

Burlington Northern Archives- St. Paul, Minnesota: Today's Burlington Northern is a result of a merger between the Burlington and the Northern Pacific Railroad. The collection within the resulting archives is a wonderful record of the railroad relationship with Yellowstone.

Denver Public Library- Denver, Colorado ( Known for its outstanding western history collection, Denver Public also has both primary and secondary sources pertaining to Yellowstone. Among this collection is the 1871 journal of Dr. Albert E. Peale who served as a mineralogist on the Hayden expedition.    

Minnesota Historical Society- St. Paul, Minnesota ( The Society has the entire collection of the Northern Pacific Railroad records. Because of Northern Pacific Railroad’s development of the hotel and transportation concession in the park, these records are a valuable source of information on early travel and concessions in Yellowstone.

Montana Historical Society- Helena, Montana ( The Montana Historical Society has a variety of material relating to the park and region. Of primary significance is the Haynes photograph collection. While Montana State University has the Haynes business and library files, the Montana Historical Society maintains the original photograph collection. This facility also contains the state's major collection of newspapers, and there are thousands of references to Yellowstone Park in those.

Montana State University Libraries- Bozeman, Montana ( The Special Collections and Archives Branch has one of the best Yellowstone National Park Collections outside of the park. The foundation for this collection is the Haynes Collection, assembled by the F. Jay Haynes family, 1881-1968. This includes 3,000 bound volumes and the Haynes business files. Also available are microfilm copies of the Pre-1916 Yellowstone Park Archival Records and an assortment of other material relative to the natural and cultural history of Yellowstone and the region. In addition to the Yellowstone National Park Collection, the library has microfilm copies of Montana's newspapers dating back to the 1860s. Within these newspapers are numerous references to Yellowstone.

National Archives- Washington, D.C. ( Within the National Archives there are several record groups which will provide information concerning Yellowstone National Park. These would include: Record Group 79, Records of the National Park Service; Record Group 48, Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior; Record Group 35, Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps; and Record Group 57, Records of the U.S. Geological Survey. Microfilm copies of selected records from Record Groups 48, 94, and 391 are available at the Heritage and Research Center. For information concerning specific troops assigned to Yellowstone during the army administration and specific records created in the operation of Fort Yellowstone refer to records relating to the U.S. Continental Commands, 1821 – 1920, in Record Group 393 (selected records from RG 393 pertaining to Fort Yellowstone have been microfilmed and are also available to researchers at the HRC).

U. S. Geological Survey- Reston, Virginia and Denver, Colorado ( While Record Group 57 of the National Archives contains much of the record for the

U. S. Geological Survey, contact with both the Reston and Denver office will generally yield valuable results when performing research on U.S.G.S. surveys of Yellowstone. Also here are the records of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.

University of California- Los Angeles, California ( The Department of Special Collections of the University Research Library maintains the Horace Marden Albright Papers. Identified as Collection 2056, this collection is Albright's personal files. Created between 1913, when he became Assistant to the Secretary of Interior, and his death in 1987, this collection consists of his personal correspondence, files on organizations associated with conservation and historic preservation as well as files on existing and proposed national park areas.

University of Oklahoma- Norman, Oklahoma ( This university houses the Phillips Collection of Western History; an outstanding collection that includes many published sources concerning Yellowstone. As the nation's first school of the study of geology, OU's geology library has an outstanding collection of published materials, many of which pertain to Yellowstone's geology.

University of Wyoming- Laramie, Wyoming ( The University of Wyoming Libraries have primary and secondary sources relating to the natural and cultural history of Yellowstone and the region. Many large personal collections which relate to Yellowstone (such as the Maynard Barrows papers) are housed within the American Heritage Center. Within the Wyoming Libraries is the Geology Library, which has numerous references to Yellowstone including copies of F.V. Hayden's maps of Yellowstone. Also housed in the University of Wyoming Libraries are the records from the Wyoming Historical Society- Laramie, Wyoming ( Like all state historical societies, the scope of collection is statewide. Here one will find both primary and published sources pertaining to Yellowstone.



The Yellowstone National Park Research Library has one complete set of the Pre-National Park Service (Pre-1916) microfilm collection available for interlibrary loans. Please make interlibrary loan requests by contacting your local library. 

The following institutions also have copies of the Yellowstone Pre-National Park Service microfilm collection:

Montana State University Library, Special Collections, Bozeman, Montana

National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Montana State Historical Society, Helena, Montana


Microfilm #1

Letter Box 1

Item 1: Documents 1 – 199.            Secretary of Interior, Jan. 1, 1882 – Dec. 31, 1888

Item 2: Documents 200 – 414.        Secretary of Interior, Jan. 1, 1889 – Dec. 31, 1892

Letter Box 2

Item 3: Documents 415 – 648.       S to Z, Jan.1, 1881 – Dec. 31, 1893

Item 4: Documents 649 – 834.       A to E, Jan. 1, 1882 – Dec. 31, 1893

Letter Box 3

Item 5: Documents 835 – 1112.     F to K, Jan. 1, 1881 – Dec. 31, 1895

Item 6: Documents 1113 – 1304.   L to R, Jan. 1, 1882 – Dec. 31, 1895

Microfilm #2

   Letter Box 4

               Item 7: Documents 1599 – 1803.   S to Z, Jan. 1, 1894 – Dec. 31, 1895

               Item 8: Documents 1804 – 2037.   Secretary of the Interior, Jan. 1, 1893 – Dec. 31, 1896

   Letter Box 5

               Item 9: Documents 1305 – 1598.    Employees, Etc., Jan.1, 1882 – Dec. 31, 1897

               Item 10: Documents 2038 – 2360. A to E, Jan. 1, 1896 – Dec. 31, 1899

   Letter Box 6

               Item 11: Documents 2361 – 2650. F to K, Jan. 1, 1895 – Dec. 31, 1899

               Item 12: Documents 2651 – 2927. L to R, Jan. 1, 1896 – Dec. 31, 1899

   Letter Box 7

               Item 13: Documents 2928 – 3299. S to Z, Jan. 1, 1896 – Dec. 31, 1899

               Item 14: Documents 3300 – 3376. Secretary of Interior, Jan. 1, 1897 – May 31, 1899

Microfilm #3

Letter Box 7

   Item 14: Documents 3377 – 3489. Secretary of Interior, Jan. 1, 1897 – May 31, 1899

Letter Box 8

Item 15: Documents 3490 – 3795. A to E, Jan. 1, 1900 – Dec. 31, 1903

Item 16: Documents 3796 – 3966.  Secretary of Interior, June 1, 1899 – Dec. 31, 1901

Letter Box 9

Item 17: Documents 3967 – 4192. F to K, Jan. 1900 – Dec. 31, 1903

Item 18: Documents 4193 – 4490. L to R, Jan. 1, 1900 – Dec. 31, 1903.

Letter Box 10

Item 19: Documents 4491 – 4793. S to Z, Jan. 1, 1900 – Dec. 31, 1902

Item 20: Documents 4794 – 5016.  Employees, etc., Jan. 1, 1898 – Dec. 31, 1903

Letter Box 11

Item 21: Documents 5017 – 5275.  Secretary of Interior, Jan. 1, 1902 – Dec. 31, 1903

Item 22: Documents 5276 – 5545.  S to Z, Jan. 1, 1903 – Dec. 31, 1904

Letter Box 12

Item 23: Documents 5546 – 5805.  Secretary of Interior, Jan. 1, 1904 – Dec. 31, 1905

Item 24: Documents 5806 – 5940. A to E., Jan.1, 1903 – Dec. 31, 1906

Microfilm #4

Letter Box 12

Item 24: Documents 5941 – 6182. A to E, Jan.1, 1903 – Dec. 31, 1906

Letter Box 13

Item 25: Documents 6183 – 6566. S to Z, Jan. 1, 1905 – Dec. 31, 1907

Item 26: Documents 6567 – 6966.  Secretary of Interior, Jan. 1, 1906 – Dec. 31, 1907

Letter Box 14

Item 27: Documents 6967 – 7440.   Employees, etc., Jan. 1, 1904 – Dec. 31, 1908

Item 28: Documents 7441 – 7760.  L to R, Secretary of Interior, Jan. 1, 1904 – Dec. 31, 1908

Letter Box 15

Item 28: Documents 7761 – 7983.   L to R, Secretary of Interior, Jan. 1, 1904 – Dec. 31, 1908

Item 29: Documents 7984 – 8283.   Jan. 1, 1907 – Dec. 31, 1909

Letter Box 16

Item 30: Documents 8284 – 8687. A to E, Jan. 1, 1907 – Dec. 31, 1909

Microfilm #5

Letter Box 16

Item 30: Documents 8688 – 8745.  A to E, Jan. 1, 1907 – Dec. 31, 1909

Item 31: Documents 8746 – 9123.   F to K, Jan. 1, 1904 – Dec. 31, 1908

Letter Box 17

Item 32: Documents 9124 – 9315.  S to K, Jan. 1, 1908 – Dec. 31, 1908

Letter Box 18

   Item 33: Case of E.C. Waters (SPECIAL)

   Item 34: SPECIAL – Military Reserve Ft. Yellowstone Maps and copies only of letters, 1908 - 1909

Letter Box 19

   Item 35: John W. Meldrum, 1907 – 1908

   Item 36: Office Permits 1906, 1907, 1908

Letter Box 20

   Item 37: Circular of Information Department, 1911 to 1915, Files No. 1 and 3

   Item 38: From the Department Only, 1915, File No. 3

   Item 39: Accommodations at Hotels and Camps, 1915 – 1917, File No. 10

   Item 40: Animals: Condition, Problem of Feeding, 1910 – 1917, File No. 29

Letter Box 21

   Item 41: Elk Census, 1913 – 1917, File No. 29

Microfilm #6

   Letter Box 21

   Item 41: Elk Census, 1913 – 1917, File No. 29

Item 42: Applications for Miscellaneous Privileges in the Park, 1909 – 1915, File No. 30

   Letter Box 22

Item 43: “Requests for Information regarding: Automobiles, 1909 – 1915

Item 44: Automobiles, 1915

   Letter Box 23

               Item 45: Building and Building Sites, 1911 – 1916, Files No. 50 – 60

               Item 46: Proposed New Administration Building Mammoth, Plans by Robert Reamer, 1910-1911

               Item 47: US Commissioner in the Park, 1910 – 1916, Files No. 70 and 71

               Item 48: Complaints, 1914 – 1916, Files No. 80 – 89

   Letter Box 24

               Item 49: Estimates to Department, 1909 – 1916

Microfilm #7

   Letter Box 24

               Item 49: Estimates to Department, 1909 – 1916

               Item 50: Fences (repairs to) 1908 – 1915, Files No. 121

   Letter Box 25

Item 51: Financial Reports to 1916 (Wylie Permanent Camping Company, Shaw and Powell Camping Company, Pryor and Trischman, M&Y Stage Company, H.E. Klamer, Mary R. Klamer, Holm Transportation Company, Henderson and Lyall, to 1916) File No. 130-A

Item 52: Financial Reports (Yellowstone Park Transportation Company, F.J. Haynes, C.A. Hamilton, T.E. Hofer Boat Company, Yellowstone Western Stage Company, Yellowstone Park Hotel Company, Yellowstone Park Boat Company, George Whittaker to 1916), Advertisements of Concessionaires to 1916, File No. 130-B

Letter Box 26:

Item 53: Financial Reports (George Whittaker, Pryor and Trischman, C.A. Hamilton, Henry J. Brothers, Etc. to 1916), travel Folders (Wylie Way 1916, Yellowstone Western Stages 1916, Shaw and Powell Camping Col, Yellowstone Park Hotel Company, Cody-Sylvan Pass Motor Company, 1916) 1915 – 1917, File No. 130-C

Item 54: Fish, 1909 – 1916, Files No. 140 and 143

Item 55: Grazing 1908 – 1916, Files No. 150, 151, and 153

Letter Box 27

Item 56: Health, 1909 – 1916, Files No. 160 – 169

Microfilm #8

Letter Box 27

Item 56: Health, 1909 – 1916, Files No. 160 – 169

Item 57: Inspection to and including 1916, Files No. 171, 172

Letter Box 28

   Item 58: Lost, Stolen or Strayed, 1909 – 1916, File No. 180

Item 59: Leases and contracts for use of Park lands (expired): (Wylie Permanent Camping Company, Yellowstone Park Hotel Company, Yellowstone Park Transportation Company, Yellowstone Park Stage Company) 1908 – 1916 (no. begins with 1898 contracts to Yellowstone Park Transportation Company), File No. 190-A

Letter Box 29

Item 60: Leases and contracts for use of Park lands (expired): (George Whittaker, Shaw and Powell Camping Company, M & Y Stage Company, Lyall and Henderson, H.E. Klamer, Holm Transportation Company, F.J. Haynes, J.E. Haynes, T.E. Hofer Boat Company, C & SP Motor Company, Ole A. Anderson) 1908 – 1916       

Microfilm #9

Letter Box 29

Item 60: Leases and contracts for use of Park lands (expired): (George Whittaker, Shaw and Powell Camping Company, M & Y Stage Company, Lyall and Henderson, H.E. Klamer, Holm Transportation Company, F.J. Haynes, J.E. Haynes, T.E. Hofer Boat Company, C & SP Motor Company, Ole A. Anderson) 1908 – 1916

Item 61: Maps – Grounds at Mammoth for distribution adjoining states; US Geological Survey; Files 221 – 224, Military Reservation; Files No. 230, 231; 1909 – 1914

Letter Box 30

   Item 62: Property, 1891 – 1915

   Item 63: Protection 1915 (1915 Stage Robbery), File No. 290

Letter Box 31

   Item 64: Laws and Regulations, 1908 – 1917, Files No. 300 – 307

Item 65: Department Regulations and Permits, Files No. 308 – 313, Reports (Annual, Employees, Accidents), 1915 – 1917

Letter Box 32

   Item 66: Rentals, Taxes, etc., 1910 – 1913, Files No. 320, 321, 329

Item 67: Rentals and Taxes, etc. , (F.J. Haynes, Holm Transportation Company, C.A. Hamilton, H.E. Klamer, M&Y Stage Company, Yellowstone Western Stage Company, Yellowstone Park Transportation Company, Miscellaneous (329)), 1909 – 1916, Files No. 321 – 329

Microfilm #10

Letter Box 32

Item 67: Rentals and Taxes, etc. , (F.J. Haynes, Holm Transportation Company, C.A. Hamilton, H.E. Klamer, M&Y Stage Company, Yellowstone Western Stage Company, Yellowstone Park Transportation Company, Miscellaneous (329)), 1909 – 1916, Files No. 321 – 329

Item 68: Rentals and Taxes, etc., (Shaw and Powell Camping Company, Pryor and Pryor, George Whittaker, Wylie Permanent Camping Company, Yellowstone Park Boat Company, Yellowstone Park Hotel Company, Henderson and Lyall, C & SP Motor Company, T.E. Hofer Boat Company), 1909 – 1916, File No. 321

Letter Box 33

Item 69: Reports on Roads, Bridges, and Improvements up to 1909, Files No. 340 – 346, 348 – 349

Item 70: Roads, 1909 – 1915, Files No. 340, 341, 342, 345

Item 71: Roads, Trails and Improvements, 1909 – 1915, Files No. 343 – 349

Letter Box 34

   Item 72: Schedules – Rates (of concessionaires), 1911 – 1911, Files No. 350, 351

Microfilm #11

Letter Box 34

   Item 72: Schedules – Rates (of concessionaires), 1911 – 1911, Files No. 350, 351

   Item 73: Store Privileges (newsstands), 1909 – 1915, File 380

Letter Box 35

   Item 74: Orders for stationary, blank forms, other supplies from the Department, 1909 – 1915

   Item 75: Telegraph and Telephone Lines, 1909 – 1915, File 410

Letter Box 36:

Item 76: Timber Cut in the Park 1909 – 1915, Files No. 420, 421, 430; Letters of Introduction, 1909 – 1915

   Item 77: Trophies and Specimens, 1909 – 1916, Files 460 – 471

Microfilm #12

Letter Box 36

Item 77: Trophies and Specimens, 1909 – 1916, Files 460 – 471

   Letter Box 37

Item 78: Undesirables in the Park, 1909 – 1916, Files No. 470, 471

Item 79: Waters of the Park, 1913 – 1915, File No. 480

   Letter Box 38

               Item 80: Water Supply of the Park, 1908 - 1915

               Item 81: US Commissioner Meldrum

   Letter Box 39

               Item 82: Meldrum – Trial Records

Microfilm #13

   Letter Box 39

               Item 82: Meldrum – Trial Records

               Item 83: Meldrum – Trial Records

   Letter Box 40

               Item 84: Annual Report, 1909 – 1915, File No. 310

Item 85: General Correspondence re: leases, contracts, etc. (Brothers, Hamilton, Haynes, Yellowstone Park Boat Company, Transportation Company, and Yellowstone Park Western Stage Company

Letter Box 41

   Item 86: Law (miscellaneous)

   Item 87: Department – Laws and Regulations, File No. 301

Microfilm #14

Letter Box 41

   Item 87: Department – Laws and Regulations, File No. 301

Letter Box 42

   Item 88: Miscellaneous Receipts, etc., 1900 – 1905, Letters and Reports, 1896 – 1904

Letter Box 43

   Item 89: Employees, 1915 – 1916, Files No. 90 – 99

Letter Box 44

   Item 90: Animals, 1909 – 1914, Elk Shipments, File No. 29

Microfilm #15

Letter Box 44

   Item 90: Animals, 1909 – 1914, Elk Shipments, File No. 29

Letter Box 45

   Item 91: Licenses – Camping Party up and including 1908

Letter Box 46

   Item 92A: Complaints, 1909 – 1914, Files No. 80, 81, 82

Microfilm #16

Letter Box 46

   Item 92A: Complaints, 1909 – 1914, Files No. 80, 81, 82

Letter Box 47

   Item 92B: Complaints, 1909- 1914, Files No. 80 – 88

Letter Box 48

   Item 93: Animals, 1909 – 1916, Files No. 20 – 28

Letter Box 49

   Item 94: Allotments and Revenues, 1911 – 1916, File No. 110

Microfilm #17

Letter Box 49

   Item 94: Allotments and Revenues, 1911 – 1916, File No. 110

Letter Box 50

   Item 95: permits, Licenses, etc., 1909 – 1915, Files No. 200 – 203

Letter Box 51

   Item 96A: Permits, Licenses, etc., 1909 – 1911, Files No. 201, 203

Letter Box 52

   Item 96B: Permits, Licenses, etc., 1909 – 1911, Files No. 201, 202

Microfilm #18

Letter Box 52

   Item 96B: Permits, Licenses, etc., 1909 – 1911, Files No. 201, 202

Letter Box 53

   Item 97: Personnel, Resignations, etc., 1909 – 1914, (Army Scout Reports), Files 90, 99

Letter Box 54

   Item 98: Expenditures – Park Revenues, 1909 – 1916, File No. 113

Microfilm #19

   Bound Volume (Item) 213: Letters Sent Vol. I, 8/21/1886 – 3/13/1887

   Bound Volume (Item) 214: Letters Sent Vol. II, 3/17/1887 – 8/18/1889

   Bound Volume (Item) 215: Letters Sent Vol. III, 8/18/1889 – 6/25/1892

   Bound Volume (Item) 216: Letters Sent Vol. IV, 6/25/1892 – 3/17/1894 (through pg. 337)

Microfilm #20

   Bound Volume (Item) 216: Letters Sent Vol. IV, 6/25/1892 – 3/17/1894 (from pg. 338)

   Bound Volume (Item) 217: Letters Sent Vol. V, 3/17/1894 – 7/23/1896

   Bound Volume (Item) 218: Letters Sent Vol. VI, 7/24/1896 – 10/1/1897

   Bound Volume (Item) 219: Letters Sent Vol. VII, 10/1/1897 – 11/9/1898 (through pg. 139)

Microfilm #21

Bound Volume (Item) 219: Letters Sent Vol. VII, 10/1/1897 – 11/9/1898 (from pg. 139)

Bound Volume (Item) 220: Letters Sent Vol. VIII, Diaries of Whittaker and Morrison, 11/21/1898 – 9/29/1899

Letter Box 54

   Item 98: Expenditures – Park Revenues, 1909 – 1916, File No. 113

Letter Box 55

Item 99A: Disbursements (1909 – 1916, file No. 111, 112), Protection – Buffalo, Snowshoe Cabins – Supply and Development of (1909 – 1916, Files No. 111, 112)

Microfilm #22

Letter Box 55

Item 99A: Disbursements (1909 – 1916, file No. 111, 112), Protection – Buffalo, Snowshoe Cabins – Supply and Development of (1909 – 1916, Files No. 111, 112)

Letter Box 56

Item 99B: Disbursement, Protection, Snowshoe Cabins (Supply and Development of), 1909 – 1916

Letter Box 57

   Item 100A: Miscellaneous Receipts, etc.

Letter Box 58

   Item 100B: Miscellaneous Receipts, etc.

Letter Box 59

   Item 101: Miscellaneous Inquiries, 1909 – 1915, Files No. 500 – 502

Letter Box 60

Item 102A: Miscellaneous Inquiries (Includes monthly ranger reports 1917), Files No. 86 – 94, Employees File No. 95

Microfilm #23

Letter Box 60

Item 102A: Miscellaneous Inquiries (Includes monthly ranger reports 1917), Files No. 86 – 94, Employees File No. 95

Letter Box 61

Item 102B: Miscellaneous Inquiries (1917), Includes monthly ranger reports 1917, Files No. 98 – 113

   Letter Box 62

Item 103: Laws and Regulations (1909 – 1915) Includes Accidents, Births, and Casualties, Files No. 300 – 314

Microfilm #24

   Letter Box 63

               Item 104A: Miscellaneous Files (1917), Files No. 1 – 85

   Letter Box 64

Item 104B: Miscellaneous Files 1917 (Automobiles, Buildings, Complaints), Files No. 42 – 44, 51 – 52, 80 – 83

   Letter Box 65

Item 105: Protection (includes 1908 & 1914 stage robberies), 1908 – 1914, Files No. 290, 292, 294, 295

Microfilm #25

   Letter Box 65

Item 105: Protection (includes 1908 & 1914 stage robberies), 1908 – 1914, Files No. 290, 292, 294, and 295

   Letter Box 66

               Item 106: Permits, Licenses, etc. (1912, 1913), Files No. 201 – 203

   Letter Box 67

               Item 107A: Permits, Office (1909 – 1913), Files No. 250, 252, 253

Microfilm #26

   Letter Box 67

               Item 107A: Permits, Office (1909 – 1913), Files No. 250, 252, 253

   Letter Box 68

               Item 107B: Permits, Office (1909 – 1913), Files No. 251 – 259

   Letter Box 69

               Item 108: Permits, Office (1914 - ), Files No. 250 – 160, 203

   Letter Box 70

               Item 109: Personal receipts of Colonel Pitcher, 1902 – 1908

Microfilm #27

Bound Volume (Item) 154: Cemetery Fort Yellowstone, WY

Bound Volume (Item) 155: Official record of interments in the Post Cemetery

Bound Volume (Item) 141: Weather Data, 1882 – 1883; Post Office Records 1883; Descriptions of features of the Park. This is G.L. Henderson’s handwritten log.

Bound Volume (Item) 221: Letters Sent Vol. IX, 10/2/1899 – 9/9/1900

Bound Volume (Item) 222: Letters Sent Vol. X, 9/9/1900 – 9/24/1901

Bound Volume (Item) 223: Letters Sent Vol. XI, 9/27/1901 – 7/14/1902 (through pg. 157)

Microfilm #28

Bound Volume (Item) 223: Letters Sent Vol. XI, 9/27/1901 – 7/14/1902 (from pg. 158)

Bound Volume (Item) 224: Letters Sent Vol. XII, 7/14/1902 – 3/27/1903

Bound Volume (Item) 225: Letters Sent Vol. XIII, 3/27/1903 – 10/28/1903

Microfilm #29

Bound Volume (Item) 226: Letters Sent Vol. XIV, 10/30/1903 – 10/25/1904

Bound Volume (Item) 227: Letters Sent Vol. XV, 10/25/1904 – 11/20/1905

Bound Volume (Item) 232: Letters Received Vol. I, 6/17/1897 – 7/15/1899 (through pg. 101)

Microfilm #30

Bound Volume (Item) 232: Letters Received Vol. I, 6/17/1897 – 7/15/1899 (from pg. 102)

Bound Volume (Item) 233: Letters Received Vol. II, 8/1/1899 – 1/29/1901

Bound Volume (Item) 234: Letters Received Vol. III, 1/23/1901 – 4/26/1902 (through pg. 344)

Microfilm #31

Bound Volume (Item) 234: Letters Received Vol. III, 1/23/1901 – 4/26/1902 (from pg. 345)

Bound Volume (Item) 235: Letters Received Vol. IV, 4/29/1902 – 6/6/1903

Bound Volume (Item) 236: Letters Received Vol. VI, 4/18/1905 – 9/30/1906

Bound Volume (Item) 228: Letters Sent Vol. XVI, 11/20/1905 – 4/5/1907 (through pg. 59)

Microfilm #32

Bound Volume (Item) 228: Letters Sent Vol. XVI, 11/20/1905 – 4/5/1907 (from pg. 60)

Bound Volume (Item) 229: Letters Sent Vol. XVII, 4/6/1907 – 10/17/1907

Bound Volume (Item) 230: Letters Sent Vol. XVIII, 10/17/1907 – 6/23/1908 (through pg. 414)

Microfilm #33

Bound Volume (Item) 230: Letters Sent Vol. XVIII, 10/17/1907 – 6/23/1908 (from pg. 415)

Bound Volume (Item) 231: Letters Sent Vol. XIX, 6/23/1908 – 12/31/1908

Bound Volume (Item) 237: Letters Received Vol. VI, 4/18/1905 – 9/30/1906

Bound Volume (Item) 238: Letters Received Vol. VII, 9/30/1906 – 12/31/1908 (through pg. 208)

Microfilm #34

Bound Volume (Item) 238: Letters Received Vol. VII, 9/30/1906 – 12/31/1908 (from pg. 209)

Bound Volume (Item) 239: Circulars and other instruction to stations, 6/25/1901 – 12/21/1908

Bound Volume (Item) 240: Special – Y.L. Boat Company, 9/10/1904 – 10/30/1908

Bound Volume (Item) 241: Letters (signed by US Commissioner, JW Meldrum), 8/7/1894 – 8/17/1907

Bound Volume (Item) 242: Letters (signed by US Commissioner, JW Meldrum), 8/17/1907 – 1/8/1918

Bound Volume (Item) 140: Lists of property, summaries of camping parties, letters regarding transportation companies, permits issued, 1884 – 1899

Bound Volume (Item) 142: Appropriation for the Protection and Improvement of Yellowstone National Park, WY 1884. Journal of Acting Superintendent – Yellowstone National Park, 6/1/1903 – 8/14/1921 (through pg. 29)

Microfilm #35

Bound Volume (Item) 142: Appropriation for the Protection and Improvement of Yellowstone National Park, WY 1884. Journal of Acting Superintendent – Yellowstone National Park, 6/1/1903 – 8/14/1921 (from pg. 30)

Bound Volume (Item) 143: Inventory of Interior Department Property, 1885. Journal of Acting Superintendent Yellowstone National Park, 1/1/1900 – 5/25/1903

Bound Volume (Item) 145: Record of violations of Rules and Regulations, 1887 – 1921

Bound Volume (Item) 147: The United States in Account with Quartermaster, US Army at Yellowstone National Park, 6/20/1895 – 6/27/1917

Bound Volume (Item) 148: vouchers, list of property with specifications for use, proposed bills of fare for government of cooks employed by US Corps of Engineers, list of emergency and temporary employees, 1902 – 1903

Bound Volume (Item) 149: Abstract of Disbursements; Cash Book B; Improvement of Yellowstone National Park, 1892 – 1902

Bound Volume (Item) 150: Disbursements; Improvement of Yellowstone National Park 1903 – 1911

Bound Volume (Item) 151: Cash Book; Receipts and Disbursements; Improvements of Yellowstone National Park, 6/1911 – 11/1915

Bound Volume (Item) 152: Cash Book; Receipts and Disbursements; Improvements of Yellowstone National Park, 12/1915 – 08/1918

Bound Volume (Item) 153: Record of loose stock impounded at Mammoth Hot Springs, 8/1900 – 11/1922

Bound Volume (Item) 157: US Commissioner’s Docket, JW Meldrum, other papers, 08/1894 – 12/1898; 1925 – 1928 (through pg. 29)

Microfilm #36

Bound Volume (Item) 157: US Commissioner’s Docket, JW Meldrum, other papers, 08/1894 – 12/1898; 1925 – 1928 (from pg. 30)

Bound Volume (Item) 158: Record of Automobiles entering and leaving Yellowstone National Park, 1915 – 1916

Bound Volume (Item) 167: Early pictures of government buildings, 1886 – 1912

Bound Volume (Item) 167A: Government register of buildings in Yellowstone National Park

Bound Volume (Item) 168: Memoranda of Game and Fish in Yellowstone National Park, 1890 – 1922

Bound Volume (Item) 169: Records of park travel and list of camping party licenses, 1894 – 1916, guides/transportation

Letter Box 96

   Item 138: Scout Diaries (1 – 11, 13 – 29, 42 – 46, and 30 - 39 [through 5/19/1901 entry])

Microfilm #37

Letter Box 96

   Item 138: Scout Diaries (39 [from 5/19/1901 entry], 40 – 41, 12)

Bound Volume (Item) 159: Automobiles – North Entrance, 1915 – 1917

Bound Volume (Item) 161: Register of camping parties by automobile at Western Entrance, 1915

Bound Volume (Item) 162: Record of auto tickets sold at East Entrance, 1915 – 1917

Bound Volume (Item) 165: records of automobiles entering Yellowstone National Park, Book 3, 1918

Bound Volume (Item) 189: Permanent station record – Upper Basin Record of automobile and fire permits, 6/1/1898 – 9/18/1923; 1922

Bound Volume (Item) 190: Elmer Lindsley, miscellaneous notes, 1890; Register of Camping Parties, 1893

Bound Volume (Item) 191: Register of camping parties – Guard House (Mammoth) 1908

Bound Volume (Item) 192: Register of camping parties – Grand Canyon, 1909 – 1917

Bound Volume (Item) 193: Register of camping parties – Fountain Station, 8/16/1899 – 9/1907

Bound Volume (Item) 194: Register of camping parties (probably Fountain Station or near North Entrance), 7/23/1907 – 11/4/1917 (through pg. 87)

Microfilm #38

Bound Volume (Item) 194: Register of camping parties (probably Fountain Station or near North Entrance), 7/23/1907 – 11/4/1917 (from pg. 88)

Bound Volume (Item) 195: Register of camping parties – Lake Station 6/8/1898 – 7/19/1909

Box D-46

               File: Water Reports, 1918 – 1919

Bound Volume (Item) 196: Register of camping parties – Mammoth, 5/4/1900 – 7/23/1907

Bound Volume (Item) 197: Register of camping parties – Guard House (Mammoth) 1908 – 1911

Bound Volume (Item) 198: Register of camping parties – Norris, 1911 – 1917

Bound Volume (Item) 199: Register of camping parties – (probably West Entrance), 6/2/1898 – 7/31/1907 (through pg. 101)

Microfilm #39

Bound Volume (Item) 199: Register of camping parties – (probably West Entrance), 6/2/1898 – 7/31/1907 (from pg. 100)

Bound Volume (Item) 200: Register of camping parties – Riverside Station, 8/1/1907 – 11/3/1914

Bound Volume (Item) 201: Register of camping parties – (probably Riverside Station), 4/7/1915 – 9/29/1917

Bound Volume (Item) 202: Register of camping parties – (probably Snake River Station), 8/17/1914 – 8/26/1923

Bound Volume (Item) 203: Register of camping parties – Soda Butte Station, 4/1/1898 – 9/21/1915

Bound Volume (Item) 204: Register of camping parties – Sylvan Pass Station, 7/25/1903 – 9/24/1917

Bound Volume (Item) 205: Register of camping parties – Thumb Station, 8/3/1908 – 1918 (through pg. 137)

Microfilm #40

Bound Volume (Item) 205: Register of camping parties – Thumb Station, 8/3/1908 – 1918 (from pg. 138)

Bound Volume (Item) 206: Register of camping parties – Tower Falls Station, 10/1909 – 10/30/1919; also some 1924 entries

Bound Volume (Item) 207: Register of camping parties – Upper Basin, 6/1/1898 – 7/5/1922

Bound Volume (Item) 208: register of passengers carried by licensed transportation, 6/3/1902 – 7/12/1909

Bound Volume (Item) 209: Register of passengers carried by licensed transportation, 7/12/1909 – 7/10/1910

Bound Volume (Item) 210: Register of passengers carried by licensed transportation, 7/10/1915 – 6/16/1920

Microfilm #41

Bound Volume (Item) 211: Register of passengers carried by licensed transportation, 6/17/1898 – 9/15/1914

Bound Volume (Item) 212: Register for the Wylie Permanent Camping Company, 1906 – 1918

Letter Box 98

Item 243: Corps of Engineers Monthly Reports, 4/1903 – 12/1914

Letter Box 99

Item 243: Corps of Engineers Monthly Reports, 1/1915 – 6/1918, 5/1918 Letters regarding Gardiner/North Entrance Road., 7/1915 Barometer Elevations, Cody Road to Lake Junction.

Letter Box 100

Item 243: Corps of Engineers Annual Reports, 1900 – 1918

Microfilm #42

   Letter Box 75

Item 114: Weekly Reports, Bechler, 07/1910 – 11/1916

   Letter Box 76

Item 115: Weekly Reports, Canyon, 07/1910 – 10/1917

   Letter Box 77

Item 116: Weekly Reports, Crevice, 07/1910 – 11/1917

   Letter Box 78

Item 117: Weekly Reports, Fountain, 07/1910 – 09/1916

   Letter Box 79

Item 118: Weekly Reports, Gallatin, 07/1910 – 12/1917

   Letter Box 80

Item 119: Weekly Reports, Gardiner, 07/1910 – 01/1918

   Letter Box 81

Item 120: Weekly Reports, Lake, 08/1911 – 12/1915

Microfilm #43

   Letter Box 81

Item 120: Weekly Reports, Lake, 07/1910 – 07/1911

Item 121: Weekly Reports, Lake 08/1916 – 11/1917

   Letter Box 82   

Item 122: Weekly Reports, Norris, 07/1910 – 12/1915

   Letter Box 83

Item 123: Weekly Report, Riverside 07/1910 – 12/1915

   Letter Box 84

Item 124: Weekly Reports, Snake River, 07/1910 – 12/1915

   Letter Box 85

               Item 125: Weekly Reports, Soda Butte, 07/1910 – 12/1915

   Letter Box 86

Item 126: Weekly Reports, Sylvan, 07/1910 – 12/1915

   Letter Box 87

Item 127: Weekly Reports, West Thumb, 07/1910 – 09/1916

   Letter Box 88

               Item 128: Weekly Reports, Tower, 07/1910 – 12/1915

   Letter Box 89

               Item 129: Weekly Reports, Upper Basin, 07/1910 – 09/1916

   No Letter Box

               Item 130: Monthly Reports, Canyon (07/1897 – 10/1917) and Fountain (10/1893 – 1/1905)

Microfilm #44

   No Letter Box

Item 130: Monthly Reports, Fountain (10/1893 – 10/1917)

Item 131: Monthly Reports, Mud Geyser (1895 - 1898), Lake (1897 – 1910), Crevice (1917), Bechler River (1910 [or 1917]), Knowles Cabin (1910), Gardiner (1895 – 1917), Gallatin ( 1910, 1917)

Item 132: Monthly Reports, Norris (05/1895 – 5/1910), Riverside (10/1893 – 06/1910)

Item 133: Monthly Reports, Tower Fall (10/1903 – 07/1917), Sylvan Pass (07/1903 – 06/1910), Swan Lake (1898), Snake River (08/1894 – 16/1910)

Item 134: Monthly Reports, Upper Geyser Basin (06/1895 – 07/1917), Thumb (09/1898 – 10/1917)

Microfilm #45

   No Letter Box

Item 134: Monthly Reports, Thumb (08/1898), Soda Butte (04/1894 – 03/1918)

Item 135: Monthly Reports, Bechler (October, no year), Upper Geyser Basin (11/1907 – 12/1908), Thumb (06/1908 – 09/1908), Sylvan Pass (11/1907 – 12/1908), Canyon (06/1908 – 09/1908), Tower Falls (11/1908 – 12/1908), Fountain 06/1908 – 9/1917), Gallatin (04/1908 – 09/1917), Lake 07/1907 – 02/1918), Norris (11/1897 – 12/1917), Riverside (11/1897 [or 1907] – 12/1898 [or 1908]), Gardiner (11/1897 [or 1907] – 03/1918), Soda Butte (05/1908 – 03/1918), Tower ( - 04/1908), Soda Butte (11/1907 – 04/1908), Snake River (04/1908 – 12/1908)

Bound Volume (Item) 170: Permanent Station Records – Fountain (Lower Basin), 1898 – 1908

Bound Volume (Item) 171: Permanent Station Records – Gallatin, 1910 – 1917

Bound Volume (Item) 172: Permanent Station Records – Gardiner, 1903 – 1915

Bound Volume (Item) 173: Permanent Station Records – Lake, 1898 – 1911

Bound Volume (Item) 174: Permanent Station Records – Lake, 1911 – 1931 (through pg. 239)

Microfilm #46

Bound Volume (Item) 174: Permanent Station Records – Lake, 1911 – 1931 (from pg. 238)

Bound Volume (Item) 175: Permanent Station Records – Lower Basin (Fountain), 1908 – 1918

Bound Volume (Item) 176: Permanent Station Records – Norris, 1911 – 1921

Bound Volume (Item) 177: Permanent Station Records – Riverside, 1898 – 1910

Bound Volume (Item) 178: Permanent Station Records – Riverside, 1910 – 1920

Bound Volume (Item) 179: Permanent Station Records – Snake River, 1914 – 1922

Bound Volume (Item) 180: Permanent Station Records – Soda Butte, 1894 – 1899

Bound Volume (Item) 181: Permanent Station Records – Soda Butte, 1899 – 1910 (through pg. 144)

Microfilm #47

Bound Volume (Item) 181: Permanent Station Records – Soda Butte, 1899 – 1910 (from pg. 144)

Bound Volume (Item) 182: Permanent Station Records – Soda Butte, 1911 – 1913

Bound Volume (Item) 183: Permanent Station Records – Soda Butte, 1913 – 1919

Bound Volume (Item) 184: Permanent Station Records – Sylvan Pass, 1903 – 1924

Bound Volume (Item) 185: Permanent Station Records – Thumb, 1898 – 1916

Bound Volume (Item) 186: Permanent Station Records – Thumb, 1916 – 1924

Bound Volume (Item) 187: Permanent Station Records – Tower, 1903 – 1919

Bound Volume (Item) 188: Permanent Station Records – Upper Basin, 1899 – 1917

Letter Box 97

               Item 139: Wildlife, 1909 – 1918; C.J. Jones, 1902

                           Folder: Buffalo, 1909 – 1911, File No. 21, 22 (21 relates to the tame herd, 22 to the wild)

                           Folder: Buffalo, 1912 – 1913, File No. 21, 22 (21 relates to the tame herd, 22 to the wild)

Microfilm #48

   Letter Box 97

               Item 139: Wildlife, 1909 – 1918; C.J. Jones, 1902

                           Folder: Animals, 1909 – 1915, File No. 28

File: Animals, Wild, Numbers, Cost and Advisability of Feeding, Condition of Game, and Elk Census, 1914, 1915, File No. 29

Folder: Animals, Wild, Numbers, Cost and Advisability of Feeding, Condition of Game and Elk Census, 1913, File No. 29

Folder: Animals, 1912, File No. 29

Letter Box ?

   Item ?

               Folder: Bison, 1901 – 1904

Letter Box 97

   Item 139: Wildlife, 1909 – 1918, C.J. Jones, 1902

               Folder: C.J. Jones, correspondence, 1902

Bound Volume (Item) 160: Automobiles Entering Yellowstone National Park, West Entrance, 1915 – 1916

Bound Volume (Item) 163: Record of Automobiles entering Yellowstone National park, 1917

Bound Volume (Item) 164: Record of Automobiles entering Yellowstone National Park, 1917 – 1918

Bound Volume (Item) 246: Record of Automobiles in the park, 6/14/1916 – 8/5/1917

Bound Volume (Item) 247: Record of Automobiles in the park, 8/6/1917 – 3/12/1918

Bound Volume (Item) 248: Record of incoming Automobiles at the North Entrance, 6/16/1918 – 7/2/1924

Bound Volume (Item) 249: Record of incoming automobiles at the West Entrance, 6/18/1918 – 10/9/1922

Bound Volume (Item) 250: Record of incoming automobiles at the West Entrance, 6/20/1917 – 7/25/1919

Bound Volume (Item) 146: Bills of Lading, 1909 – 1918, Allotments, 1910 – 1911, War Relief Bureau Subscriptions, 1918, Accounts of the Yellowstone Park Entertainment Club, 1918

Bound Volume (Item) 156: Allotment Book, 1910 – 1911

Box C-17         

               Folder: Ole Anderson, W.W. Wylie, 1896 – 1906, File No. 190

               Folder: Jennie H. Ash, George Whittaker, 1895 – 1908, File No. 190

               Folder: F.J. Haynes, 1884 – 1908, File No. 190

               Folder: Helen L. and Walter J. Henderson, 1880’s, File No. 190

   Folder: Henry Klamer, 1895 – 1914, File No. 190

Box C-16            

Folder: Henry Klamer and C.A. Hamilton, 1899 – 1915, File No. 190

Box C-17         

Folder: Alexander Lyall, 1900 – 1911, File No. 190

               Folder: G. W. Marshall and G.G. Henderson, 1884, File No. 190

Box C-16         

               Folder: David B. May, 1890, File No. 190

               Folder: Eleanor N. McGowan, E. Wilson/W. Nichols, 1884, File No. 190

Folder: George and Anna Pryor (Pryor & Pryor), Holm Transportation Company, 1908 – 1918, File No. 190

Folder: George Whittaker, 1913, File No. 190

Folder: John Yancey, 1884, File No. 190

Folder: T. E. Hofer, Yellowstone Lake Boat Company, 1882 – 1907, File No. 190

Folder: Yellowstone Park Association, 1885 – 1910, File No. 190

Microfilm #49

   Box C-16         

Folder: Yellowstone Park Association, 1885 – 1910, File No. 190

   Box C-17         

Folder: C.T. Hobart, Yellowstone Park Improvement Company, 1882 – 1886, File No. 190

   Box C-16 and C-17 – Assorted Concessionaires, File No. 190

Bound Volume (Item) 251: Register of camping parties by automobiles at West Entrance, 6/20/1917 – 8/19/1917, File No. 200 (Army) and 305 (Haines)

Bound Volume (Item) 252: Register of camping parties by automobiles at West Entrance, 8/20/1917 – 9/30/1917, File No. 200 (Army) and 306 (Haines)

Letter Box 71

Item 112: Conducted camping parties, Camping party licenses 1915 – 1917, File No. 201 (Army) and 112 – 113 (Haines)

Bound Volume (Item) 144: Personal Property Book of General Prisoners, 1908, File No. 280

Letter Box 94

Item 136: Rules, Regulations and Instructions for the Information and Guidance of Officers and Enlisted Men of the United States Army, and of the Scouts doing Duty in Yellowstone national Park (“The Little Red Book”), File No. 300

Letter Box 31

   Item 64

               Folder: Laws and Regulations, 1904 – 1915, File No. 300

               Folder: Regulations and Laws, Dept. etc., 1914 – 1915, File No. 300

Letter Box 101

   Item 243: Corps of Engineers Reports

               Folder: 332.1 Discussions of Bighorn Pass Road Proposals, 1904 – 1929

Letter Box 72

   Item 113: Road and Trails, 1912 – 1918

               Folder: Notes on Trail Study in Yellowstone Park, 1917, by Alice P. Morris, File No. 332.4

Letter Box 101

   Item 243: Corps of Engineers Reports

Folder: Buildings, 1900 – 1915

Folder: Miscellaneous Reports, 1903 – 1916 including Miscellaneous Reports on Park Travel, 1909, File No. 311

Folder: Random Correspondence, 1899 – 1917

Folder: US Engineers/US Quartermaster, Property Transfer, 1918

Bound Volume (Item) 166: Ledger Book, Allotments, 1906 – 1918

Letter Box 72

   Item 113: Roads and Trails

Folder: Roads, Construction, Trails, and Bridges, Park: General Remarks and Instructions, How to Build, Conference, etc., File No. 340

Letter Box 101

   Item 243: Corps of Engineers Reports

Folder; Personnel: Officer in Charge, etc., and his Relations to the Park Superintendent, 1915 – 1918, File No. 341

Box D-46

Folder: Telephone Lines, 1917 – 1919, File No. 342

Letter Box 72

Item 113: Roads and Trails

Folder: Development and Construction Trails, 1917 – 1919, File No. 342

Folder: Roads, Trails, Bridges, etc., Estimates, Conditions, Needs of, etc., File No. 342

Folder: Opening Roads, 1916, File No. 342

Folder: Opening Roads, 1917, File No. 342

Folder: Approach Roads, 1918, File No. 342

Folder: Trails in Park, 1915 – 1917,

File No. 348

   Letter Box 95

               Item 137: Surveys of Park Boundaries, File No. 400

   Box D-46

Folder: 480 – Waters and Sanitation                  

Article by Aubrey Haines, “The Yellowstone Archives: A Unique Source of History”

M.A. Thesis by Paul Schullery, “The Yellowstone Archives, Past, Present, and Future” (Ohio University, 1975)


Item 110: Army Card File: Name Index, A through L, 1909 – 1914

Item 111: Army Card File: Name Index, M through Z, 1909 – 1914

Bound Volume (Item) 244: Log Book: Register of Camping Parties

Bound Volume (Item) 245: Untitled gray and maroon ledger

Lake Trout Illustration  

Did You Know?
Lake trout are an invasive species of fish that is decimating the native cutthroat trout population in Yellowstone Lake.

Last Updated: September 23, 2008 at 13:44 EST