US Imports of Steel Mill Products
HTS Code All Products
Quantities in Metric Tons

  JAN09 FEB09 MAR09 APR09
Product HTS Description Tons AUV
Tons AUV
Tons AUV
Tons AUV
All Products All Products 40.3 $7,754.55 475.1 $4,461.00 58.2 $5,447.51 192.4 $2,924.65
730423 Drill Pipe, O/T Stainless Steel, Smls, For Use In Drilling For Oil Or Gas . . 388.8 $4,387.54 . . . .
730429 CASING AND TUBING,OIL,GAS DRILLING, IRON OR STEEL . . . . . . 116.3 $2,160.19
730451 OTH TB PS HLW PFL ALY STL NT SS SMLS CIRC CS CD-WK 20.4 $10985.34 20.4 $10985.32 31.2 $6,249.60 9.7 $11595.49
730640 PIPE ETC NESOI, WELD CIR CR SECT, STAINLESS STEEL 19.9 $4,434.87 15.2 $4,466.69 . . 20.4 $3,812.70
721934 FLT-RLD STNLS STL 600MM OM W CLD-RLD .5-1 MM THCK . . 48.4 $2,261.46 . . . .
720851 FLT-HOT-ROLL IRN,NONALY ST,NOT COIL>10MM THK,NESOI . . . . . . 46.0 $2,300.03
722230 OTHER BARS AND RODS STAINLESS STEEL, NESOI . . . . 27.0 $3,621.28 . .
730629 Casing/Tubing,I/S, Wld O/T Ss, Riveted Or Sim Clsd, Nes, For Oil/Gas Drilling . . 2.2 $1,324.37 . . . .
722219 OTH BARS & RODS STNLESS STEEL HR NT CIRC CROSS-SEC . . 0.1 $1,822.55 . . . .
720690 IRON AND NONALLOY STEEL, PRIMARY FORMS NOT INGOTS . . 0.0 896000.00 0.0 918260.87 0.0 800000.00
730690 PIPES ETC NESOI, RIVETED ETC, OF IRON OR STEEL . . . . 0.0 475000.00 . .
721730 WIRE OF IRN,NOAL ST, PLTED OR CTD BASE METAL,NESOI . . . . . . 0.0 8660510.0

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: May 5, 2009, with
Licensing data collected through May 5, 2009
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during the reported period
Data extracted from the import licenses are not official Census data
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