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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

September 30, 2005 TP05-20




School Enrollment — Social and Economic Characteristics of Students: October 2004 — Latest national tabulations on the characteristics of the more than 75 million people ages 3 years and over who were in classrooms in 2004 from nursery school to college. (Scheduled for release October 3.)

Computer and Internet Use in the United States: 2003 — Information on households with computers and Internet connections — nationally, regionally and by state. Specifically, the demographics of who’s online and how they’re using their computers and the Internet. (Tentatively scheduled for release early-October.)

Residential Finance Survey: 2001 — Report sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development updates a similar report from a decade earlier, with national and regional information on the financing of homeowner and rental properties. Information on the ways in which mortgages are obtained, property expenses and the effect of Americans age 55 and older on the housing finance market. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-October.)

Current Population Survey Data Collection — In November, Census Bureau field representatives will begin visiting randomly selected households for the Current Population Survey’s update of employment data. (Tentatively scheduled for release late-October.)



2002 Economic Census of Island Areas: Puerto Rico Manufacturing — Information on the number of businesses and employees, payroll, value of shipments and other topics pertaining to the manufacturing sector of Puerto Rico’s economy. A construction report and a geographic areas report are scheduled for release later this year. The geographic areas report will contain information for all other sectors of Puerto Rico’s economy covered in the 2002 Economic Census. (Tentatively scheduled for release early-October.)

2002 Economic Census: Geographic Area Series — Data for states, metropolitan areas, counties and cities — published by state and industry sector. Information on the number of establishments and employees; payroll; and sales and receipts or value of shipments. Released on a flow basis at <>.

Facts for Features

Facts for Features: The Holiday Season — Data from the Census Bureau’s demographic and economic subject areas pertaining to the end-of-the-year holidays. (Tentatively scheduled for release late-October.)

Recently Released
(Since Sept. 16, 2005)



Statistical Profile of Areas in Hurricane Rita’s Path Now Available on Census Bureau Web Site — 9/23/05 — Internet address:




Census Bureau Awards $500 Million Contract — 9/26/05 — Internet address:

We the People: Hispanics in the United States — Spanish version (Nosotros: Hispanos en los Estados Unidos) — 9/19/05 — Internet address: <>.


Survey of Income and Program Participation Data Collection — 9/28/05 — Internet address: <>.

Data Collection for Quarterly Consumer Expenditure Survey — 9/28/05 — Internet address: <>.

Estimates and Projections

Population Change in Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas: 1990-2003 — 9/22/05 — Internet address:



Nonemployer Statistics: 2003 — 9/30/05 — Internet address:

2004 State and Local Government Employee-Retirement Systems — 9/28/05 — Internet address: <>.

Facts for Features

Facts for Features: Thanksgiving Day — 9/26/05 — Internet address:



Profile America and Al Dia (Spanish) for October — 9/30/05 — Internet address: <>.

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at (301) 763-3030; fax (301) 457-3670; or e-mail <>.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009