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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

August 5, 2005 TP05-16




We the People: Pacific Islanders in the United States — A national-level demographic, social and economic portrait of the largest detailed Pacific islander groups: native Hawaiian, Samoan, Guamanian or Chamorro, Fijian, Tongan and Marshallese. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-August.)

Examining American Household Composition: 1990 and 2000 — Part of a series of Census 2000 special reports, addresses the growing complexity of U.S. households and alternative ways to highlight that complexity. Uses a “partner” or “nonpartner” household classification and measures change in these categories for the first time, including by whether or not children are present in the household. Also, includes the first tabulations of households by the number of generations present. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-August.)

We the People: Blacks in the United States — A demographic, social and economic portrait of the more than 36 million people who identified themselves as black or African American in Census 2000. The special report also discusses differences between men and women within the black population at the national level. (Tentatively scheduled for release late-August.)



Estimates of State and County Population by Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin: July 1, 2004 — Population estimates by these demographic characteristics for the nation’s states and 3,141 counties. (Scheduled for release on Aug. 11.)

Income, Poverty, Health Insurance Coverage and American Community Survey: 2004 — On Aug. 30, the Census Bureau will hold a news conference to release the consolidated report on 2004 money income, poverty and health insurance coverage for the nation — results based on the Current Population Survey. Released simultaneously, will be tabulations on various socioeconomic characteristics of the population, from the 2004 American Community Survey, for states and other areas with populations of 250,000 or more; many of these statistics will be included in a separate report on income, earnings and poverty. (Scheduled for release on
Aug. 30.)

What’s It Worth: Field of Training and Economic Status: 2001 — An update on the value of an education, with national earnings data for men and women by level of educational attainment. Data provided by race and Hispanic origin as well. Includes a section of the amount of time it takes people to complete degrees beyond high school. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-August.)

Facts for Features: Halloween — Statistics from the Census Bureau’s demographic and economic subject areas pertaining to Halloween 2005. (Tentatively scheduled for release late-August.)

Population Change in Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas: 1990-2003 — Examines the populations of U.S. metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas, focusing on the most populous and fastest-growing areas. Analysis uses the December 2003 Office of Management and Budget’s definitions of core-based statistical areas. (Tentatively scheduled for release late-August.)

Facts for Features: American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month (November) — Statistics from the Census Bureau’s demographic and economic subject areas on the nation’s American Indian and Alaska native population, whom we celebrate in November. (Tentatively scheduled for release early-September.)



2002 Economic Census of Island Areas: Puerto Rico Manufacturing — Information on the number of businesses and employees, payroll, value of shipments and other information pertaining to the manufacturing sector of Puerto Rico’s economy. A construction report is scheduled for release later this year, and a geographic areas report to be released later this year will contain information for all other sectors of Puerto Rico’s economy covered in the 2002 Economic Census. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-August.)

2002 Economic Census: Geographic Area Series — Data for states, metropolitan areas, counties and cities — published by state and industry sector. Information on the number of establishments and employees; payroll; and sales and receipts or value of shipments. Released on a flow basis at <>.


2003 County Business Patterns — Contains a variety of information on businesses in more than 1,100 industries for the nation, states and counties. Includes data on the number of establishments and employees and quarterly and annual payroll. (Scheduled for release on Aug. 8.)



Profile America and Al Dia (Spanish) for September — Upcoming segments include “Our Farm Heritage” (Sept. 1), “Changing the Calendar” (Sept. 2) and “Worst U.S. Hurricane” (Sept. 8). The entire set of August daily features will go live on Aug. 31 at <>.


Income, Poverty, Health Insurance Coverage and American Community Survey: 2004 — This Aug. 30 news conference will be available via live satellite feed. Satellite coordinates will be included in the upcoming news media advisory.


Income, Poverty, Health Insurance Coverage and American Community Survey: 2004 — This Aug. 30 news conference will be available via live webcast. Access information will be included in the upcoming news media advisory.


Recently Released
(Since July 22, 2005)



Current Population Survey Data Collection — 8/04/05 — Internet address:

Living Arrangements of Children: 2001 — 7/26/05 — Internet address:


Preliminary Estimates of Business Ownership by Gender, Hispanic or Latino Origin, and Race: 2002 — 7/28/05 — Internet address:



Profile America and Al Dia (Spanish) for August — 7/29/05 — Internet address:

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at
(301) 763-3030; fax (301) 457-3670; or e-mail <>.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009