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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

March 18, 2005 TP05-06




Commute-to-Work Rankings — American Community Survey data for areas of 250,000 or more population on the average amount of time it takes to commute to work. States, counties and cities with populations of this size are ranked by average commute-to-work time and the percentage of residents commuters who experience “extreme commutes” of 90 or more minutes. (Scheduled for release on March 30.)

American Community Survey Data Collection — Demographic, social, economic and housing information, usually collected every 10 years, now is being collected monthly from a rolling sample of about 250,000 households across the United States and Puerto Rico. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 20.)



Educational Attainment in the United States: 2004 — Internet tables detailing education levels by race, Hispanic origin, gender, age and other demographic characteristics at the national level. Includes some state-level tabulations. (Scheduled for release on March 28.)

Facts for Features: Older Americans Month — Data from the Census Bureau’s demographic subject areas about people 65 and over, who are honored in May. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 20.)

Facts for Features: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month — Statistical information from the Census Bureau’s demographic subject areas about the Asian and native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander populations, whose heritage is celebrated in May. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 20.)

Local Employment Dynamics: A Profile of Older Workers — These reports focus on older workers by industry, their age, job gains and losses, the industries in which they are concentrated, job stability and earnings. (The report for Pennsylvania is tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 20.)

Facts for Features (Special Edition): National Nurses Week and National Hospital Week — Data from the Census Bureau’s demographic and economic subject areas pertaining to nurses, hospitals and health-insurance coverage. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 20.)

Data Collection for Quarterly Consumer Expenditure Survey — In April, Census Bureau interviewers will contact a national sample of randomly selected households in a survey that measures how much Americans spend on groceries, clothing, health care and housing. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 27.)

School Enrollment Social and Economic Characteristics of Students: October 2003 — Latest national estimates of the number of people in school from nursery school to college with updated information on the impact of baby boomers’ children on the student population. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 27.)

Facts for Features: (Special Edition): Cinco de Mayo — Data from the Census Bureau’s demographic and economic subject areas about one of America’s most popular Latino celebrations, Cinco de Mayo, which pays tribute to Mexico’s cultural heritage. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of April 3.)

State Population Projections by Age and Sex: 2000 to 2030 — Annual population projections by age and sex for each of the nation’s 50 states and the District of Columbia. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of April 3.)

County Population Estimates and Rankings: 2004 — Internet tables showing population estimates, rankings and components of change for the nation’s 3,141 counties and county equivalents since Census 2000 and up to July 1, 2004. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of April 10.)



2002 Economic Census: Geographic Area Series — Data for states, metropolitan areas, counties and cities — published by state and industry sector. Information on the number of establishments and employees; payroll; sales and receipts; or value of shipments. Released on a flow basis at <>.



2003 Annual Survey of Manufactures, Statistics for Industry Groups and Industries — Data on employment and payroll, production workers and wages, cost of materials, value added by manufacturers, value of shipments, total capital expenditures and other measures of manufacturing activity for all manufacturing establishments for 2002 and 2003. (Scheduled for release on March 31.)

2003 Annual Survey of Manufactures, Value of Product Shipments — Annual data for 2002 and 2003 for manufactured products ranging from airplanes to zippers. Leading product classes for which data are provided include light trucks, minivans and sport-utility vehicles, automobiles and integrated microcircuits. (Scheduled for release on March 31.)

2003 State and Local Government Employee-Retirement Systems — Annual data on revenues, expenditures, financial assets and membership for public employee-retirement systems. Data are shown for individual retirement systems as well as aggregately at the national, state and local levels. (Scheduled for release on March 31.)

2004 State Government Tax Collections — Data on tax collections by category, such as severance taxes, occupation and business licenses, individual income taxes, general sales taxes and property taxes, for the nation and states. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of April 10.)



Profile America and Al Dia (Spanish) for April — Upcoming segments include “America’s First License Plate” (April 10) and “Income Tax” (April 14). The entire set of April daily features will go live on March 31 at <>.


Recently Released
(Since March 4, 2005)



We the People of Arab Ancestry in the United States — 03/08/05 Internet address:


Facts for Features: Mother’s Day — 03/15/05 — Internet address:

Estimates of State and Puerto Rico Populations by Age and Sex: July 1, 2004 — 03/10/05 — Internet address: <>.



2003 Annual Survey of Local Government Finances – School Systems — 03/17/05 Internet address: <>.

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau's Public Information Office at (301) 763-3030; fax (301) 457-3670; or e-mail <>.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009