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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

August 8, 2003 TP03-16




Census 2000: County-to-County Migration Flow Files — Inflow and outflow files for each state and county in the country, showing most popular counties of origin for in-migrants and most popular counties of destination for out-migrants. Current county of residence is based on where person was living on April 1, 2000. Previous county of residence is based on where the person was living five years earlier. Files include every combination of county-to-county migration flows of at least one person. Excel and ASCII formats. (Database scheduled to be activated Aug. 11.)

Census Brief: Occupations: 2000 — Analysis of civilian population 16 years old and older for nation, regions, states, counties and selected metropolitan areas. Also, occupations by sex, race, Hispanic origin and industry. (Scheduled for release on Aug. 11.)

Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files (5 Percent) — State files, released on a flow basis, provide a 5 percent sample of complete Census 2000 long-form questionnaires (without names or addresses) for Public Use Microdata Sample Areas (metropolitan areas, large cities and large counties or groups of smaller counties) that meet a minimum population threshold of 100,000. To protect confidentiality, some characteristic information for smaller areas is less detailed than in the PUMS 1 percent files. The population threshold allows for comparability with PUMS files from 1980 and 1990. (Scheduled for release on Aug.13: Florida, New Jersey and New York.)

Census Brief: Educational Attainment: 2000 Summary data on high school and college attendance and completion, for nation, region and states. Other tabulations cover educational attainment by various age groups, completion levels for men and women as well as race and ethnicity. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 10.)

Special Report: Adopted Children and Stepchildren: 2000 — First-ever profile of America's adopted children and their families based on data from Census 2000. National and state summaries on adopted children, stepchildren and biological children. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 24.)

Census Brief: Housing Costs of Homeowners: 2000 — Mortgage status, selected monthly owner costs and their share of household income in 1999. Summaries for regions, states and large cities, with data on homeowners by age, race and Hispanic origin. Also, housing characteristics such as year structure was built. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 24.)

Census Brief: The Arab Population: 2000 — National, regional, state, county and selected place-level data on people who reported an Arab ancestry, with additional information on the largest Arab groups. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 24.)

Census Brief: School Enrollment: 2000 — Data on school enrollment by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, high school dropout rates by race and Hispanic origin, and private elementary and high school enrollment. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 24.)

Census Brief: Geographical Mobility: 1995-2000 — Moving rates and types of moves of the 5-and-older population for the nation, regions, states (including Puerto Rico), counties and selected metropolitan areas. Also shows movers by race and Hispanic origin. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 31.)


A Child's Day: 2000 (Selected Indicators of Child Well-Being) Data on how children of various ages spend their days, e.g., how often family members read to preschoolers, what percentage of children are subject to restrictions on their TV watching and what percentage of teenagers participate in sports. (Scheduled for release on Aug. 11.)

Facts for Features: Back to School — Statistics from the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas pertaining to teachers, students and the reopening of schools. Similar Facts for Features commemorate other events or holidays through the year. (Scheduled for release on Aug. 11.)

Facts for Features: Labor Day — Statistics from the Census Bureau's demographic subject areas pertaining to the nation's labor force. Similar Facts for Features commemorate other events or holidays through the year. (Scheduled for release on Aug. 18.)

Facts for Features: Hispanic Heritage Month — Statistics from the Census Bureau's demographic subject areas pertaining to the nation's Hispanic population. (Scheduled for release on Sept. 2.)

Estimates of State Populations by Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin: July 1, 2002 — Population estimates for states by these demographic characteristics. First such estimates for states since Census 2000. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 24.)

Facts for Features: Grandparents Day — Statistics from the Census Bureau's demographic subject areas pertaining to grandparents and their living arrangements. (Scheduled for release the week of Aug. 24.)

Mini Historical Statistics — Series of 55 tables with historical statistics on demographic and economic topics such as population, education, immigration, crime, energy supply, stock prices and federal government receipts. Many of the tables contain data dating back to 1900. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 24.)

School Enrollment Social and Economic Characteristics of Students: October 2001 — National tables ranging from preprimary schools to colleges and vocational schools, with data on men and women by age, race and Hispanic origin. Characteristics include nativity, family income and employment status. Historical information also included. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 24.)

Dynamics of Economic Well-Being: Spells of Unemployment, 1996-1999 — National report on how long spells of unemployment experienced from January 1996 through December 1999 lasted. Data are for men and women, by race, Hispanic origin, age and educational attainment. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 31.)


Nonemployer Statistics: 2001 — Data on businesses without paid employees, including number of establishments and receipts for 300 industries, summarized for the nation and states. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Sept. 1.)

2001 State and Local Government Finances — Summary data showing detailed revenue by type and source, such as taxes, charges and federal aid; expenditure by function (e.g., police, fire and education); and cash and security holdings; for the nation and by level of government. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Aug. 17.)


Back to School — This video news release highlights the latest Census Bureau data about the nation's students. Available via satellite. The VNR also will be available for preview and online ordering as part of a multimedia package that includes downloadable photos, audio files, text and links to detailed tables and news releases. Look for "Back to School" on the Census Bureau homepage. (Scheduled for release on Aug. 19.)

Recently Released



Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) File: 5 Percent — 8/06/03 — State files released: Rhode Island, Vermont and Wyoming. Internet address: <>.

Special Reports: Gross Migration Summaries: 2000 — 8/06/03 — Internet address: <>.

Census 2000 Minor Civil Division/County to Minor Civil Division/County Worker Flow Files — 7/25/03 — Internet address: <>.

Census 2000 Summary File 4 —State files released: 7/16/03 — Kansas, Kentucky, Nevada and Oklahoma; 7/23/03 — Alabama, Minnesota, Nebraska and Ohio; and 7/30/03 — District of Columbia, Rhode Island and U.S. summary. Internet address: <>.

Population and Housing Unit Counts (PHC-3) — A list of states for which PHC-3 reports have been released is on the Internet at <>.


2002 Population Estimates of U.S. Island Areas — 8/08/03 — Internet address: <>.

Supplemental Security Income and Its Noninstitutional Recipients: July 1997 and 1999 — 8/05/03 — Internet address: <>.

Dynamics of Economic Well-Being: Poverty 1996-1999 — 7/31/03 — Internet address: <>.


2002 Survey of Business Owners 7/31/03 — Internet address:



The Profile America CD for August 2003 is in distribution. This series of 60-second features, one for each day of the month, is heard on more than 500 stations across the country and on Armed Forces Radio around the world. Each feature is keyed to an event whose anniversary or observance is celebrated on the air date. August's "Profile America" includes the "Home of the Hamburger Celebration," the anniversary of "American Bandstand," the invention of the sewing machine and the first photocopier.

Audio and text features for July are still available online at the address below, including the launching of Medicare and the first open-heart surgery. September's CD is in production, and will soon be available online with such topics as Oddball Festivals and Hispanic Heritage Month.

A companion program "Al Dia" is produced for Spanish-language stations. Copies of these programs are available by calling (301) 763-2806 or e-mailing your request to <>.

Audio and text — suitable for print features — for both "Profile America" and "Al Dia" also are available on the Internet at <>.


Preview online versions of video news releases via streaming video posted under the Public Information Office's multimedia pages. Archived files include "Traffic Safety," "Older Americans" and "Cinco de Mayo," to name a few. Go to <> and click on "Multimedia" beneath the "Radio/TV" link.


Even though the calendar — and the thermometer — may say it's still summer, in many towns and cities across the nation, the first signs of a big seasonal change are appearing. See our newest "Feature Photo of the Month, which shows children on their way to school. Go to <> and click on "Photos" (under the "Newsroom" heading).


Designed as a "one-stop shop" for broadcasters and publishers, the multimedia pages contain digital downloadable photo images, radio sound bites, streaming video and related tables and information. Currently available: "Traffic Safety," "Race and Hispanic Origin," "Older Americans," "Cinco de Mayo" and "Women's History Month." Go to <> and look for "Multimedia" under the "Radio/TV" link.


For a complete listing of news releases, radio transcripts and the contents of the Public Information Office's Internet page, call our 24-hour Fax-on-Demand number on (888) 206-6463. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau's Public Information Office: telephone (301) 763-3030; fax (301) 457-3670; or e-mail <>.
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009