764 Mail of Foreign Origin

764.1 Forwarding Within the United States

764.11 Mail Other Than Periodicals and Parcels

Except for periodicals and parcels, items received by surface may be forwarded within the United States by surface and items received by air may be forwarded within the United States by air without an additional postage charge or fee, unless there is a notation forbidding their being forwarded.

764.12 Periodicals
764.121 Periodicals from Canada

Periodicals Mail publications from Canada are forwarded in the same manner as domestic Periodicals Mail (see DMM 507).

764.122 Periodicals from Other Countries

Periodicals from all other countries will be forwarded, at no charge, for 60 days from the effective date of the change–of–address order. If the periodical is received after the 60–day forwarding period, the Post Office facility of original destination address must handle it as follows:

  1. If it bears the sender’s request for return, it must be endorsed “MOVED, NOT FORWARDABLE,” and returned to origin.
  2. All other periodicals and any subsequent copies received must be disposed of as waste.
  3. At no time will an address correction notice be provided to the mailer.
764.13 Parcels
764.131 Surface
  1. A parcel may be forwarded to the original addressee or to an alternate addressee at another Post Office facility in the United States by surface transportation, subject to collection on delivery of postage at the U.S. domestic zone price.
  2. The Post Office facility forwarding a parcel by surface in the United States must mark the wrapper “POSTAGE DUE,” and indicate the amount of domestic postage necessary for forwarding and any applicable storage charges.
  3. When delivering a forwarded parcel, the Post Office facility must collect the necessary amount for domestic transmission, even if the Postage Due marking is omitted. The customs clearance and delivery fee described in 712 is also collected on any forwarded, dutiable parcel.
764.132 Air

Forwarding by air must be prepaid.

764.2 Forwarding to Another Country

764.21 Mail Other than Periodicals and Parcels
764.211 General

Items may be forwarded to another country if that country accepts mail of the classification involved.

764.212 Method of Forwarding

Airmail letters and cards marked “PRIORITY,” which do not bear instructions forbidding their forwarding, are forwarded by air without additional postage. Surface and all other items and parcels are forwarded by surface.

764.22 Periodicals

The provisions of 764.12 apply in the case of publications addressed to persons who have filed a change of address to another country.

764.23 Parcels
764.231 Forwarding by Surface Mail

If the addressee has moved to the country of the parcel’s origin and no instructions are given to deliver to a second addressee in the United States, the Post Office facility will mark the parcel “MOVED,” show the forwarding address of the addressee, and send it by surface transportation, including parcels originally received by air, after crossing out the “PAR AVION” label or other airmail marking, to the appropriate exchange office for return to the country of origin.

764.232 Delivery to an Alternate Addressee

If the addressee has moved to a third country or if the sender has included instructions for delivery to an alternate addressee in a third country, the Post Office facility must hold the parcel and request instructions from International Claims, St. Louis ASC, P.O. Box 80146, St. Louis, MO 63180-0146. Requests should include the following information:

  1. Names and addresses of sender and addressee, or alternate addressee.
  2. Weight of the parcel.
  3. Whether the parcel is insured.
  4. Nature and value of the contents as shown on the customs declaration.
764.233 Undeliverable as Addressed Parcels

If the parcel is undeliverable as addressed and (a) sender instructs that, in that event, parcel is to be abandoned, or (b) there is no return address or forwarding address, then handle parcel in accordance with 772.15 and 772.32(c).

764.24 Customs Entry Forms

Detach both copies of Customs Form (CF) 3419, affixed to dutiable mail being forwarded to another country, and treat them as prescribed in 713.32.

764.3 Backstamping

A legible postmark must be applied to (a) the back of letters and to the front of postcards when received missent and (b) to all forwarded or returned items.