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 AVIAN INFLUENZA: Information and On-going Research at the USGS Alaska Science Center
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2006 Workshop Results

Sharp-tailed SandpiperA workshop was held January 18-19, 2006 in Anchorage to discuss surveillance strategies and plans for the early detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Alaska.

Workshop Goal
To develop a field sampling plan, coordinate sample handling and processing, and data management and dissemination for early detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Alaska.


pin Avian Influenza Workshop Summary Report - PDF file 433k

Workshop Handouts

pin CDC: AI Types and Strains [Fact Sheet]

pin NWHC: Handling Wild Birds Guidelines

pin NWHC: Avian Influenza H5N1 Threat [Fact Sheet] - PDF file 416k

pin NWHC: Influenza H5N1 [FAQs]

pin NWHC: Sampling/ Data Protocol - PDF file 64k

pin WDIN: Data System Proposed Core Data Fields - PDF file 53k

Related Links

pin ADF&G: Hunters and AI [Fact Sheet] - PDF file 175k

pin FWS: Resources to AI in Wild Birds

pin NWHC: AI Surveillance - Government Initiates [Fact Sheet] - PDF file 1.2 mb

pin NWHC: Updates and Resources on AI - PDF file 213k

pin WDIN: Gateway to AI Resources

Paul Flint giving a presentation at the WorkshopPresentations

pin  Communications and Web-based Information:Communication Strategies, Fact Sheets, Wildlife Health Bulletins, Safety Guidelines, and other Web-based Resources - P Slota; National Wildlife Health Center (U.S.) - PDF file 2.96 mb

pin  Determine Primary Geographic Areas in Alaska for Sampling Subsistence and Sport Harvested Migratory Birds - T Rothe, R Oates; Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region 7 - PDF file 1.25 mb

pin  Evaluate Likely Geographical Areas in Alaska for Detection of Migratory Birds Mortality Events and Establish Procedures for Surveys - Oates, RM; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region 7 - PDF file 657 kb

pin  Identify Agency/Organization Capabilities for Sampling of Live Migratory Bird Species in Alaska - TC Rothe, RR Leedy; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region 7, Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game - PDF file 377 kb

pin  Interagency Avian Influenza Data Management: Proposed System within the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Wildlife Disease Information Node - J Dein, M Hines, C Marsh; National Biological Information Infrastructure (Project : U.S.) - PDF file 4.85 mb

pin  Large Audience Listening to Alaska Avian Influenza Workshop Presentations - P Slota; National Wildlife Health Center (U.S.) - jpg file 1.02 mb

pin  Procedures for Morbidity/Mortality Investigations: Onsite Field Investigation, Collection and Preservation of Carcasses, and Documentation of Field Data - SD Wright; National Wildlife Health Center (U.S.) - PDF file 1.42 mb

pin  Review Characteristics of Avian Influenza Viruses, and Summarize Laboratory Findings of 2005 Samples - H Ip; National Wildlife Health Center (U.S.) - PDF file 3.06 mb

pin  Review Field Sampling Protocols and Sample Submission to the National Wildlife Health Center - JC Franson; National Wildlife Health Center (U.S.) - PDF file 4.88 mb

pin  Review Landbird and Marine Bird Migration Data and Identify Priority Species and Geographic Locations for Sampling in Alaska - SM Matsuoka, D Irons; V Byrd, C Handel, J Terenzi, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region 7, USGS Alaska Science Center - PDF file 6.0 mb

pin  Review Loon, Waterfowl, and Crane Migration Data and Identify Priority Species and Geographic Locations for Sampling in Alaska - PL Flint; USGS Alaska Science Center - PDF file 5.5 mb

pin  Review Sample Size Requirements for Detection of Virus Prevalence - CM Bunck; National Wildlife Health Center (U.S.) - PDF file 1.54 mb

pin  Review Shorebird Migration Data and Identify Priority Species and Geographic Locations for Sampling in Alaska - Part One - RE Gill, RB Lanctot; USGS Alaska Science Center, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 7 - PDF file 5.14 mb

pin  Review Shorebird Migration Data and Identify Priority Species and Geographic Locations for Sampling in Alaska - Part Two - RE Gill, RB Lanctot; USGS Alaska Science Center, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 7 - PDF file 4.2 mb

pin  Summarize the Process Used to Identify Priority Species Avian Influenza Sampling in Alaska - PL Flint; USGS Alaska Science Center - PDF file 4.02 mb

pin  Summary of the University of Alaska - Fairbanks HPAI Research Program and Plans for Sampling in 2006 - J Runstadler, F Huettmann, G Happ; K Winker, D Causey, University of Alaska Fairbanks - PDF file 1.72 mb


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