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Aspen ecology in Rocky Mountain National Park: Age distribution, genetics, and the effects of elk herbivory

With the exception of Aspen, coniferous species dominate the forests of the Rocky Mountains (Populus tremuloides Michx.; Peet, 2000). The establishment of new aspen stands in the central Rocky Mountains generally follows major disturbances, particularly forest fires, with new stems sprouting from surviving root systems and with rare establishment More...

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Viral Tracking of Wildlife Corridors across the Rocky Mountains

Researchers at the USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) and their collaborators at Penn State University are using viral genetics to estimate contact patterns of mule deer and elk across several states in the Rocky Mountain region. By linking their sampling efforts with chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveys in Montana, Wyoming, More...

  • Feeding time at an elk feedground in Wyoming - March 2008. Photo credit: Vicki Patrek, USGS